Monday, January 19, 2015

Again with the fluff

From the 16th of January until around the 15th of March... I believe.. The PNOP blog will be girls in nearly nothing .. Or swim suits and then from then until the end of March, I think there will be a decompression period where there will be less and less swim suit and more of the odd shit like before.. So hang in there, or enjoy the ride.. However you might look at it, it's just a way to cope with the nasty shit cold..

So over the weekend, or more to the point, Saturday... Saturday no football day, I watched that movie Deep Impact, that old movie where Earth is bound to get struck by a meteor "the size of New York City"  in other words the size of Mount Everest..  Ok, that size rock is out there somewhere and has in fact come close to hitting the Earth recently, as recent as within the past two years..  My critic of the movie, while I am alright with all the aspects of the movie, there are several that make me cringe a bit.. First of all them landing on the meteor to set four nukes and then leave, all of this seems rather hokie at best but just in case they might could land on the surface why would the fly through the tail the way they did??  Wouldn't it have been better to fly as close to the front of the rock as possible that way lessening the damage to the space craft trying to land on the surface??  Secondly, they plant only four of the nukes, what, leaving four is a good idea, because it isn't important enough to try t swing for the fence?? And the first four nukes only shave off a little piece of the rock and then there are now two still headed for Earth..  So the next plot line is we send our trident missiles, meaning all the countries that have the ability to will send their missiles towards the meteor.. That fails.. How did it fail?? Did the hit the meteor and bounce off??  Did they all blowup, all twenty or thirty or.. How many are there in the world two or three hundred??  These failed to stop the meteor.. But wait.. there is one more hail Mary.. The space shit that planted the original four nukes that didn't do much at all to the meteor will take the remaining four nukes and blow up the meteor.  Because we aren't supposed to be paying attention to the fact that we couldn't stop it with four lil nukes, or however many rocket launched nukes didn't work.. But the last four would, and the rocket engines and the space packs and everything else did the job.. OK, how did people buy that movie back then?  I knew it was hockie from watching it before and I STILL WATCHED IT AGAIN...  Ok, esplain to me the logic of how that movie ends???   "Well look at it this way, we will all be getting a high school named after us"... Maybe but after ten years everyone will be wonder what  was the big deal??   

Badge Henry

(P.S. Knowing that a meteor is headed for Earth wouldn't most people head for higher ground sooner??  They go and pick up people on the one million "saved" list. and as they get to the "ark" the kid jumps out to go pick up his wife and her family.. They are stuck on the freeway  in what can only be described as a slow moving parking lot.. Wouldn't people head for higher ground sooner??  Get to the middle of the United States and then maybe head for Colorado.. or anywhere along the continental devide.. weather the meteor hit the pacific or atlantic ocean, getting as far away from the oceans seems like a gimme.. They would have a fairly good clue where it might hit probably fairly quickly more than likely fairly soon too..  Two years in the "ark" waiting for the dust to settle.. Sounds like fun, where's the sequal.. Oh that's right, the Mesiah destroyed the meteor.. )

Friday, January 16, 2015

Lucky to

Well they can finally start building that XL pipeline again now that Nebraska got their judges bought by the Koch brothers.. By the way anyone who says but it has to be signed into law by Obama for it to continue to be built, that is wrong, they built a good chunk of it already, but had to wait until the route through Nebraska was decided before they could continue on.. And it will be built through Nebraska now, what the law is needed to be signed is so the very last piece can be placed art the border of the united states and Canada, that's all, the final thirty foot piece is all that law is about.. So why would they build it without the ability to place that final piece in?? Doesn't sound very smart.. Who called these people smart.. Besides they likely are thinking if Obama doesn't sign it maybe the next president will and in that case it's built.. So when they were discussing this way back twenty years ago..  Wasn't that long ago, seems like it though.. This scene in a movie came to mind..

What I call the three mile island scene, from the movie Lucky Stiff, sorry the quality is horrible it was a transfer from HBO (or showtime) to tape then to dvd then to computer.. But basically it is the scene I think of whenever I hear how great this oil pipeline will be for everyone with all the jobs it will create.. Yes, indirectly it will create a lot of jobs.. The pipeline being put into the ground will create a great number of jobs, but what all is said and done I've heard the full number of jobs will be around 35, maybe as many as 50.. But the 50 number is a stretch.. But they will have to have a way to filter out the oil from the water when it spills and pipelines are known for leaking, even brand new ones..   This scene is a little more drastic but it gets the job done..

Slightly earlier in the scene from above is the how to tell time scene.. Kinda funny..

Midnight snack. 

