Friday, October 31, 2014

From the never saw that before file

So the Apprentice U.K. show, clip from my last entry showed the never saw that before file as Robert got the boot before they left the room to debate at the losers cafe, to the next episode..

 Same thing, different project. Sadly this was Lyndsey getting the boot.. She got on this show somehow, not sure how, and from the beginning of this season she has seemed to be out of her depth as they say.. Although she is quite nice looking, she was always just there.. As they say an empty chair... She reminds me of someone, just not sure who.. But again she was fired before the debate got going about who did, or didn't do what..

The following week would see something I've never seen before..  Alan was clearly upset at the both teams, and in this scene above after Steven got in a shouting match with the girls, he was let loose with a quick firing..  Ado Steven..

Not to be outdone Sarah was given the boot as well.. She of the "time keeper" on the next project, a video set to go viral.. Sadly these videos were fairly horrible attempts at fun.. Sarah thought she was safe, she was the winning project manager on the first task, but she found out quickly that that doesn't matter, you have to prove yourself as a team player every week..

Ella was a quick study in lose cannon,  she was the type of project manager that it was her way or else..

And in the end, the final scene usually has the two (or sometimes one) remaining person(s) return to the house to talk about the boardroom experience.. They normally are in conversation about who will be fired. This time they get no such event but rather a new thing happens.. I do think Alan is extremely tired of this years candidates and truth be told this might be the year of firsts across the board as this is the first year he had twenty candidates, multiple firings with this show being the first triple firing..

 The video above is the actual video (shown in the show) that was on YouTube earlier.. The other was called Fat Daddy, a workout video to lose weight by.. Both videos bombed big time..

Badge Henry

(P.S.  I just thought I'd add that in the  episode where Lindsey got booted off that there was an instance where the camera caught her yawning.. That's a fairly bad thing to do in the middle of a task where she wasn't really working very hard.. Karen pointed this instance out where the girls were really not doing that much.. Karen and Nick are Alan's right hand persons that go out on these tasks and watch over them.. They don't do much in the way of mentoring or suggesting to them to try this or try that.. In the case of this season I don't know how they got these people to be in the contest, but I would say whoever was in charge of that are being looked at in a completely different light.. But in reality I never saw the ultimate winner in the past couple of these contests.. The one that won that I thought could was a guy who was in the final boardroom all but two times during that season.. So it really is hard to say who might win.. This season might be the one where no one wins..  That wouldn't surprise me in the least... )

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Posted toastly

Tech talk... Goodie.. Well we got a little note from our ISP that they would be "working" on our internet over the coming first week of November... The fix is likely in as our internet speed is currently around the 5-7Mbps range although if I measure to Omaha on the JAG site it pinned out for a very split second, before going down to 25Mbps which I would take any day of the week.. If only that were true..   I know the FCC is about to impose that the NET Neutrality will be ended, and you will have to pay  a  lot to have even crappy internet service.. Roku and other streaming device users will be stuck with a very small and light weight version of a hockey puck...   Truth be told the only channel that works remotely good on it now is Netflix..  And I set he streaming on a lower setting otherwise it would buffer constantly, because at first in the open setting it would run fine then after a couple months it started to buffer, and at first I thought ok, it does get back to it fairly quickly, but after a while it was way too annoying and I checked to see if there was a way to get it to stop this annoying habit.. And I reset the streaming to a lower setting and it hasn't buffered like that on Netflix since then. And the quality is fine for me.. Wouldn't be that way for the 1080 sect but..

I watched the two weeks ago episode of the Apprentice UK and that was the one where Alan (lord Sugar) strongly urged Robert to take the lead as the project manager and during the decision stage of who would take the PM he shrugged it off...  Well this was the result... I had never seen this happen before...  The scene above is exactly what I thought would happen.. In fact the task was a crappy result that I was wondering if both teams failed to sell anything then who would have been determined the winner??  But I also felt the result could have been one person being fired from both teams.. Turned out the men lost AGAIN.. Hard to believe, but they all of them are dodging any responsibility to try to keep from being blamed on the failure of the task..   I can see Alan getting more and more agitated by this behaviour and I just get this feeling he is going to put a stop to it shortly.. He will mix the teams up a little in the next episode, some of the guys into the womens team and verse visa...

