This past weekend movies, final three as it turns out, didn't look like the best way to end the Netflix disc era but as it turns out, this was the best way for this to end.. First the movie that was damaged in shipment, The Face Of Love
This looked like a really good movie with the great Anette Benning and Ed Harris, it just looked like the movie to see.. It would have been Saturday mornings fair BUTtt of course it was cracked and I thought, better let them know, which I was doing Friday after receiving the movie as damaged but then you can't claim a disc damaged if you get it a day early.. That gave me a day to think weather I wanted to bother with termination day fast approaching.. I then decided rather than have a disc out of rotation that I would pass and let this be my gift to Netflix... Screw them I'm done..
The last movie, watched Sunday night was this one. Belle, pronounced bell.. A class movie about British class and all the crap that went with it back in the day.. Quite a good movie..
Sunday morning movie fare was this one..
About Time with Rachel McAdams, and it had a familiar feel to it in that it was closely related to time travel movies The Time Travelers Wife, and as well Edge of Tomorrow and as well Ground hog day.. About Time stared Rachel McAdams and can a movie go wrong with her in it?? The answer there is a big fat NO.. From the creative force behind the movie Love Actually.. In ended up with that feeling but also there were parts of the movie that were interesting as the lead character tried on certain occasions to get it right but failing he gave up figuring it was a crap shoot to make some one else happy at the expense of his own... Really an interesting movie to watch as most well put together time travel movies are..
Badge Henry
Sunday morning movie fare was this one..
Badge Henry
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