Monday, June 23, 2014

In the buff, ready for reaction..

So I posed a question last week or, the week before, not sure when via my Facebook that read "has anyone seen the show In The Flesh" to which I got crickets as answers.. Absolutely nothing in response so I got the first season which was a three show run (on the BBC4 channel out of England) and it is (was) really a good show although a bit slow..  It is a little like The Walking Dead with the exception that instead of killing all the bitters, they are rehabilitating them to be be brought back into the general population.. To which those who lived through the first "uprising" aren't too happy.. The lead character starts the first episode being prepped to go home, where he will be brought back into the house as if nothing happened.. He was caught in a store, eating on someone,  by his sister who is in the hunt the dead army..  His death before turning was by his own hand, he killed himself..

So is this show better than Walking Dead??  It's not anywhere near that show.. To give an example, while watching Walking Dead I rarely looked at the remaining time on the player (either the DIVX player on the computer or the Roku this past month) and on In The Flesh I find myself watching the remaining time countdown.. I'm afraid it might be the only way it keep me from dozing.. Now I am watching season two and it is starting off just as lost as season one was.. Season one had to move quickly because it had three shows to get the story done, screw character development, we're off to the races... Over all it is a good show but I'm not sure how truly good it is and doesn't stack up well against the Walking Dead show here in America..

Badge Henry

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