Saturday, November 24, 2012

Final Saturday

Tomorrow's entry on PNOP will include what I call a "teaser" video from the "infinity" project.. It was put together (the video) quite towards the end of the project as a whole..   There was a point during doing this project where I looked at video and thought that I could possibly do a nearly forty song set.. Then pulled way back as by the end of the ten day period that it took to do this I saw no end in sight and decided I better find an ending... Which I did, quite abruptly, just decided this or that was to be the last song/video..   This video, the teaser, was the video that was signalling the end because five more songs later it was the end..  Anyway here is the play schedule for the videos from the infinity project, it will be five videos on the first Sunday of the month through March..  So the next four months.. 

So how did your black Friday freakathon go for you??  Me, I had to go to the dreaded dungeon aka walmart.. They treat their employees so bad, sweat shop working conditions.. Dark dank stinky places nobody should ever have to venture in to..   Of course service with a smile has long been a thing of the past..  But would you smile with blood dripping from your overworked hands...  We had to get stuff to work on the sink, it was plugged but it isn't anymore....

I went back and revisited  the old entry from after the "blowup" that I will post after the first of the year if the situation with Lucy (and Donald) doesn't get better PDQ.. I knew when that happened that it would be quite possibly after the first of next year before things might get better.. And even then it might take until April after she has the baby.. And maybe.. MAYBE then.. I wrote how after she got back from Poland that I felt some amount of guilt about not doing more to help keep her from going in the first place but had no idea what it would be.. Purger myself and end up in jail??  Not sure how important altering my life would have been.. But if I do put that entry on it will show the time frame and all will be explained..  from my point of view.. There was their point and it was probably  a lot more dire that I could ever have known..   But I think I watched Ian as long as I did, and we did bend over backwards as much as we did because of the immigration BS that we all went through... Made us stronger??    Made them more in control of shitting on us and I didn't like it, and hopefully we are even now.. Probably not..   But I feel like we are even, a full year plus of watching him and through the entirety of that year we kept telling them make sure you have a backup plan in case the weather gets bad.. it wasn't the weather that went bad... In the conversation on the FB IM I told her I would try to get there but I would have to get "doped up".. She freaked and told me not to bother doping up.. Doping up for me is nearly a daily situation, I take advil daily and when I have to use my arms to some form of extreme I take an alieve to help with the bone on bone grinding that happens when I have to push Ian on the swing for hours on end.. If they freaked because I think of that as doping then guess what guys??  I've been doing that every time I watched him.. I think she thought I do something heavier drug wise.. 

Badge Henry

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