Badge Henry

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Oh for the reason.. ing

Things change when you get older.. Certainly things do change such as body functions.. As I hit the big 50 (eventually, I mean it hasn't happened yet but I can imagine...) when it does, and I hit that mark hard.. The first thing is the squeak that develops, the squeak that doesn't go away, even with oil, or a grease zirk added to that  body part that just doesn't move anymore, or seems to need added emphasis to move.. Such things are strange, none the stranger than back in 2001 when I dislocated my left elbow again, and it grew to the size of a watermelon.. It would go down to the size of a grapefruit and remains that size to this day.. But the thing is, is that I couldn't shave with my left hand anymore.. I can't reach my face with it, or I should say I can reach it, but it locks up.. And that's no fun.. But up until this past May I didn't even try to use my left arm to do any shaving.. And them miracle of miracles, I tried to shave a  portion of my face with my left hand and could.. It's that little section under my right ear that never gets shaved with regularity.. Everyone would say "you missed a spot shaving..."  and I'd say no shit hu???  I can't reach it...  Really, liar...  Ok, show me how it's done then... It took a supreme effort to shave that little landing strip there..  But that isn't the biggest thing I have noticed about getting older.. Trust me getting older SUCKS and I tell my nephews and nieces don't get older, stay the same size.. My nephew continues to ignore me as now walking under the freezer door on the fridge without bending over doesn't happen without thunking it..

My coordination seems to be going.. Part two isn't the nicest thing I've noticed but here it is anyway.. About a year ago I started to notice that while doing the "dirty deed" (taking a crap) I went to wipe the area (moon floss) and I've been wiping that particular area the same way for .. Forever, which is to say my right hand.. And then one day, or several days I started to notice.. "I can't reach it..."   I shit you not, the old reach around is not working anymore.. So what do you do in this case??  I went lefty on this. And off and on it's left hand wipe because I can't reach my ass with my right hand anymore.. How do you broach the subject with your doctor.. "Hey doc, I got this problem, I can't seem to get a grip on the ability to WIPE MY OWN ASS... At least not with my right hand"  "Well you got a  left hand don't you??  Give that a go.. That'll be a hundred bucks office call...  "... It really does SUCK  to get old...

Badge Henry

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Twilight mission

In a world where Netflix is available to stream via a streaming player, in my case the Roku, television viewing habits get skewered completely..  In my case I set up to run something like five shows, three in the primetime slots of 7:ish to 10:ish.. and I have three shows that fit in the three hours there but it is more of a three hour block where three plus shows fit.. If I start at seven straight up which rarely ever happens.. Most of the time I get into the roku at about seven, but usually that first little bit it spent checking for new channels (apps) in the channel store in the "new" tab..  And I add what looks like the more interesting channels that cross my taste.. Then I might take a quick look at them or I will click into Netflix and start watching my shows.. After watching Continuum, I decided not to watch another show on the same feeling and instead started Scandal, followed by the Fosters and then rounding out the nights viewing I started watching the Walking Dead season 4.. I already watched it by way of torrent last year, and after the siege at the prison episode that was the end of the first half of season 4 the second part starts out with the people that were at the prison scattered and trying to make it on their own.. These episodes were the ones where character development took place, as if they weren't developed before the second half of season four.. But it's interesting but also somewhat depressing.. But they get back together again, little by little until they reach Terminus and then the shit hits the fan.. Season 5 has started and I'm wondering how it unfolds.. I should start watching those by next week sometime.. The other shows that are on my block to be watched are One Tree Hill (a kiddie soap opera, who's sleeping with Brooke today (but I love Sophia Bush, so there's my reason for watching the child soap))  With Life Unexpected being the other show.. Where was that one from?? Well turns out it is on the CW which is a channel we don't get on our cable system, not that I would have watched it initially on network tv..  But getting to explore some shows on Netflix this way is the better way to watch shows anyway..  Hart of Dixie returns as the floater show, and gets watched once a week, usually Thursday nights... I don't binge watch on Netflix, there's just too much that interests me.. Farscape was the show I was going to watch but didn't because of my thinking it might be too close in likeness to Continuum...

