Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Is it real..

Today's the day.. or tomorrow.. But either today or tomorrow will be the big 10,000 views on the PNOP page.. which means that viewer will get the keys to  a brand spanking new 1977 Cordoba..  You're welcome..

Sorry, the paragraph above was written yesterday and as it turns out the ten thousand mark was reached around three o'clock in the afternoon.. The person was reached and the keys delivered to a brand new 1978  Cordoba with all the trimmings..   I never said they get the car only the keys, the car is extra..

The other day I was reading the ingredients to a couple of foods containers and I come to the part of the listing that has to make anyone shudder.. That part of the ingredients contains the word Artificial ...  Artificial as in what exactly??  I think I want to know, as I think most people would like to.. I mean in this day in age of people having allergies to anything, shouldn't the artificial part of the ingredience be listed..  Sometimes I think I would like to know what that artificial ingredient is.. Beyond that then some foods have what are called F D & C colouring added.. What the hell is that??   I know that everything has fructose, high fructose syrup which is corn syrup.. Sugar was stopped being used before the turn of the century..   You want to be freaked out about food additives check this link out : http://eatthis.menshealth.com/slideshow/print-list/186430    Everything listed but rat turds, and by the way EVERYTHING has a bit of rat in it.. The old Monty Python skit comes to mind.. I'll have mine without much rat in it..    MSG, BHA,  BHT, Sodium Nitrate...  They all sound interesting but.. Mostly a preservative in some foods, sodium Nitrate make the food presentable so they can be on the shelf for weeks longer than they ever could be before.. In fact mostly that is what a lot of these do is to make the food have that picture postcard look so you can see how the food looks great.. How long has this been on the shelf??  Figure it takes a week to get to the store you buy it in.. Figure it took a while   to process the food to start with and then figure it might sit in your fridge a week or two.. I personally have had an opened container of meat in the fridge for a month and had eaten it and had no effects (food poisoning) still yet, however it could be delayed I suppose.. I have gotten meat in the  dry area near the meat but not in the cooler section.. And I look at this and think  what is in this??  Same as Hormel starters.. The food is good, I used the pull pork and it tasted good, but it is in the dry section of the store (at Walmart that could be anywhere from the groceries to the tire section)..  What is in this stuff and why after a few days gestation does it smell like it could be fished out of the thunder mug and reused??  That scares me that my crap smells good enough to eat.. Is that where this stuff is made??  The toilet of the meat processing plant??   Talk about less rat in it..  So.. Just remember the next time you buy something that seems out of place.. I used to think it was funny that you could buy some food item next to the toilet paper.. Maybe that should send up a warning flag.. Should I buy this?? Should I buy more tp just in case the fun begins..

With all that said about artificial ingredients, brought to mind a few years ago when we bought some real maple syrup after never having it in my life (I don't think) and it was HORRIBLE tasting.. Was that real maple syrup??  How do people use that crap.. Well all the food we eat is mass produced.. I have been eating apples a lot lately and some are just tasteless.. They are taste free, as in the people back at the apple making factory forgot the flavour injection.. Just stick each apple with just a little drop and that spreads out.. I'm sure I saw it on the tv show how it's made.. They make apples??  Yes they do.. The day is going to come where everything will have that cardboard flavour unless the injector gives it the desired flavor.. That artificial flavor of used jockstrap, old tire, burned cow chip and motor oil.. These ingredients in the right amount equal the steak you are eating.. Barbeque never tasted better.. Think of that the next time you eat your favorite food..  What's in there?? 