My favorite cannibalism movie when cannibalism is a subject, is Lucky Stiff and has some of the oddest scenes but is quite fun to watch.. I think I got the movie itself rented from Netflix even though I have it in the transfer from tape to disc version.. Not the best way to have it and the rental showed that I had every part of the movie..

Poltergeist activity..

Badge Henry 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Boy that was rough..

Ok, I'll say it.. That was more than painful to watch last night.. The game yesterday in which the Colts won.. Who did they play??  A Denver team, the broncos was it??  the Denver Broncos?? That wasn't the team that I remember.. They weren't remotely associated with the team that went to the super bowl last year.. How can a team with a defense built to be better that is was last year, suck worse than the defense that was decimated by injuries in that game.. It's good they lost last night, truth be told they were going to really get heir ass handed to them next week by either team that won Saturdays game.. Either the Ravens, who lost, were better than the defenseless broncos or the Patriots who won have a mental edge over the broncos and Manning who is gone..  Was gone in the game yesterday.. The coaches are gone.. This team will be so different this August when they crank the machine up again..  I just want to do some of my own comments to some tweets written by Vic Lobardi :

"I’ll say this. If George Karl can be canned after winning a franchise-record 57 games and named Coach of the Year, anybody’s game."

Yes but that was a different sports organization all together.. The Nuggets aren't ever set up to win anything, they are a tax shelter for the Kronkie family (walmart owners) owners of the Nuggets, and the Rams of the NFL.. Notice the Rams are set upto be about a .500 team, get to the playoffs maybe if the ball drops just right..   Will John Fox be fired??  My guess is since I heard the term "super bowl or bust"  and from before the first game of the season that he had to win the super bowl this year, not just get there or he would be fired, then I believe he will be let go.. I liked him after the Tebow situation I thought more of him than I did before.. I think he deserves one more season but if Manning retires they might as well clean house.. it will be a season in which they will likely lose and try for Mariota next year (assuming he wants to repeat as national title repeat winners)... (just jinxed their game tonight, watch the buckeroos win tonight, sorry Dave)..  

Listening to Dan Patrick this morning he said Manning is done.. He picked the colts to win Friday, as did Czaben and his crew..   In fact I heard more pick the colts than the broncos.. But I would have liked to see what the broncos could do if they were all healthy, October healthy..

One other thought, I have never liked the bye week in the NFL set up the way it is, they start at the end of September and go until Thanksgiving.. Id rather see the byes start the last week of October and be finished the first weekend of November.. That's right have the entire NFC take  a powder  one week and the AFC the next week.. And let the tv networks get their matchups set that way.. This year FOX had AFC vs. AFC games on, as did CBS with the NFC.. To me that just makes more sense.. Some teams benefit from earlier byes and others get on a roll and then the bye shuts that down.. I say split the season in half, try to go break at the 8 week mark or as close as you can for both conferences..

Badge Henry

Saturday, January 10, 2015

The saga of stolen dreams

So after a great Christmas and my first ever attempt to pull somewhat of a fast one.. It didn't matter, the tablet I got mom was a lemon.. How did I know it was a lemon??  First off because I bought it.. It was a fairly inexpensive one, although the original price tag, the MSRP, was $199 so it was fairly expensive for being a cheapie.. But when it went toes up I checked the low rating on the site I bought it (walmart) and found the numbers were not very exciting although they were quite high back in the months prior to getting it.. Back in June I was looking at it and then it was $129 or $124 depending what site I looked at (Amazon or Walmart) and the reviews were really good on it.. I would say the percentage was upper 80% favorable, and that remained that way until... About Christmas time where everything fell apart.. Why the positive reviews started to fall?? The tablets failed.. When I took it in Thursday I was up against it time wise.. I had seen where I had until the ninth to get in in and I thought why not get it over with.. Taking it in I thought this could go either one of two ways, either they would give me my money back or.. NOT..  And as I presented the tablet, reboxed to the point where you couldn't tell it had ever been opened, the lady said we can't refund at all, I got it on the 12 of December but it wasn't bothered with until Christmas day, so by that logic it was out of time by the 27th.. But I checked the website and that said the would deal with refunds through 15 days after the 25th.. Or the 26th being day one. The ninth being 15.. So she called the electronics guy.. He comes and I think there were two or three models of different electronic toys (gadgets) that were expected to be troubles and the RCA tablets (there were two different kinds, there was the 7 inch and the 10 inch which is the one I got)  And so when he saw the box he said that didn't surprise him, mine was the third or forth one that had been returned..   So what are we going to do about this thing??  I think there was hesitation, mostly because I think they were tired of returns on the RCA lemons and said they really couldn't do anything about this.. I said you mean I can't get my money back, figuring they might make a big deal of it, or they were waiting for me to blow my top.. I didn't, I said well I can't get it to even turn on.. And since it is basically trash I thought I could take it to the trash dumpster in town.. That was an idea but I decided to just tell them I didn't want it, they could have it, and turned and walked away..   How much money did I just flush down the drain??  The guy from the electronics department caught up with me and said they would refund all of the money.. Very well then, what was the big hold up then??     After I got home I thought I should write a letter to my niece and ream her out for the tablet going bad.. She works at another walmart in another town that isn't quite open yest... really give her the what for as it were and then just tell her at the end of the letter, hey I know it's not your fault, but  you better get ready for people to blame you for building lemons like this because even though walmart doesn't make this broken crap, they will blame her for it.. That's just how stupid people are.. I never try to make it sound like I'm blaming any store for something being broken, and try to be cool about it and never treat the people there at any store like shit, they would likely rather be anywhere but there but..  What's that smell???

