Well they can finally start building that XL pipeline again now that Nebraska got their judges bought by the Koch brothers.. By the way anyone who says but it has to be signed into law by Obama for it to continue to be built, that is wrong, they built a good chunk of it already, but had to wait until the route through Nebraska was decided before they could continue on.. And it will be built through Nebraska now, what the law is needed to be signed is so the very last piece can be placed art the border of the united states and Canada, that's all, the final thirty foot piece is all that law is about.. So why would they build it without the ability to place that final piece in?? Doesn't sound very smart.. Who called these people smart.. Besides they likely are thinking if Obama doesn't sign it maybe the next president will and in that case it's built.. So when they were discussing this way back twenty years ago.. Wasn't that long ago, seems like it though.. This scene in a movie came to mind..
What I call the three mile island scene, from the movie Lucky Stiff, sorry the quality is horrible it was a transfer from HBO (or showtime) to tape then to dvd then to computer.. But basically it is the scene I think of whenever I hear how great this oil pipeline will be for everyone with all the jobs it will create.. Yes, indirectly it will create a lot of jobs.. The pipeline being put into the ground will create a great number of jobs, but what all is said and done I've heard the full number of jobs will be around 35, maybe as many as 50.. But the 50 number is a stretch.. But they will have to have a way to filter out the oil from the water when it spills and pipelines are known for leaking, even brand new ones.. This scene is a little more drastic but it gets the job done..
Slightly earlier in the scene from above is the how to tell time scene.. Kinda funny..
Midnight snack.
My favorite cannibalism movie when cannibalism is a subject, is Lucky Stiff and has some of the oddest scenes but is quite fun to watch.. I think I got the movie itself rented from Netflix even though I have it in the transfer from tape to disc version.. Not the best way to have it and the rental showed that I had every part of the movie..
Poltergeist activity..
Badge Henry
My favorite cannibalism movie when cannibalism is a subject, is Lucky Stiff and has some of the oddest scenes but is quite fun to watch.. I think I got the movie itself rented from Netflix even though I have it in the transfer from tape to disc version.. Not the best way to have it and the rental showed that I had every part of the movie..
Poltergeist activity..
Badge Henry
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