Badge Henry

(P.S. I was thinking of this entry when I was eating some eggo waffles a few months back and they just stopped tasting remotely the way I remembered them tasting.. Sadly I couldn't stand eating them anymore so I stopped.. I thought I had burned out and that's a good enough excuse to stop eating them.. A few weeks later we got some from Shwans and I thought they had at least a memorable taste to them.. Mom blames it on getting older.. i blame it on the taste testers deciding heh.. that's good enough.. People will buy it.. There's little choice so people will but that.. AND EAT IT.. )

Friday, April 25, 2014

Bags packed

The Boots for KISS are few and far between.. This one of a rehearsal from the early days.. Really early days as Paul is pictured with his bandit persona makeup, which would of course be changed to the starchild..  A lot happened in 1973 for the band, hard to say a band could do so much in such a short amount of time.. From the time they signed to the record label they released the first three studio albums then Alive!, their breakthrough album.. But here they are in the raw rehearsal mode before they pissed each other off as has happened recently.. But I still think they will reunite before they hang up their platforms for good in  2020???  Any takers on that retirement year??

Again the song "Life In The Woods" is on this demo..  what's it about.. Being a hermit??  

They keep talking about retirement, will it be by 2020.. or 2022..  Who knows.. Only Gene $immon$ and Paul Stanley know and they might not know either..

Badge Henry

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Forced to...

It's official.. Roku has YouTube as an official channel now!!  and how good is it??  Well had I not had the other two channels before it would have been a ten on a scale to ten or there abouts.. Yeah there are issues but its alright.. The search is impossible at best because if you make a mistake in the search in spelling it will take forever to erase and go from there.. It's a good channel (app) but not perfect.. However if you have a supported gadget it is perfect.. The search with a gadget is like typing with a keyboard so at least that will work.. The search part I can't evaluate although it is a carry over search in that anything I search for on the other video search sites (videobuzz and what's on) will carry over to the youtube channel.. 
The picture above shows youtube in an old roku OS from over a year ago.. The biggest surprise yesterday was the addition of Youtube channel to roku because there were so many questions on every site through the past year about well is roku ever gonna get a youtube channel.. When videobuzz was taken down last year I was desperate for a way to see youtube anyway that I could and just happened to be at the right place at the right time and was able to get the secret way to get What's on to be a youtube viewing channel (app) and that was better than nothing.. Then Videobuzz was offered as a sideload (developers) channel.. And although not perfect it was better than the what's on channel.. Now I know there are people that don't care for Youtube at all either on the computer or the roku and I get that but it sure seemed like it was a deal breaker for those who were looking at Roku or whatever.. I have said it was nearly a deal breaker for me but decided because of all the support that I would get the roku and hope youtube would be there..  There were other ways to get the channel but I never could get those to work.   

Now the big question is will the supreme court rule in favor of Aero.. Roku has a Aero private channel available but it to me might be too questionable..  They have spent nothing but time in court recently and they also don't have many cities they service.. Something like six only but when you figure it they only need one.. They have cloud based dvr service.. Would that be important??  They charge to use their service but don't pay the networks anything for the rights to the programming.. That sounds a bit like steeling.  More than a bit but there are several ways to look at it and when you read or view the videos you see their way of looking at it.. Right now I'm happy with what I have on the Roku.. Wouldn't trade it for anything..

Badge Henry

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The key

What was is no more... sort of..  A little over a year ago this channel called VideoBuzz was being told to stop being in existence on the roku system.. VideoBuzz was the Roku way of viewing YouTube videos and was a reason I went with the Roku over anything else out there.. Well not a big reason but a reason I went with the roku.. Then a few months later the guy who developed the program set it up so it could be "side loaded" which means loaded to the roku by way of using the computer to load it in such a way that is doesn't infringe on the EULA of the roku and the site it gets most of the videos you watch on it although there are other sites it supposedly will watch on.. Hint.. :
Starts with a Y  and has a Tube in there somewhere.. I got that channel and set it up on my roku and then my moms just in case she wanted to look at anything there.. When I set hers up it remained easy to install.. Then today.. after having troubles with the channel on my box for the better part of the last few months I decided to take a chance and try to downgrade.. Go to the version that was working better than the "new and improved" version..
But first I went to the site that I got it from before to make sure it was being supported.. It wasn't.. The site sent me to 404 or 405 sites that meant the links were dead zone links.. I found my CPU flashdrive and found the utmost folder where this program was.. All set then, take the chance and delete it from my box.. That being all done I did the disable part on the computer not even thinking this might not work again..

