Friday, July 8, 2016

Again again again

Last night's shooting of police officers was so senseless it can't be believed.. To be that upset about police actions in another town in another state makes no sense at all.. Those actions in those states were equally senseless but why take a gun out and shoot police who had nothing to do with those actions.. It's going to make things even worse nationwide with all police and the people..  But I will say this didn't surprise me at all.. The fact is it seems to be more normal and getting to the point where it is being thought of as normal behavior especially by the people who follow one of the candidates for president.. In fact I was stunned when he didn't say this is how you handle the police wrong behaviour.. He actually said the country is becoming more divided than ever.. Which happens to be true, but the police have to do a better job at their jobs.. Black, white or other, when you pull someone over don't approach the car with your service revolver drawn, shit will happen.. People are shook up when they get pulled over anyway, don't add fuel to the fire with your gun in their sight..  It would scare the hell out of me if I saw a gun in my face late at night.. That time I got pulled over for driving wrecklessly when in fact I was trying to be extremely careful.. it was around two in the morning in early October and the annual Oktoberfest was going on, and I drive my mom to watch my little brothers kids at that time. We got to leave at about two in the morning and as I'm driving down the road this car is in back of me and I tell mom, this is a cop in back of me and I bet he pulls me over.. Within five minutes he did just that.. Why??  Because I came close to the center line, didn't cross over it, but came close to it.. Had he ticketed me there would have been a problem.. But had he approached the car that night with his gun drawn I would have been hard pressed to think my time was over.. No matter what.. You can say what you want.. "well you are white, there's no way you would be shot to death".. how do you know that.. police are gun happy anymore and with good reason but in the case of where I was close to the center line.. I know these guys are trying to fill their quotas of arrests for that night and yes I was close to the center line but there will be people who cross that center line just wait for them.. The police need to get the respect back from the public but good luck in the towns where shit has gone down.. There will likely be riots in the towns where shit got deep but.. Leave your GUNS at home... That's another thing, the guy who got shot in Minnesotta told the police officer he had a conceal carry permit.. WHY DO THAT??? Seriously you just went from a guy that just got pulled over with a broken tail light to a guy that needs a good lead enema.. Don't start the conversation hello officer here's my gun, here's my permit, here's my ... BANG BANG BANG... bang I guess he was shot four times at zero blank range.. Nice officer.. consider that to be your warning.. FIX YOUR TAIL LIGHT...  That's just not right...  Police.. FIX YOUR OPERATIONS MOTIVE... Fix it...

Badge (target on my back)  Henry

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