I watched Chernobyl Diaries last night and all I've got to say is it was highly predictable.. Sadly I knew what was going to happen almost the entire way which included the end.. When they were there for the third day I knew they were basically dead.. They had a gieger counter and every time it had the alarm warning go off I knew they were getting into a little more of the "hot" zone, getting closer to the melted down reactor. I figured by the time the sun came up the third day that they would be right next to the reactor.. That amount of drama was spared, however the reaction of the two remaining people was that you knew where they were.. Overall this is one of those movies that the preview was the best part of the movies, and it had elements of some of the better movies in this genre.. The idea is placed in the back of your mind, they are by Chernobyl, which makes it that much drama to the movie, makes you know that they can only be there for a limited time and when they are forced to be there overnight it adds to the feeling that this isn't where you want to be for any amount of time.. The ending wasn't a surprise, I won't say what happens but it is a general feeling when they end up in the melted down reactor, just try to guess what happens next..
Chernobyl Diaries was to be one of the three movies coming to be viewed this weekend, but things have a way of not going the way you think they should.. Last weekends three movies were actually two, and why just two you might ask?? Well the two discs got here on time, well actually on Saturday (a rare checking of the mailbox on Saturday showed this) and when I checked the Netflix site it showed the three movies were set to arrive when the two did.. The third disc took a detour.. I felt it was more than likely lost in the mail.. What happened was Monday I took the two discs down to mail them and opened the mail box and there was disc three there.. Well not quite (you had to know there was a ! in there otherwise why write about it).. The third disc wasn't a disc at all, it was the mailing top, the part of the packaging that you tear off to return the disc is the part that has the address to get it to you.. The disc part was torn off somewhere (more than likely at the Netflix sorting depot).. And when I got back home I got on the Netflix site. They had received it, it was returned and they wanted a rating.. Little tough to do when I didn't see it so I reported a problem on their site.. Then I did something that wasn't very good of an idea.. I was afraid that the request for the movie to be sent would count against my three discs so I called them and explained the situation and everything got worked out.. Everybody lived happily ever after.. But wait, you had to know that isn't the case here, you just had to know.. So when I get the three discs yesterday, actually I checked the Netflix site and they had the three discs on my site as one, the one that I reported lost in the shuffle, two the next movie in my queue (ueueue) and the third was .. You guessed the same disc reported lost.. So when I open the first disc, it was the one reported lost.. The second was the disc reported lost and the third was the next movie in the queue.. Ah shit!.. Confusion reigns supreme I guess.. So I thought I'd send the repeat disc back but decided to send them all when I usually send them.. Was this too confusing to understand?? Rat in a maze time..
Badge Henry
Chernobyl Diaries was to be one of the three movies coming to be viewed this weekend, but things have a way of not going the way you think they should.. Last weekends three movies were actually two, and why just two you might ask?? Well the two discs got here on time, well actually on Saturday (a rare checking of the mailbox on Saturday showed this) and when I checked the Netflix site it showed the three movies were set to arrive when the two did.. The third disc took a detour.. I felt it was more than likely lost in the mail.. What happened was Monday I took the two discs down to mail them and opened the mail box and there was disc three there.. Well not quite (you had to know there was a ! in there otherwise why write about it).. The third disc wasn't a disc at all, it was the mailing top, the part of the packaging that you tear off to return the disc is the part that has the address to get it to you.. The disc part was torn off somewhere (more than likely at the Netflix sorting depot).. And when I got back home I got on the Netflix site. They had received it, it was returned and they wanted a rating.. Little tough to do when I didn't see it so I reported a problem on their site.. Then I did something that wasn't very good of an idea.. I was afraid that the request for the movie to be sent would count against my three discs so I called them and explained the situation and everything got worked out.. Everybody lived happily ever after.. But wait, you had to know that isn't the case here, you just had to know.. So when I get the three discs yesterday, actually I checked the Netflix site and they had the three discs on my site as one, the one that I reported lost in the shuffle, two the next movie in my queue (ueueue) and the third was .. You guessed the same disc reported lost.. So when I open the first disc, it was the one reported lost.. The second was the disc reported lost and the third was the next movie in the queue.. Ah shit!.. Confusion reigns supreme I guess.. So I thought I'd send the repeat disc back but decided to send them all when I usually send them.. Was this too confusing to understand?? Rat in a maze time..
Badge Henry
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