So after setting the box up and settings being prime here I cleared the ability for that channel to work.. Well it had issues.. It worked.. sort of.. And what that means is it would work for a video, then if I selected a new video it would sit there.. Not play the video..  I thought the other channel I have for YouTube was better than this so I figured it was better than nothing so big deal.. ZIP files.. Keep that in mind for the remainder of this story..

When I went looking to quickly install the old version I found the exe. file (executive or execute) was no where to be found.. Oh great.. I went in search of everywhere I had this damn thing and it was nowhere.. After a while I went to the videobuzz installer and figured I would reinstall the old version I just deleted because the old version would be better than NOTHING..  No dice.. The old installer didn't even work.. It has a roku counter so if there are two on then I would make a choice and add it to whichever is mine.. But that didn't find mine either.. So now what??  The developer had a note on the web site where he said where to look to make it install.. The README file.. Readme file, I click on it and it won't open.. Well the secret is safe.. I have no idea how to open the file.. I Google it and find the secret to opening this thing and read it.. Well I had been trying to put the files in opened mode.. It has to be set there in ZIP form which is to say unzipped.. So there it clicked.. That was never the way it was done before.. So I had the latest version of the program and thought yeah I'll give it a try.. What could it hurt.. I could always delete it and go with an older version if this worked..

The new version simply titled VIDEOBUZZ is a lot more different than the old version.. Everything about it is better.. and seems faster.. It has so many more features than the old one has with the best part being they have added the ability to see videos on REDDIT and are getting it ready to have other channels (sites) as well.. 
Most popular was on the old version as well..

What to watch was a favorite on the old version as well.. What I like is push play all and it will play everything that is new.. A virtual playback of everything that I subscribe to with the latest videos being played.. I follow a lot of news sites and so many other sites from around the world.. It's the main reason I like the VideoBuzz channel.. The other channel doesn't have this feature..

So.. In closing..  There it is then.. You just gotta have it..

Badge Henry

(P.S.  No sooner did I get this done and then ran my Facebook timeline and this was on it :  Happy Tuesday, streamers! We have a great and long-awaited channel update to share – YouTube is available now in the Roku Channel Store for all current-generation* Roku devices in the U.S., Canada, U.K. and the Republic of Ireland! We’re thrilled it’s finally here as we’re dedicated to our industry-leading selection of streaming entertainment....   Shit talk about timing.. Only trouble is I've heard the actual YouTube isn't nearly as good as the one I gushed about.. But I'll give it a try.. )

Monday, April 21, 2014


Not that I look at every inch of the paper ever but this caught my attention today for some odd reason..:
Where it came from, the start of the paper.. Interesting read on the second page.. Where the subscription info is..
Coming soon, very soon.. The Silverton Northern Railroad...

The dreaded adding on to the railroad will soon start..  Not sure how far they will take it after the initial 200 feet.. 

Badge Henry

Saturday, April 19, 2014


As of today at 5:30 this late afternoon the number of views at the Phudge nut site is 9935..  So what does that mean??   Ten thousand IS THE END!!     just joking.. I think.. I mean I've got entries set through the middle of May so I think it is safe to say I will still have entries through until June.. Actually I have the YMB set as in November but I'm still not sure.. Depends on how I feel then.. Hard to say how things will be.. it has taken FOREVER to get to the ten thousand view mark.. Some sites have that in a month and others more than likely a week.. Me, some serious time between when it started and now but in the beginning it was more like this site with my personal views on things here and there.. Then it became a weird shit site.. Mostly it was a replacement site that took the place of my emailing people with stuff I had found over the week or whatever and to keep those emails from being goobered with, either by something that is on the computer or whatever.. Since I've gotten some virus scanning tools the computer runs quite better.. Anyway that is what the site was and still is for.. So why get out now??  It might be either keep that going or move to here or the Infinite Improbability site.. Since that site is nearly defunct.. Lost interest in uploading videos there.. What was supposed to be a video site stopped because I got bored with the videos I made.. Not sure what to do but... Guess we'll see. For now life will go on as usual.. no change is in the immediate site..

