Wednesday, October 15, 2014

So what you said what

When you have a scanner, radio scanner, you tend to be both in the know and out of the loop simultaneously... In my case the scanner I have is the one everyone was getting just before the digital ones where the voices are scrambled.. That was disappointing to me as what I was after was to expand my listening by way of using this to listen to trunking communications.. Instead what I got were frequencies where the numbers can be programmed but they are transcribed to digital.. But.. I do get a fair amount of traffic what with the Union Pacific rail system that runs by the house (two blocks away from our back door) and the ambulance service as well.. (not by our back door)  I hear the calls and you know when there is an ambulance call that someones life has changed for the worse.. But when I hear calls and they can be non descriptive and sometimes they use  10-code and sometimes they just let it all hang out, bleeding from the anus or puking profusely.. And that is bad enough but now there could be a new set of fun to listen for.. Possible EBOLA victim...  Think about that one.. Will the ambulance service soon have to have a unit specially equipped to go on an ebola run??  Would that be the way to go??  When you see the BIG  ambulance and you know they are in there suiting up to go into someones house and not only do they have an ambulance on scene but they will have a lot of police cars and fire trucks and HAZMAT vehicles there.. Will that ever come to pass??   I hope not but just to think what direction this could go..  Something to think about..

Speaking of that subject, they have reported that that guy that went into the Dallas hospital emergency room might have waited in there for hours before they got to help him.. No shit, big surprise, if that were at our famed hospital he might still be in the emergency room waiting.. Yea he's been dead for a week, but he still waiting..  Hey doc I've got this thing on my nu..nose.. and... hey doc..

Hey doc.. 

hey doc.. 


Badge Henry

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