Saturday, January 3, 2015

Stop chop and roll

All that good feeling from last week is all gone now.. The past month or so Netflix was on probation and the final movie that was supposed to be Slaughterhouse Five, should have been.. I went with the continuation for two more weeks and just should have known better.. Yep, a disc was cracked.. So disappointed, I thought why could this not have made one (actually two) more weeks before I shut it down..  I have to decide do I want a disc out of order now being so close to being done..  Trying to decide because on the one had the movie sounds fairly good, but on the other hand I sent a cracked disk back in November and got the same movie but in even worse condition and then decided to cut my loses and not try to get that movie, in case the disc I would get back was a melted pile of plastic and bread crumbs..  But now I think the probation has been broken.. Monday I will terminate disc delivery as soon as I get the discs in the return slot of the Netflix dealership.. also known as the post office..  And then that part will be done.. I enjoyed the discs, but have found the movies have become stagnated.. They say people aren't going to the movies (theaters) as much, in fact that has hit a twenty year low..  And the movies I was getting from Netflix kinda showed although while in my hands to decide what movies to get, I did get a lot of modern movies and have found that when I got older movies that I really enjoyed the older stuff more.. Although more often than not I saw where some movies stole from older movies ideas, watching the oldies but goodies made me see where certain ideas were taken.. How certain directors were able to do that was beyond me..

Then we get sick::  Yep, that creeping crud as they all call it has hit mom.. I'm willing to bet I catch it in a few weeks just before the super bowl, like that one year.. The year the Colts under one QB Manning, won the super bowl and I remembered the national anthem, the kickoff and then a few plays here and there and that was it..  I felt horrible and was that way for a solid week.  There was a point where I went to the bathroom and it was pink.. Yikes, what the HELL does that mean??  I instantly drank a glass of water and within minutes started feeling a whole lot better.. Amazing when the kidneys are kick started how quickly I can feel so much better..    The moral of this story is drink liquids.. and keep kleenex very handy..

Badge Henry

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