Badge Henry

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Fiber fibber

How close are we to having the holy  grail of internet here??  I'm talking of course about fiber optic internet, A.K.A. the fastest internet there is..
I was reading a site I follow on Facebook and they were  talking about their provider was upping their speed to nearly 100Mbps from the paltry 45/50Mbps ...  I was reading replies to that entry and I'm seeing the woe is me tails of having only 25 to 30 ...  And so I get my reply in there "We here in Point of Entry Nebraska  have Podunk ISP and it is as fast as you can imagine with a name like that we get around 7Mbps with days on end where we get just under 1Mbps speed.. STOP YOUR BITCHIN'.. I can only imagine speeds that fast.."   Nobody called Bravo Sierra yet..

So is it far fetched to imagine us getting that kind of speed of internet??  I think so but we have gotten broadband internet here so maybe a faster internet isn't that far away.. Hey dare to dream, and why not..

I've taken to watching over 90% of what I watch by way of the Roku which I hate to develop a habit of that kind on the "box" as I call it.. They keep adding programming to Netflix and shows I want to watch.. The sad part is some of the earlier shows were allowed to bomb for a while before developing a following and staying on for eight seasons and some even longer.. So some have over two hundred shows and that can mean watching for a while.. I can binge watch but usually what I do is watch several different shows a night rather than watch the same show episode after episode.. Except for Breaking Bad which I kinda wanted to get through before the internet completely crapped out on us.. Currently I am still quite in the middle of sitcoms Cheers, Frasier and  Coach.. Hart of Dixie is one show I've been watching once in a while, I just started watching Drop Dead Diva and Mad Men..  And I'm not at all embarrassed to admit that I watch the Andy Griffith show every now and then.. I even remember the shows from seeing them when I was little.. All those years ago.. I check older stuff out on the Archive channel.. That is so cool to watch some shows that include the old commercials in them or to just watch the old commercials.. There's a show called Batteries not included that is just a little over an hour of old commercials run back to back for that hour and beyond.. Really interesting to watch.. What is interesting is to see the price on some of the commercials (they did that back then?)  and then think what that would equal in todays money amounts.  A 25 dollar toy might cost several hundreds now..   Mom, Dad  I NEEEEEeeed that toy..  

Badge Henry

Friday, April 11, 2014

Unsense to nonsense

Even after all this time.. The game remains the same.. The rules are unchanged.. There is just different faces as the game changes from old to young.. Here it is, your moment of zen..

Another crappy video.. Actually not bad subject just the conversion.. What caused the issue here?? I converted it WRONG.. I set it to be converted to wmv rather than mp4.. That seems to be the problem here.. And as usual I thought I had it right but didn't and was sure of my self enough so that I deleted the video files from the source SD card.. That is never a good idea until I get it messed with (edited)...  I was just thinking again.. I should just stop that behaviour right now..

Badge Henry

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Epilog to braking stones

After watching the final two episodes of Breaking Bad it ended the same way as last year.. The guessing that I did to figure out how this or that would happen, the chain of events went through my head.. The final episode where he starts to explain again to Skyler why he did it and she interrupts and tells him to save it.. He continues and explains it really was more for him.. I think at one point he believed it was for his family but after a certain point it was more to see if he could do what he did.. With a brother in-law as a DEA agent it added more to the "can you believe I'm doing this right under his nose"? feel to it.. He manipulated a lot of the situation and was really a good guy turned bad.. The show could have gone on for a little longer but the way it ended was.. Well I was satisfied as most of the shows fans were.. There may have been little reason to go on.. One more episode to show the next day/year after that fateful night.. What happened to Jesse??  Lydia likely died from the risen poisoning Walt inflicted..   Walt truly made a deal with the devil when he had Tod have his uncle hired to kill Jesse.. That was his downfall.. That spelled the end of the series and made it easy to end it the way it did.. Fantastic show although it might turn people off with the subject matter.. It could easily be  a western, fighting over gold or alcohol (moonshine)  easily adaptable to any story of greed and corruption..  I was just thinking this show (series) could be watched over and over.. For me trying to see if any of the Gus Fring era people was one of the reasons I watched again.. That and the body count..  if you Google it.. : http://breakingbad.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_deaths_on_Breaking_Bad  The total number is??=====  271 .. They have a running table and all.. If you pay attention you would get the number fairly close to that. Is important??  Not really..