Badge Henry

(P.S. What is that smell??   I got another package of those incense stick things.. They smell so good when they are in the packaging, but light them up and it literally just smells like a stick is burning.. Yeah, I like the smell before they burn but no matter what or where I get these it's the smoke I smell first.. And it lingers a bit too long..  These I got the other day I thought might be better smelling.. Guess again..)

Monday, January 5, 2015

End of an era.. Netflix discs era..

This past weekend movies, final three as it turns out, didn't look like the best way to end the Netflix disc era but as it turns out, this was the best way for this to end..  First the movie that was damaged in shipment, The Face Of Love

This looked like a really good movie with the great Anette Benning and Ed Harris, it just looked like the movie to see.. It would have been Saturday mornings fair BUTtt  of course it was cracked and I thought, better let them know, which I was doing Friday after receiving the movie as damaged but then you can't claim a disc damaged if you get it a day early.. That gave me a day to think weather I wanted to bother with termination day fast approaching.. I then decided rather than have a disc out of rotation that I would pass and let this be my gift to Netflix... Screw them I'm done..

The last movie, watched Sunday night was this one. Belle, pronounced bell.. A class movie about British class and all the crap that went with it back in the day.. Quite a good movie.. 

Sunday morning movie fare was this one..
About Time with Rachel McAdams, and it had  a familiar feel to it in that it was closely related to time travel movies The Time Travelers Wife, and as well Edge of Tomorrow and as well Ground  hog day..  About Time stared Rachel McAdams and can a movie go wrong with her in it??  The answer there is a big fat NO..  From the creative force behind the movie Love Actually.. In ended up with that feeling but also there were parts of the movie that were interesting as the lead character tried on certain occasions to get it right but failing he gave up figuring it was a crap shoot to make some one else happy at the expense of his own...  Really an interesting movie to watch as most well put together time travel movies are..

Badge Henry

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Stop chop and roll

All that good feeling from last week is all gone now.. The past month or so Netflix was on probation and the final movie that was supposed to be Slaughterhouse Five, should have been.. I went with the continuation for two more weeks and just should have known better.. Yep, a disc was cracked.. So disappointed, I thought why could this not have made one (actually two) more weeks before I shut it down..  I have to decide do I want a disc out of order now being so close to being done..  Trying to decide because on the one had the movie sounds fairly good, but on the other hand I sent a cracked disk back in November and got the same movie but in even worse condition and then decided to cut my loses and not try to get that movie, in case the disc I would get back was a melted pile of plastic and bread crumbs..  But now I think the probation has been broken.. Monday I will terminate disc delivery as soon as I get the discs in the return slot of the Netflix dealership.. also known as the post office..  And then that part will be done.. I enjoyed the discs, but have found the movies have become stagnated.. They say people aren't going to the movies (theaters) as much, in fact that has hit a twenty year low..  And the movies I was getting from Netflix kinda showed although while in my hands to decide what movies to get, I did get a lot of modern movies and have found that when I got older movies that I really enjoyed the older stuff more.. Although more often than not I saw where some movies stole from older movies ideas, watching the oldies but goodies made me see where certain ideas were taken.. How certain directors were able to do that was beyond me..

Then we get sick::  Yep, that creeping crud as they all call it has hit mom.. I'm willing to bet I catch it in a few weeks just before the super bowl, like that one year.. The year the Colts under one QB Manning, won the super bowl and I remembered the national anthem, the kickoff and then a few plays here and there and that was it..  I felt horrible and was that way for a solid week.  There was a point where I went to the bathroom and it was pink.. Yikes, what the HELL does that mean??  I instantly drank a glass of water and within minutes started feeling a whole lot better.. Amazing when the kidneys are kick started how quickly I can feel so much better..    The moral of this story is drink liquids.. and keep kleenex very handy..

Badge Henry