Sunday, March 19, 2017

When will it happen???

When will they get brave and impeach Trump???

I watched the news about Tillerson going off and stating we need to do a preemptive strike on North Korea.. If that happens and they spin it right we will be at war and Trump will be backed by everyone because we all will become patriotic... If the war goes bad (like Vietnam) then you will see everyone go against Trump, but if we get into a war and start to win then all of a sudden everyone will back Trump and he will get reelcted and don't think it won't happen...  Now is the time to get rid of Trump.. Everyone keeps saying but then we will be stuck with Pence...  Yes we might be but he will be significantly less powerful than Trump... Why??  Because Trump is a crook and is quite corrupt and loves the way his country is going... If we get rid of Trump soon then Pence could be easy to watch and easily to manuvour...  Unless they start a war which is quite likely going to happen very soon.. Oh goody...

Badge Henry

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