Been there..  Nice hotel and to think they were hunting ghosts..  That seals it, I want to go there.. 

Badge Henry..

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Seriously broken/ lifeless meandering

So I got the entirety of this seasons (second half of ?) the Walking Dead.. And watched it in marathon or binge sessions.. Eight shows that I had a plan to watch in the week that we are in right now, figuring that it would take from Sunday through next Monday but instead watched in three days.. Oh well, just as well.. So did anything happen??  Compared to the end of the previous season when the gov came to revenge of his "sanctuary"  being torn up by the people at the prison.. A lot of excitement in the end of that part of the eight episode run.. This eight show run was fairly dull yet not really that bad.. Called character development, this season we got to see how these people came about and got to see how they are under pressure.. It was also some of the sadder shows when Micah killed her sister to show how when they change they aren't any different.. Very sad lot that episode was.. Now they ended this season all together at Terminus.. in a rail car.. reunited.. Ready to ...

Breaking Bad, been a while since I've written about this show.. I'm rerunning through the entire series to see how many people were killed because of Walt and his doing the meth trade.. Cooking the most pure form of meth there ever was, but truth be told druggies will do anything any form of this crap.. Purity would more than likely mean something to the users that way they know they are getting their money's worth.. But to the dealers it wouldn't seem to make sense seeing as how they seemed to cut other drugs, why wouldn't they cut meth..  So how many did die by Walt??  From the beginning we had Tuco and his crew..  There were some people I don't know how to count.. After leaving my last entry a few weeks ago I was barely into the series.. I figured I would get to the end of the series by the first or middle of May.. With the internet woes we have experienced I stepped up my "binge" watching and am now on Episode 61.. 61 of 62.. That's right I'm nearly through it.. Counting the two jet airliners that crashed in midair.. How that came about with the over stressed and in depression air controller dad of the overdosed death daughter in Jane who was Jesse's girlfriend strung out on heroin while Walt watched her gag on her own puke..  Where to count??  And you have to now count Hank, and his DEA partner Steve.. The numbers are interesting but I gave up keeping count.. I was also trying to see if there were any of the people that ended up being central at the middle part of the story such as Saul, Mike and Gus Fring.. There was never anything like that until that part of the series started.. Mike was my favorite character of the series.. Mike the enforcer..  But it was always  feeling sorry for Jesse, Walt's partner in the cooking end of the business.. He got shit on and shafted at every turn.. By the final two episodes there was a question by me, of how things would get wrapped up.. So much so that by the last show, I watched it when it was on.. The only time I did watch the show on the network it was on.. I watched the first few seasons on Netflix then by torrent and then watched the 61 episode the day of the final show and watched 62 when it was on.. I liked how it ended and am enjoying the way it goes.. There is rarely a dull moment through the entire series although it does have it's moments of slowness.. The final eight shows are the most intense and when the shootout in the dessert goes down, it's watch the entire to the ending binge must.. A really good reason to have Netflix.. 

Badge Henry

Monday, April 7, 2014

Post this to your... fridge

If it's worth anything it's worth funing it to death.. Or poke a little fun at it.. My big brother and his wife are back from their trip bearing fruits from a trip well spent.. Here is what they brought me .. check it out..

I didn't even know they had a Hard Rock cafe in Greenland.. who knew?? 

This next was my favorite.. :

Four designs.. I woulda been happy with any one of them.. Thanks guys, now warm up by the fire..

