Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Squirrels is good eats..

So the other day we were at walmart and everything is going along just fine and then I'm standing there, examining the products on the shelf when suddenly I feel what feels like a fly on my face walking down my cheek.. So I swipe it to get it off.. It was a ball of sweat.. And suddenly I am sweating profusely.. What the hell.. I start walking slowly towards the bathrooms and then the feeling hits me.. I'M GONNA PUKE... This is when I start looking for trashcans as I head to the rear restrooms.. Aw there's one there and then I see another.. They are perfectly spaced between where I was to where I was going.. I was no longer afraid of letting loose in an aisle and figured everything would be fine but as I turned to go towards the goal line (the restrooms) the feeling subsided and wouldn't return the rest of the day.. Fun, wasn't that???  I can hardly wait for summer to be GONE..

I watched the final two episodes of Friday Night Lights.. Did I write those two episodes because it was so predictable.. Which parts??  ALL OF IT.. Man, sorry I saw how it was going to end.. Except for one thing, I thought the guy who gave Vince that money was going to extract revenge in one of the last two episodes by either killing Vince or his father or both or his whole family.. Would that have been bad?? It would have been more realistic.. 

The latest video I uploaded to my YouTube site has gotten so many views that I have decided to upload the long version.. The long version is closer to an hour so it will take a day to get it up there.. The longer version has more of the parade, or I should say it has more of the candy getting machines that are he kids.. Or the adults helping the kids get their fair share..  It won't be linked on Facebook, it will just be there.. If you don't have the site linked or bookmarked then you won't see it..

Working on the end of days of the Phudge Nuts blog... Truth is that blog has lasted longer than it should have.. The final entry will be a video that is there, it will be moved up from it's current resting place of 2020.. It will be next year sometime.. It will be worked on in October for a final day of... well sometime next year or there about.. Why end it??  Blogging is quickly becoming a lost art.. And that site just needs to end..  I've been thinking about ending it for quite a while now, and sometime next year will be the final entry..  How will you know??  Does the initials Y.M.B. mean anything??  Well it will be explained in full detail that day.. The entry is already there I just have to find out when it will be.. And then you will know when it finally hits.. This blog here will remain as is until I am ready for it to go.. And a new blog that will replace PNOP??  To start a new one defeats the purpose of ending that one doesn't it??  This blog will replace that one with a few cool memes scattered here and there..

The other day I was trying to get video of the squirrels eating nuts and while I was doing that a butterfly was flying around the backyard, and as it flew it was meandering around flying up where I was and I was just watching it as it flew right into the house.. The loud crashing noise, followed by smoke starting to flow as it started the slow task of crashing...  Well actually it was like seeing the little guy hit the house then back away and continue on with it's journey, unfazed by the tragedy that was a little hiccup in it's travels on the day.. I compare it to walking into a glass door, backing up and continuing on.. Embarrassed but ok.. 

Badge Henry

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