Monday, November 17, 2014

Screw you guys I'm going home

The fun with Netflix continues.. From the past few movies being.. not working right, to todays retrieval of the replacement disc for the movie from last week that was cracked.. Todays disc was worse.. Check this out..
I have never had a disc from Netflix in the bad of shape..  four linear cracks, one that goes through the length of the disc..  The other three are partial, all of these in their varying sizes is enough to keep the disc from playing.. The only crack in a disc that might still play is if the crack only goes within a millimeter from the outer edge.. Any longer and forget about it.. And only it will play if it is a very short program such as ten to thirty minutes.. Get your story told quickly..  Anyway I can't believe two discs in a row have had this happen.. The next three are probationary discs.. If there's even the slightest shitbegone that doesn't allow the disc to play .. I'm outta here a month early..

Badge Henry

(P.S.  It's hard to believe how fast things with Netflix have gone south so quickly.. Three discs in two weeks, two delivery sessions.. And the first being  a disc that would not play  no matter what I did to the disc.. I have a disc repair kit and usually that will do the trick, but after trying that stuff it just wasn't working.. Usually I can see the issue with the disc in plain light but even with a magnifying glass I couldn't spot the reason the disc wouldn't play.. So it's my player then??  I tried one of my discs and it played perfectly.. So we are down to this week only.. They are on probation, if they don't get the discs when they normally do, if delivery now takes a week then I will close it down.. If they get the discs on time and I get them back and there is a problem with playback.. Netflix disc delivery will end.. I already have deleted from my queue over a hundred titles and will take it down to fifty by the end of this week if there is an issue with playback, if the discs aren't crappy.. Like I said I doubt that it is on the netflix side but rather the mail service which is now going downhill quick since our post office is half a day now.. Can't make the post office workers very happy and accidentally breaking  a disc.. Hey that shit happens.. Well maybe it's time to eliminate our post office all together.. )

(P.P.S.  This is exactly the reason why I almost got out of Netflix:

Original Shipment (Reported damaged on 11/13/14) 11/10/14 11/17/14
Replacement Shipment (Reported damaged on 11/17/14) 11/14/14 11/19/14
 I've stopped rating the discs, this probationary period is just that, it will end either this weekend or the end of the year, and why i didn't get out after this past round of aggravation is beyond me.. I can only explain it this way, I think i want to see if I can get  a triple set (a single weekends delivery) without a problem but make no mistake that if they don't get here unscathed the plug will be pulled, and I am ready for it and was as early as this past September.. It was nice while it lasted but I'm ready for it to be done..)


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