Alright then there can only be one thing to say about the event coming up on Thursday.. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony in which the group KISS finally gets inducted.. And instead of acting gracious they are sniping and snarling at each other.. They are acting this way because of the he said he said bull shit and it is really become an embarrasing situation for the fans who clamored for this to happen for many years.. I was one of the very few who thought it would be cool if KISS was never inducted.. To say they weren't in would be more of a badge of achievement than to get in because of what they did accomplish in their career. ...   anyway what's done is did and truth is they may never get back together again.. Or they might get it back together for that one final reunion that no one ever saw as happening ever.. Yep it could happen, Gene is nothing if not the most money hungry turd in the world..  

Check out some boots I've gotten recently, (these are not links to the music)
The first or one of the very earliest concerts by KISS... Note the song list.. The songs "Life In The Woods" and "Simple Type" I've never heard before.. I thought they would be retitled songs later.. They might be old Wicked Lester songs, but I don't remember hearing them..

I think this Greatest Hits Live was from the official bootlegs that are out there.. there are some dozen or so that are but they get different names although sound the same.. There was another boot that was from their Kiss Konventions that was titled Welcome Home Pete meaning welcome home Peter Criss.. They had a big doo back before the band did the reunion and also before the MTV unplugged shows.. This would be welcoming Peter back and the now bullshit line of "you know without Peter and Ace none of this would have ever happened"  and it was heartfelt at the time but has since been seen by most kiss fans as yet another line of BS stung out by the two leading ladies of bitch about it Paul and Gene..

Enough about the ungratefuls.. Here's one by the man himself  Alice Cooper.. I think I already had this one but got it again just because of the you just never know.. I mean I've heard it.. But here I got it again.. Thanks Vince..

Welcome home Aerosmith.. I've been guilty of using album covers by groups to make bootleg covers as well.. Here's the album cover of Live Bootleg for an actual boot..

Quireboys.. They really did rock in the day..
This was one of the best Heart bootlegs I've ever heard.. Back before they had a single member get their head split open from a raging blonde or brunette..  That would happen shortly.. Members being involved with any member in the band or crew is strictly trouble waiting to happen..

That was fun.. I had over a hundred boots from this quarter.. Starting from scratch for the next quarter.. Oh, a few shows of note that I had (have on dvd transfer) are radio shows one of which is a show that was put together for the quarter century from 1955 to 1979...  It reminded me of that milliniumm disc I got that had events of note from the radio being interwoven with the music.. 25 hours worth on that.. Also Brian Johnson best known as the new lead vocalist of AC/DC (his description not mine) had a great radio show in some six parts.. He talked about great music from all over the world.. Very interesting stuff.. also Allan Freeman on the beeb.. Quite a lot of good shows.. Just had to get those and save them.. I may never hear them all but you never know.. Keep the faith and all that..

Badge Henry

Saturday, April 5, 2014

It's on it's off it's on

When we have troubles with the internet I usually wait until after noon to call the ISP figuring to give them time to fix it, and the morning hours should be enough to do so.. We live in a small town and I'm not sure how many people use the internet via the company that bundles the internet with tv and telephone.. The wired version that is.. Last month we had an issue with them and I went into detail about it in another entry.. Truth is when I do get through to them and ask if there is any work going on with the internet at all and they answer with a yes then I usually just say that I was just checking to see.. I try to come off as being just concerned about weather they know, and not pissed off because I know they are trying.. But when I call and they haven't heard there is any issues pending with the internet then I get a little... worried..  So this week started out fine but Monday night we had a power dip.. It went out completely for a minute or so but not before dipping off then on then off completely.. waited a few seconds and it was back on. Why our power went off had to do with..........     Got the power back on and the first thing I notice was the Roku.. That is the main thing I watch after the few shows that I even bother watching anymore.. The control the Roku gives you is beyond anything crappy cable can offer or cares to for that matter..  So the roku has buffering issues on some shows and I know this mean our internet is sliced by two thirds if not more..
The next morning I check a few things one of which is the speed.. Just as I had figured it was slowed by a lot.. When I called them and told them my woes with their crappy internet (which when it is on, and working is more than enough to be able to have two roku boxes at the 420p (or i.. I get those mixed up, like it matters) and support one computer watching a video.. So why now is it slowed down??  He tells me there are no issues pending and I'm thinking to myself while we don't have the "name" to warrant them getting down here and checking on it, shouldn't my call count as a complaint towards the answer of ok we'll check on that.. How long has it been slow??   since this morning, well we haven't had any complaints yet.. Should I call early??  Like when I first notice that it's shit?? I can do that, I just assume someone else has problems.. Trouble is the internet wasn't completely out.. So what was the deal??  This is going to be a three day saga bear with me...  Wednesday comes and the internet is still setting records to SUCK..  Sure everyone here can access their email and Facebook but getting to watch a video is frustrating.. Our internet was set at just over the 1Mbps on the speed test site..  It now hits the 13.18Mbps mark.. so why is there such a difference??