Plans are to watch these shows through their final shows, some are done others will continue.. Then start shows like Burn Notice or Eureka or Warehouse 13 which are quite similar (Eureka and warehouse 13 are alike)  But the start of 2015 will see the show Friends being brought to Netflix.. I had heard rumors that Seinfeld was being brought to the 'flix but still no confirmation.. Some of that is on Crackle now..  Oh yes, Rehab Addict is a half hour (22 minutes actually) show that I watch just before switching to the i-tunes channels and listening to the Czabe as I drift off to sleep..  Another night of viewing and listening in the books..

Badge Henry

Monday, October 20, 2014

After that and no more

So you know how I said that the 7th of November would be the last entry on PNOP blog?  Well earlier this month I decided to continue on beyond that date.. Then as I was thinking about it, I decided to reverse course and the final entry will be November 7th..  Of...  sometime.. Two years from now, three.. Not sure when it will end.. but the seventh of November will be the final entry.. Enjoy the madness..

Badge Henry

Friday, October 17, 2014

My show of choice

Back again this year is the Apprentice UK.. The start of season ten was last week and they ran this special ten year anniversary show.. A best of the ten years.. What was better about the UK version than Trumps yark is that they now compete to go into business with the head guy.. Lord Alan Sugar, the guy is amazing to watch..   In the episode above the show has clips from the three seasons I got to see.. The two adult versions and  a kid version...  Check it out.. The best hour you will spend..


Badge Henry

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

So what you said what

When you have a scanner, radio scanner, you tend to be both in the know and out of the loop simultaneously... In my case the scanner I have is the one everyone was getting just before the digital ones where the voices are scrambled.. That was disappointing to me as what I was after was to expand my listening by way of using this to listen to trunking communications.. Instead what I got were frequencies where the numbers can be programmed but they are transcribed to digital.. But.. I do get a fair amount of traffic what with the Union Pacific rail system that runs by the house (two blocks away from our back door) and the ambulance service as well.. (not by our back door)  I hear the calls and you know when there is an ambulance call that someones life has changed for the worse.. But when I hear calls and they can be non descriptive and sometimes they use  10-code and sometimes they just let it all hang out, bleeding from the anus or puking profusely.. And that is bad enough but now there could be a new set of fun to listen for.. Possible EBOLA victim...  Think about that one.. Will the ambulance service soon have to have a unit specially equipped to go on an ebola run??  Would that be the way to go??  When you see the BIG  ambulance and you know they are in there suiting up to go into someones house and not only do they have an ambulance on scene but they will have a lot of police cars and fire trucks and HAZMAT vehicles there.. Will that ever come to pass??   I hope not but just to think what direction this could go..  Something to think about..

Speaking of that subject, they have reported that that guy that went into the Dallas hospital emergency room might have waited in there for hours before they got to help him.. No shit, big surprise, if that were at our famed hospital he might still be in the emergency room waiting.. Yea he's been dead for a week, but he still waiting..  Hey doc I've got this thing on my nu..nose.. and... hey doc..

Hey doc.. 

hey doc.. 


Badge Henry

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


..and then it's October again.. Don't get me wrong, this is my favorite month, for football and cooler weather.. Leaves changing.. The grass slowing down the growth.. colours and smells, enjoy the cooler days before we get stuck in the house for the winter.. Seems like I was just dreading the heat of summer in June and suddenly it is October once again.. Time flies.. I blame the little kids in the family, they can hardly wait to get older and that speeds the clocks up.. My nephew that used to be able to walk under the opened freezer door now gets thumped by it.. My nieces twins continue to grow up although I'm sure their mom thinks they aren't growing very fast at all.. THEY ARE.. Darned it.. And the youngest nephew who has gotten to the point where he can't take a bad picture.. Try as much as you can the little guy is just ...PERFECT..

