Monday, December 30, 2013

Thirteenth month blues

How fast did last year go by??   Unbelievable..  I remember when I was in school how Christmas would arrive, we would get out and go mess around and then it seemed like school started again in January and it just dragged on.. I remember talking to one of the teachers about this, how the first two months of the new year seemed to drag on and she was a cheerful sort that tried to talk me into it not being that big of a deal.. It is the same now, although I used to have troubles with January while I was working at the golden arches (BARF) and it was always difficult.. I think I wrote about this in a previous entry or another blog somewhere.. Anyway I would have to set things at the start of each month and when it came to setting it to the first month I rarely set it as the first month but rather the thirteenth.. So instead of 1/1/   I set it as the 13/1/...  And at least for the first few days, or weeks it was the 13th month.. Then I would stop denying it was the month after December, and admit that thirteenth month was in fact the first month, JANUARY.. Yuck.. Sorry Januaryites out there...  Happy New Year anyhows..

Badge Henry

Friday, December 27, 2013

the 21

Making one more video.. Actually as I explain on the entry, the final part entitled Rock Legend (the whole thing) (includes the last bits and epilogue) I was making another video today and thought I'd make a video for the entire demo tape. That went by the boards as I was listening to the song, in this case Where Did I Go Wrong and it made me remember those days.. It was a great time in my life, and I just had all those great times rushing back.. I rarely listened to that demo tape, even when I played it for friends or family members I would leave the room, my main reason was because I heard those songs whenever we practiced and that was really often.. But I might have listened to that tape all the way through maybe five times.. Hard to believe, but it was true.. Needless to say the tape was easy to master to compact disc when I did it back in 2001..   I liked the music we played, it wasn't horrible by any means.. It was the sound of that era, the late '80's..  Like I said the idea of doing the entire demo tape in video form..  Maybe I'll try again after the first of the year, however I have the entries set for January 14th, and that is a hard set day, meaning I won't move it to a later date just to dick with a video or set a few more videos up.. So I will either do more or not.. 

Badge Henry

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The post christmas blues

Christmas eve while the marathon of A Christmas Story was running full tilt, full tongue :

I was getting set to watch a movie I was meaning to watch in the week before Christmas.. The movie is called Love Actually :

You can call me a sap for liking this movie but the reason I like it is my main reason for doing so: Simply put it was the last movie my dad rented before he passed away.. One of the very last ones, I remember he rented from somewhere in town and I watched it before he took it back and thought it was a very nice movie.. It took on new meaning after dad passed away, and this year I saw it on the streaming side of netflix...  Just one of those memories of dad.. I remember he got it in late September or very early October..   just one of those memories that happened this year..

Badge Henry

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy Merry December 25th..

The original from the little Christmas pamphlet from the paper.. I did this with the Halloween ones too..

Using PdN to fill it in.. Instead of full colour or smooth colour transitions, I did textured colouring on the tree and for that matter just about all of it.. The tree itself is the same green but with differing textures..  

Then came the different effects,  this being a slight change from the original..

Glowing edges from photo shop. but also blend mode plus from PDN.. The picture under is the picture from my facebook avitar thing.. The picture over it was a glowing edges version. Check these out..

Acid effect sort of for these previous two.. not my favorite but.. 

The last two are too gone from view.. Too strong on the texture effect but I thought I'd show them anyway.. 

Anyway Merry Christmas to anyone who might look at this site every now and then..

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Heart of a champion

A picture from a recent news paper, has the head coach leading the team out to do battle as the season is about to start earlier this past fall..  The original as it appears in the news paper might not seem to be the best starting position for messing with a picture but it in fact eliminates the need to do one of the effects and in truth it can be made to look better if I want it to..

Curves effect on either the Fast Stone picture viewer or my favorite program to mess with pictures Paint dot Net (referred to most times as PdN).. 

From PdN the background changed with the paintbucket effect set in small checkerboard.. I was trying for something here, a secondary starting point that really didn't work..

So I changed the setting and went with the solid colour for that background, trying to change from what looked like early evening to a night look..

The reason for the picture above this one was to simulate a night sky with the spotlight look.. The the victors go the spoils..  this program is Adobe photoshop..

Ink sketch with the majority of the colour removed..

A colour masking in PdN..

Slight colour in PdN..

Red layer, with the picture painted full red then layered with the original curved version then layer properties altering the way it comes out..

My favorite of all the effects is the glowing edges in the photoshop program.. Most of my ideas revolve around this setting..

Lens flare added to the glowing edges picture from above.. this was the original idea that yielded the one above with the lens flares picture..

Ultimately my love for doing abstract wins out on all the pictures I do.. This is the glowing edges picture with the chalk and charcoal effect added.. Like I said I like doing these like this.. 

Badge Henry

Friday, December 20, 2013

Some serious ass snow

Yesterdays entry was up for around thirty seconds and wasn't meant as  tease at all.. I was editing the entry for next month, the "rock legend (a fable?)"  entry.. I pushed publish and it looked wrong.. I preset my other blog and know what it is supposed to look like when it is preset, or set for "live" publish.. So I quickly reset to a schedule entry.. The 14th of January.. . 

Here take a look at some pics from the paper recently..:
One of the most dangerous highways in the world??  No guard rails on most of the road..
Mom was saying this is how she remembers it being there when they got so much snow.. Tunnel out to the street from the front door.. Step out of the upstairs window onto a snowbank..

The last picture here just struck me.. That sure looks like the Triangle motel.. It isn't.. It's a picture of some forgotten (unforgotten ?) family from 1905..  But it just looks like the Triangle motel.. Just a little..

Badge Henry