So after suffering through until Friday (yesterday) I finally come up with the question .. THE QUESTION to ask the techie when I call : What is our internet supposed to be?  What is the internet speed with a 1meg modem??  His answer, with a 1meg modem we should have 1Mbps on the speed test site..  ????  !!!!!  ?????   (there were words but I won't write them here)...  So my frustration ended there.. The speed isn't supposed to be that fast  to start with.. Why it was for the past 8 years is beyond me.. Why there is so much troubles now??  That I don't know.. So I check the site where we get out bundle of joy from and they have a 5meg modem.. In a bundle it isn't that much more but I ordered the next step up which included digital tv.. let me rephrase that.. it has DIGITAL TELEVISION CABLE PACKAGE.. Which means, because we had it two years ago, there are nearly three times as many channels to stumble through.. 180 channels compared to what just 48 give or take..  Why wouldn't you want so much more to look at???   Is it my age or what??  I don't want more.. If anything I want less.. And not just a little less but a whole lot more less.. We watch maybe twenty channels if even that.. I read a forum site where they discuss the Roku and while certain models of these streaming boxes can have as many as a thousand channels on them, I have said why would you want that many channels.. And some people actually have the maximum number because it says you can have that many SO I'M GETTIN' THE LOT..  I always write on that forum "why would you want more when the whole idea of a streaming player is to get what you want"  not get more of everything but rather the select of the exact .. your taste.. Twenty channels you will watch and ten or so more you are interested in.. I have fifty which is twenty more than I have actually watched..

We get the next step up bundle ordered which includes the digital tv box.. and I figure ok, get the 5meg modem and see if that makes our internet if not faster, more stable.. I spend the afternoon reading sites about internet speed, internet this that and the other and while doing so check the speed test sites every now and then.. About three in the afternoon I run a speed test.. The "ping" part always seems to set the table for disappointment, and so with the ping part of the test over nothing there is different, same slow  milliseconds of test but then the speed test shows over 5Mbps..   Check the other site and it has improved quite well..  I go from relieved our internet is back to tolerable to pissed off.. Who has the name in this area to get someone up here to kick their system.. Kick the dog as I call it..   It's full on frustrating to work with a company that gives not even the smallest amount of a shit when I call..

So will we keep the "upgrade" to the next level??  No.. I'm gonna show the guy what we have in the internet speed and when he puts the 5meg modem on and I run the speed test and it goes to what we have now I'm gonna say so what, we are paying more for what we had?? SERIOUSLY??  Guess again.. I don't want digital tv, we had it and it was two channels that got watched every now and then.. No...  What I said in jest on my facebook yesterday was only partially that way.. I said if our internet wouldn't improve enough to keep the 5meg modem that I would downgrade from the 5meg to the 1meg, and  downgrade the digital cable to basic and while they were at it downgrade the telephone service from basic to two solo cups and a string.. 

Badge Henry

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

First to last

Thought I'd do this yesterday but forgot.. HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY..   And what better way to celebrate but by mooning you.. 

Why not.. Enjoy the day..

Badge Henry