Yesterday I was looking at the computer in the afternoon and checked the weather like I do.. There were systems building in the south but I was only looking at them to be mild storms if anything at all.. Well after getting off the computer I see out the window dark clouds but i figure a little storm, we weren't being targeted for much, the storm radio hadn't gone off since the test at ten yesterday morning.. Then I'm watching the shows I watch and then the scanner goes off with thunderstorm warnings in a town south east of us. Nothing to get too excited about, this town is some twelve or so miles as the crow flies, and it is a little nerve wracking but I thought I would come down and check the radio to see it it had gone off.. It hadn't yet, good news.. Then shortly they had their spotters out as well a tell tale sign that things are getting serious, storm chasers were at the doorstep watching the clouds.. That's when you know you better be serious so they send out their spotters and no sooner had they gone out than the order was given to blow the CP whistles in the town.. They would do this in succession in Sedgwick, Ovid, Julesburg, Big Springs and then Brule, all within a half an hour period as the storm moved fairly quickly out of our area.. But about 9:30 to about ten last night the all alerts radio did go off and I figured when it got into our neck of the woods the radio would go off.. Normally I wouldn't care but we had the nephew here and if there's anything he loves to do is to get FREAKED OUT by a storm.. I was down when the radio was going off hoping he wasn't listening to it, but he was in the front room watching a tv show on the Roku and heard the radio go off but wasn't able to hear the tornado warning being issued for a town fifteen miles away and east of us.. It might have been enough for his dad to freak him out.. I decided to call it a thunderstorm warning and it wasn't for us, it was for east of us and moving away.. Nothing to worry about, and it wasn't anything to worry about, keep watching this show you've seen fifty times before.. Nothing to worry about here, move along.. Staying cool.. I looked at the weather situation on my tv using the Roku to see what was going on.. really there was nothing for us to worry about.. So why freak him out, he's mister tornado this and that but get a cloud in the sky and he freaks out.. No reason to do that.. I start to watch my after ten show on the Roku and followed by the weird Wednesday on Zom-Bee TV channel on the Roku.. My favorite channel after Netflix.. You just gotta love the weird..
Badge Henry
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