Friday, July 5, 2013

So hot and yet

The misunderstanding.. Here we go..  That sounds ominous and shouldn't be.. Check it out.. The other day I'm playing a game of Scrabble on the computer, I have it set on the forth level or veteran level.. That was a huge leap for me a year or so ago because up until then I was playing the level just under that and being bored, I needed a challenge so up the level.. I play it still as timed at 45 seconds per turn and so there is a sense of urgency to get a word played, however it isn't that big of a deal once you get used to it.. On the game I played Tuesday night everything was going alright, I was down by maybe fifty points or there about and most people would freak out about being down by very much but I had some premium tiles and so scoring big was more than likely going to happen.. And there it was, the triple word score space was just wanting me to play with the J and the right combination of letters, I was about to cut into that lead.. and then the unexpected happened.. This has never happened while playing any version of Scrabble.. I was blocked from playing a letter on that space.. Well not entirely true, I could play something there but every time I put the tile there it showed as an A... Every tile I played was an A there.. Even in subsequent turns.. What's going on here?? The clock started to beep at the ten second countdown as per usual but I couldn't get the "PLAY" link to work.. The buzzer sounded, I got all my tiles back and then the truly odd thing happened.. My score started to count backwards..   And when it hit zero it added the negative symbol and so now it counted backwards to negative 9999  so it read -9999 before I got my next score.. This was odd beyond belief.. So instead of the program stating the obvious and shutting down like it normally does, it counted backwards.. Final score of the game was the computer score around the usual three hundred mark.. My score was -9089 or there abouts..  Worst loss ever..

So I use this twin fan that they have out there, and have used it since the start of the hot season this year.. Normally I am the first to grab the big three blade monster fan to cool things off quicker.. This year I broke out my old twin fan. This fan hasn't been used since the days of the old swamp cooler days when I used it to exhaust the air after it got wet.. This fan worked so I set it to be used and thought I'd use it until it got to be unbearable at night.. In other words TOO FREAKIN HOT..  And there have been a few times I thought about getting the big fan out but.. It cooled off.. And has cooled off well at night. So much so that I wussed out and put a second blanket on.. Wow the first of July and I have to have a second blanket?? Where am I Silverton??  Nope still in Podunk Nebraska population 3000 (prarrie dogs that is)..   Harvest usually starts by the 4th of July.. Not this year, in fact they say maybe next week.. Test cutting by next week..  Last year they were done by the tenth, this year they might get started then..

Badge Henry

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