Friday, November 30, 2012


Yeah that was partially an accident yesterday when the "big entry" (appeared as "XXX" because I can't figure out what to call it yet) was posted for a short bit there.. The computer or the site got hung up for a bit and I tried hitting every link to get it to move forward.. When it appeared as an entry I quickly returned it to draft form to hold on at least through the holidays to see if things improve, but if Thanksgiving** was any indication they won't.....

Yesterday we went to Cheyenne and got a little shopping and more looking done.. We were at Target and I came across a router extender and I hadn't heard of one of these so I asked the guy there what this does, such as if I can get the laptop computer to go online in my bedroom would a streaming player work fine.. He didn't know so he asked his younger (looking) geek (tech) guy to help.. You know I've been looking at these things for the past four or five months now so a certain amount of spec knowledge I have acquired.. So this guy comes around and I ask him this exact question "If I am able to have the laptop work in the bedroom then will the Roku streaming player work there" and he looked at me and said this exact thing to me  "WHAT'S A ROKU??"     and all I could think is are you new here??   And I should have said, is this your first day.. So after getting the "I don't know" answer I went in search of the streaming players, maybe they don't have any there.. Turns out not only do they have the Roku, they have the latest Sony, Netgear Neo, and bluray with streaming.. The latest Sony was amazing, packed with so many features it is like computer but with the ability to surf the web like a computer but unable to download anything.. It was just about perfect.. Just about perfect in that the browser it uses is a version of  Google Chrome, which as you know for me, Chrome is my default browser but not my everyday browser..

Anyway after we got done with the shopping and ate at the chillis we headed out.. The one thing I have never really liked is driving at night and as we get closer to December the days get shorter, daylight is at a premium and I kept watching the sun peak at around noon, it starts to set about three..   The traffic was barely tolerable  but everything was fine.. Talk about  a town that is growing quickly, we hadn't been there in nearly a year..

We got a thing in the mail and then had an advert for the new *cable tv adding new programming packages and all this excitement.. It would have been exciting and been competition had I not committed to trying streaming..  The only thing they are doing is adding DVR and HD on a good lot of channels.. I have a HD tv in name only, I didn't know that HDMI  was the thing to have.. I wasn't even looking for that on my tv when I got it.. But shortly after getting my tv my little brother got one and OH Boy HDMI.. You don't have HDMI on you set??  No I don't.. We didn't have a source for it, so I wasn't looking for a tv with that, and in fact I didn't know about it.. No bother, HD isn't as hugely great as all the geeks say it is, for all the tech geeks that say it is so great there are an equal number who say the opposite.. So who do you believe..  Anyway I don't notice that it is a whole lot different on his tv than mine..

Oh yeah, I forgot.. We went to Sams club and I went right to the video cameras and was looking at one.. Here's how stupid I can be, I noticed that the other cameras would have a warning beep of sorts when my hands would come close to them and I just moved on to the video cams and I twisted the one in it's docking and tried to turn it on.. The thing went into hyper shit a brick alarm mode.. I just put it back in the dock and walked away..  Walked over by the gadget section and a couple of guys were trying to look at a tablet or something and the alarm went off there too.. I told them there must be a strict DON'T TOUCH policy in place now.. I used to could mess with just about anything there.. Not anymore I guess..

Badge (sticky fingers) Henry

(*P.S. So what it means is too little too late as far as what they are offering regardless of HD programming and even in I had a set, I have already decided to try streaming.. I was thinking of a few years ago when my little brother got his first Roku and shut down his dish completely and then found that there wasn't any true live sporting events back then.. Just a few short years later and there is quite a bit of live sporting events streamed, most of which is pro sports.. Just how much programming is there??  The site I currently have that shows added channels (apps and the like)  have added some fifteen per week over the past year, averages out to be maybe fifteen, sometimes less and sometimes more.. What intrigues me the most is the channel store and the private channels.. I mentioned something about the private channels and what they are is a channel that is in development, or beta (the dreaded beta) and they can be acquired by the web site that shows the new channels that are being added and they test every channel before announcing them, so while they might show at the channel store, they haven't been reviewed by this site, they aren't known..  what is the sites name??  Tell the people what it is, are you shitting a lie here??  Check it here : fairly simple and direct name.. Then the one that should be used a lot :  Nowhere tv which they say will make getting Youtube somewhat easy, since there really is no true channel yet, this is great to see.. then there is the Roku forums everyone who does have this receiver or is planning to get one :  ..) 

(**  There seems to be no end in sight to this debacle and truth is it just seems to be worse the more time gets by us.. I feel bad for moms sake and wish things would get better for her.. But I wouldn't want to try to get things to where they were before, I rather am glad I don't watch him anymore BUT.. It seems  if we don't get royally reamed by them then we don't get to see the little guy, so which is worse??  When mom was talking to her brother (Bob) and he asked how much we got paid and found out it was nada he more or less freaked.. And when he heard that the blowup happened he was actually happy for us.. Mom admitted that watching him as much as she did just wore her out and I knew it did.. I tried to hold him at their house as late as I could but it was never long enough..

I won't give a particular day that I will have the entry go "live", or if it will even be a good idea too, but to be sure it will be  a last ditch effort to show whoever reads this our side of the story.. From the beginning of everything through the latest mine sweep, we'll let the cards fall where they may..  For better or worse, more than likely worse.. )

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