Will this election ever get here?? What is the worst part of the general election here in America?? The answer.. ALL OF IT... From the speculation "will he run or won't he" to the funding the testing to see if running would be a good idea.. JEB who did you consult to decide to run, the 8-ball you shook and turned over "dear 8 ball, should I run for president of these united states?? The answer is fuzzy at this time" Sounds like a good idea, i'll have a go then...
I've said this from the first of May or even before that, Trump can win and likely will.. Here's how it can happen beyond rigged election machines.. Remember the Brexit vote that Britain had to either stay or go from the EU??? A great number of people voted to leave simply because they didn't think very many people would vote to leave.. Well that kind of mentality is why they get to leave or might leave the EU.. likely they will leave eventually.. Well here in America that same mentality will get Trump elected.. "There's very little difference between the parties.." I've written about this before, there is very little difference between the two parties when you are young and stupid you can vote for a republican because you are young and struggling to fit in in every way there is.. What I don't get is if you turn fifty and you will still vote republican then your parents must be dead, good for you, or your parents are alive and you want to frustrate them for four more years..
The truth is there isn't a huge difference between Trump and Clinton this year.. Except that Hillary tends to think before she answers questions and Trump likes to just go off blabbering about how great he is.. He has a rubber shoulder socket, patting yourself on the back like that would hurt a normal person.. If Trump gets elected "It's all of us who are going to get fucked".. That is almost a funny line, and it would be worth a quick laugh if it weren't so true.. The truth is if Trump is in with putin even remotely as they are saying he is then there is a really good chance that they will be inviting us all to a barbque quite soon, and you will all have to go because you will ALL BE ON THE MENU.. I'm not joking when I say that having Trump as the president will get us into a nuclear war.. No doubt at all.. First of all He has said he wants to negotiate the debt down with China.. That's a great idea, "they will take something, won't be all we owe them" You know the stories are surfacing now where he stiffs people who do things for him.. So many things like that should be reason not to vote for him.. In fact most of the things he said in the first month after announcing he was running would have gotten any other candidate laughed off the ticket right then and there...
Tell Donald to show us his tax returns for the past ten years.. Why?? Because four years ago when Romney was running and said he wasn't going to show his tax returns it was Trump who said he must show them.. Fast forward to this year and Trump is saying he won't show his tax returns, they aren't relevant.. Well show them and let us decide how relevant they might be.. Seriously this should be one of the biggest sticking point to trump being anywhere close to being in the race at all by September.. But you know what??? Even if he shows them and it shows he has lied about everything he will still be alright.. Even if he were to go out to the middle of wallstreet and kill someone he would still be alright.. Do you know why??? People love him.. They love his open vulgarity and is opening a lot of people to be as rude and vulgar as he is.. THAT IS THE DONALD TRUMP AMERICA.. You don't like that then vote democrat across the board.. Not just president.. EVERYTHING... Truth is the two candidates might be fairly close in the current day of well I "heard" she did this or that.. The email scam.. The Benghazi thing... His being sued by so many thing we can't keep count. But when it comes down to who I trust it isn't who I trust but rather which party I trust as a whole.. That would be the democrat party.. "BUT SHES A CROOK, SHE HELPED KILL ALL THOSE IN BENGHAZI" she didn't pull the trigger, but more to the point there was no way to get troops moved to help in time.. To me it is the difference in the way the two parties represent the people.. The RNC (republican national conference) it was the country is doom and gloom.. The DNC (democratic national convention) the sun is shining.. Sorry I tend to like to go where the sun is shinning..
My uncle loves... LOVES.... L...O....V...E..S... The second amendment.. He just loves it to the point of obsession.. That's fine.. Hey I'm all for the second amendment and more to the point, what it meant to that time.. A way to protect the homeland that was in such an infancy and threatened by every other country out there.. if you love America and our now new way of life I implore All country men to get a hold of a gun... Guess what?? There isn't that much of a threat against countries taking over America right now, not that kind where your musket will stop anything..
When he placed this on his FB page I read it, says the same thing as it always has.. The wording is so ... Early government, mostly it was to prevent another country from taking over the homeland.. Nobody wanted it then and nobody wants it now.. That is fine but I am getting tired of the mass shootings making the headlines worldwide.. And it is usually us getting the headlines.. Is there a way to stop it from happening?? Highly doubtful.. The "Dirty Harry" mentality is really taking over.. Just yesterday I read about a guy in a movie theater who was being pestered by a little boy kicking the back of his seat.. He likely asked the boy to stop and when he didn't got into an altercation with his father.. Well things turned and so the guy took out his gun and pointed it at the kids father and said well now what are you going to do?? Whip out his gun and say shall we see.. That last bit was my idea of what happens if we are all packing heat.. Seriously is this the America we want to live in?? The second amendment was written when all we had were musket guns.. I honestly think had George Washington known what was going to happen with guns he would have said this is written in stone.. In fact I think the forefathers thought we could tweak every aspect of the constitution.. But the second amendment is like a commandment.. That shit is etched in stone.. NO ONE SHALL TOUCH IT... I still say the worst mass shooting will happen eventually that will make the congressmen who the NRA is paying will eventually say it isn't worth it any more.. I hate it will take a carnage like that to change this country, but if the congress won't do it, then state by state it will be done to the point where congress in Washington will have no bearing on the people they are supposedly there to serve..
Badge Henry
(P.S. just a quick one.. on the election part of this post.. Another reason to not elect Trump, he will tow the line of the entire party which is to eliminate (repeal) Obamacare.. Trouble is they don't have anything remotely ready to be used, so when they repeal all they will do is screw a lot of Americans and make that many more not trust the government.. I keep waiting for the next civil war to break out.. The have nots or have nothings versus those who have some form of the American dream.. )
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