So the other day (Friday) we went to the pizza place there in town, Sam and Louies and  as we are eating the wind is opening the door and my nephew says look.. I look and my mom says thats from the wind.. I of course have an alternative to why the door is seemingly opening on it's own... I say it's a poltergeist..  He looks at me as if in total "what's a poltergeist" look and I say it's a ghost.. He looked at his grandma like .. What, is that real??  I say yes because it is October.. Halloween ... DUH it's the spookiest month of the year.. Why would they put Halloween in October if it wasn't the scariest month of the year??   He then has to have his grandma settle him down a little.. I tell him i was just joking..  He should know by now I am full of shit.. The next day he and his grandma are in the spare bedroom and I start up the stairs and get to the hallway and then tip toe up to the door, just next to it and I hear him say was I up there or ???  what was going on, he was sure I hd come up and as he gets to the door way I BOOGEDY BOOO  him...  scared him a bit.. Awe.. you know I jusy gotta get him.. gotta do them all once in their lifes.  Did it to my Nieces and will likely do it to the little guy when  he gets older.. ..

Badge Henry

Sunday, October 5, 2014

hots on for hillbilly thursday..

The weekend that was ... the first weekend of October...  My nephew decortated a birthday cake with the frostin' and decortations and candels..  Candles enough to where when we got them all lit, we put a grill on and barbequed a bit..   Roasted a marshmallow ... 

We took him back today and he takes his money that he won from his old settlers days games winnings and his tooth fairy money from the tooth he lost a week or so ago, and he went and bought himself a toy or two... He had seven buckeroos and was wanting something a little out of his price range.. He looked... and looked.. and looked...  He saw a big serious set of legos toy city thing and he has a lot of them already and he loves Legos, not because he plays with them, but just because.. Having them is most of the fun.. After he gets his toys we get close to his house and his grandma  asks him if he was hungry for something and he says he really likes subway.. Subway??  Really?? So he gets a pizza there and as he is eating it he gets to the last two pieces and slows way down and looks like he will be taking the rest home but all of a sudden he gets the next piece and starts to eat it and I said to him "I thought you might take the last piece to let his madre or padre or his little  brodre have some..  Oh well no sharing today... Thems the breaks..

Badge Henry

Friday, October 3, 2014

How to Handle Tailgaters on the Road

From Wikihow : You may have learned the value of driving your car at speeds you can handle but how do you deal with a driver who offensively drives too close behind you? This article will give you some ways to practice simple, safe, and effective measures to get out of a potentially dangerous tailgating situation.

Remain calm! Losing your cool means losing control, and losing control of your vehicle is the last thing you want to do. Deep breaths are a big help. Focus on your situation, and not on the radio or passengers or cell phones, (which you might want to avoid using while driving, especially in a tense situation).

Consider your own judgement of what is too close. Drivers who are accustomed to driving in urban areas tend to be more comfortable driving closer to other cars that drivers from rural areas where traffic is generally less dense. It could be your judgement of the situation that is causing you stress rather than the reality of distance between cars and the other driver may not agree that they are tailgating. The important goal is to relief stress for both drivers since either driver is subject to "road rage" behavior based on their individual perception of the situation.

Always know your local driving laws. Tailgating is generally against the law, as is causing an accident by driving into someone's back bumper. While you don't want to be in an accident, the aggressive driver behind you will most likely be at fault if he or she drives into you. Chances are they know the outcome if they hit you, and will want to avoid doing so.

Pull over and allow the vehicle behind you to pass, if it is safe to do so. This is always the most rapid way of getting rid of a tailgater. If the car behind you is catching up, there's a good chance the driver wants to go faster. If it's safe to do so, let him/her.
  • On narrower roads, use turnouts to allow others to pass when it is safe to do so. In many places, it is required that slower traffic use turnouts. Elsewhere, it is simply polite.
  • On a winding road, do not speed up so drastically at passing lanes that others cannot pass. Many drivers go slowly and cautiously around curves and then get on a straightaway and feel that they have the space or visibility to dart ahead. Have the patience to let others past.
 If at all possible, slow slightly and move away from the center of the road; allowing the tailgater to pass safely. Normally a tailgater just wants to drive faster, so they will pass and leave you alone. If you know people want to pass you, try to stay out of the high speed (passing) lane(s).

