Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Is it real..

Today's the day.. or tomorrow.. But either today or tomorrow will be the big 10,000 views on the PNOP page.. which means that viewer will get the keys to  a brand spanking new 1977 Cordoba..  You're welcome..

Sorry, the paragraph above was written yesterday and as it turns out the ten thousand mark was reached around three o'clock in the afternoon.. The person was reached and the keys delivered to a brand new 1978  Cordoba with all the trimmings..   I never said they get the car only the keys, the car is extra..

The other day I was reading the ingredients to a couple of foods containers and I come to the part of the listing that has to make anyone shudder.. That part of the ingredients contains the word Artificial ...  Artificial as in what exactly??  I think I want to know, as I think most people would like to.. I mean in this day in age of people having allergies to anything, shouldn't the artificial part of the ingredience be listed..  Sometimes I think I would like to know what that artificial ingredient is.. Beyond that then some foods have what are called F D & C colouring added.. What the hell is that??   I know that everything has fructose, high fructose syrup which is corn syrup.. Sugar was stopped being used before the turn of the century..   You want to be freaked out about food additives check this link out : http://eatthis.menshealth.com/slideshow/print-list/186430    Everything listed but rat turds, and by the way EVERYTHING has a bit of rat in it.. The old Monty Python skit comes to mind.. I'll have mine without much rat in it..    MSG, BHA,  BHT, Sodium Nitrate...  They all sound interesting but.. Mostly a preservative in some foods, sodium Nitrate make the food presentable so they can be on the shelf for weeks longer than they ever could be before.. In fact mostly that is what a lot of these do is to make the food have that picture postcard look so you can see how the food looks great.. How long has this been on the shelf??  Figure it takes a week to get to the store you buy it in.. Figure it took a while   to process the food to start with and then figure it might sit in your fridge a week or two.. I personally have had an opened container of meat in the fridge for a month and had eaten it and had no effects (food poisoning) still yet, however it could be delayed I suppose.. I have gotten meat in the  dry area near the meat but not in the cooler section.. And I look at this and think  what is in this??  Same as Hormel starters.. The food is good, I used the pull pork and it tasted good, but it is in the dry section of the store (at Walmart that could be anywhere from the groceries to the tire section)..  What is in this stuff and why after a few days gestation does it smell like it could be fished out of the thunder mug and reused??  That scares me that my crap smells good enough to eat.. Is that where this stuff is made??  The toilet of the meat processing plant??   Talk about less rat in it..  So.. Just remember the next time you buy something that seems out of place.. I used to think it was funny that you could buy some food item next to the toilet paper.. Maybe that should send up a warning flag.. Should I buy this?? Should I buy more tp just in case the fun begins..

With all that said about artificial ingredients, brought to mind a few years ago when we bought some real maple syrup after never having it in my life (I don't think) and it was HORRIBLE tasting.. Was that real maple syrup??  How do people use that crap.. Well all the food we eat is mass produced.. I have been eating apples a lot lately and some are just tasteless.. They are taste free, as in the people back at the apple making factory forgot the flavour injection.. Just stick each apple with just a little drop and that spreads out.. I'm sure I saw it on the tv show how it's made.. They make apples??  Yes they do.. The day is going to come where everything will have that cardboard flavour unless the injector gives it the desired flavor.. That artificial flavor of used jockstrap, old tire, burned cow chip and motor oil.. These ingredients in the right amount equal the steak you are eating.. Barbeque never tasted better.. Think of that the next time you eat your favorite food..  What's in there?? 

Badge Henry

(P.S. I was thinking of this entry when I was eating some eggo waffles a few months back and they just stopped tasting remotely the way I remembered them tasting.. Sadly I couldn't stand eating them anymore so I stopped.. I thought I had burned out and that's a good enough excuse to stop eating them.. A few weeks later we got some from Shwans and I thought they had at least a memorable taste to them.. Mom blames it on getting older.. i blame it on the taste testers deciding heh.. that's good enough.. People will buy it.. There's little choice so people will but that.. AND EAT IT.. )

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