Thursday, July 11, 2013

Fritter away

Yesterday we were at walmart and as we round the corner there is a site, sign of the times.. They are getting their back to school stuff out.. Man I hated school, or at least the going back part.. Once we got back in the rhythm of it it was ok, but getting the first opening day done.. Talk about your kicking and screaming moment although not literal, it was close.

So we get to the McD yesterday and as I'm letting mom out of the car I see the front of the paper and it has a picture of what I thought might be an artists rendering of the new school.. We get home and it turns out to be the new hospital.. The first line in the second column is the first joke I read.. ".. The new facility will be more patient friendly"..  In the previous line they said they are getting three new doctors.. That's really good, what are they going to do with the dpishit league they have right now??  Put them out to stud??  Shoot them??  

Badge Henry

(P.S.  Well I finally went and done it.. I set the final entries for all three blogs.. The dates aren't set in stone but in case something happens to me the date the final entries are set is for here and I.I. is October 3 of this year.. For PNOP the final entry is set for October 3 of next year with the final final entry  being set for November 3rd.. The Y.M.B. entry is that date.. Hopefully nothing happens and we all get out of this alive, but you what they say.. Nobody gets out of life alive.. Just the way it is.. )

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