 Maintain a constant speed. This allows the tailgating driver to predict when he can pass you. Avoid speeding up and slowing down to send him a message - this only increases his frustration level.
  • When in doubt, use your cruise control. This can help ensure that you remain at a constant speed of your choosing, and helps prevent accelerating when an agitating driver is trying to "push" you into speeding up. Plus, you are likely in a tense situation already. Using cruise control means you don't have to concentrate on your speed as much, so you can concentrate more on removing yourself from this situation.
 Above all else, do not be a source of the problem. If you cannot switch lanes for any reason, various laws of physics are going to prevent the tailgater from driving through you. However, if you're matching speed with a vehicle beside you, perhaps you should consider slowing down and switching lanes. Defusing the dangerous situation is far more advantageous than bickering over the speed limit.


The reason for this entry is.. I was tailgated today, and I wanted to keep thinking it was my imagination.. The guy kept coming close then fading and did this over a fifteen mile span of the road.. Finally we got to our hometown and the guy pulls off just three streets before ours.. Did he know us??  I don;t know, what was he trying to pull??  Was he trying to freak me out.. I should mention something important here, but first.. My idea was to turn him in,  he was also hugging the white line and crossing it several times.. He would fade to about a hundred yards back and then crowd close to my rear bumper.. Then fade again and did this several times.. I could only think this idiot was testing my patience and trying to see what I might do.. I kept thinking what is with this dip shit... He can't be a legal driver, CAN HE??  By the way we have a celebration going on right now called Oktoberfest and so you might think he was an idiot early day drinker, and maybe he was but I have my doubts.. He lives in our town and I'm pretty sure I know where he lives..  By the way, when he turned he confirmed my suspicion, he was driving a state patrol car...

Badge Henry

(P.S. By the way this was no joke piece, the same thing happened a year ago, only last year it was  late at night around one in the morning.. Last year this car pulled up behind me at about the same exact point on the road home and he very nearly was tailgating me again.. But in this case it took him about three miles before he decided to pull me over.. I bet he thought, I got a drunk.. Guess again asshole.. I'm slowly changing my mind about law enforcement...He last year was riding my bumper fairly close, then backed off as if he was about to pass then clicked on his cherries...  I came so close yesterday to pulling over to turn or just pulling over to talk to the officer and telling him tailgating is illegal in all fifty states, learn to drive.. What he was doing was illegal, either pass or back off and enjoy the ride.. I'm not in a big hurry, if you're trying to incite me to speed up and break the law you've got a long wait... I set the speed to 57mph, if you want to go faster PASS ME... And he could have there were plenty of open spaces large enough for a police car on a donut run to pass me.. )


I have been thinking about changing my name on my Facebook page recently.. actually I've been thinking about changing it for a little while now... The reason is that the Badge Henry sounds like either I am hiding out or using an alias or want to be a fake name to post obscene posts and replies to peoples (certain sites) idiotic posts.. Truth is I did everything as either Badge Henry or Stutch Thirteen (Stutch13)..  (Come in mister Thirteen, your time is up).. (Why 13??  Because the first twelve were losers.. Only joking, thirteen is my favorite number)..  So what was I thinking about changing my name to on facebook?   Actually it won't be changed but more added to.. Where most people (women mostly) have their married name and then put their maiden name below in parentheses .. These (  < things >  ).. And within those would be (was) Chuck Davis (is)....  Just been thinking.. I actually had it set that way this past April but changed my mind...  I just can't pull the trigger still.. I like the anonymity it gives me..  I guess this whole entry is a crock, but what did you expect.. ???

Badge Henry

Thursday, October 2, 2014

savE a racK

So for the remainder of October my Facebook page will have one of the following pictures on it..

I have some thirty of these, so one a day.. Also this one, I needed this one too.::

I tell my niece to save beer, drink vodka instead.. Let's face it, vodka tastes better than beer hands down any day of the week.. Actually just about any bourbon tastes better than anything else out there hands down..

Badge Henry