Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Two days entry.. (yesterday + today)

Right now..  December 27th entry on PNOP will be the last of the continuous entries there.. Unless something happens between now and then, such as a huge surge in viewership.. I can see having three days a week or maybe three days total with the music entry being counted as one of the entries.. For no other reason than to just cut back and the amount of money will suffer but there you go..

Also a possible leaving of Facebook and or twitter for the much more impressive Sulia/anomaly site is a possibility.. I set that page up last week and makes visiting Twitter a waste of time.. Sculia I subscribed with my Twitter account and now I read all those sites in news feed format kinda like Google reader...  These two sites are the best and make having Facebook nearly  not needed.. Hard to imagine getting out of Facebook completely, but there are so many people who never thought they would leave Myspace back just a few years ago..

Watched the video shot from Saturday night.. Edited the football stuff down to a very short concise video and loaded it to the YouTube site.. Same will be done with the birthday party stuff.. So amazed that the OEM battery lasted all through the shots that day.. I'm never sure what the battery will do, wish I had the three back in August but I got what I could..

I know there could be a question "why didn't I get a HD camera instead of SD??"  Well I started to look at cameras in late October and then stopped after finding the Cannon that I was going to get.. Then after Thanksgiving I started to look again.. Mom wanted me to get one for Christmas that year (2009 I think) and I looked at several sites, C-NET, Amazon, Best Buy.. The usual suspect sites for shopping.. I wasn't after the cheapest and I wasn't sure of HD or anything.. While researching the different cameras the thought came into my mind, the camera that mom & dad bought way back in the early nineties was a Panasonic, maybe I should see if they have anything worth checking on.. I found several and they measured up quite well against the other brands favorably.. Checked the specs on three cameras and then let it settle for a week.. Looked at the three cameras I was sure was a good choice and kept looking.. Went to the local walmart but didn't ask for help, I've learned over the years that when I focus on getting something and search via the internet that I tend to know more about something than anyone at the store might..  There was the choice of hard drive storage known as HD.. and there was Hard Drive High Definition cameras.. The reviews I read about HD storage was that these were in the shop more than anything else.. I hated the idea of having the camera in the shop, especially when at that time we were heading to the time when Lucy would be taking Ian to Poland for her immigration  situation.. so that got one model erased.. Then there was the High Definition debate.. To me the debate was easy, because at the time HD cams were more expensive by about a hundred greenbacks..    The reviews I read said the difference between HD and SD (standard def) on these cameras like this wasn't noticeable really.. It took getting to the next higher price range at the thousand dollar mark before there was much noticeable change.. So I cut it to the camera I got.. Sat on that decision for a week and then got it ordered just after the first of December.. Also got a bag and extras for it.. My first videos uploaded to YouTube were from that Christmas day.. And I averaged several videos a week for the next few years.. Until they got back from Poland.. Now I am starting to try to get a few put together.. Last week saw a few new test videos done and I'll try to get those edited to upload over this week..

Which brings us to the music videos "the Infinity Project"..  Started working on phase 3 a week or so ago.. I'm not sure what to do with the project, but I think phase 3 will be the final on this project..  The longest and largest of the three, so many ideas are starting to come together.. While working on the music videos yesterday a hicup developed while getting the first video completed, the program got hung up at the 16%  then 17%  and 23% mark for about a half an hour which made me wonder what was going on.. Shortly after I found out as the program quit.. Shut down for whatever the reason and pissed me off.. For one thing I was working on the video with one song playing and then decided the song didn't fit the way the video progressed and so I got the music off and started the search for the song that would fit the video.. This took the better part of an hour maybe even more.. finally the song "the enlightened path" hit perfect, it is a zero beat song and it just felt right and ten minutes later I pushed the "save as" link and shortly after the program shit the bed.. After a restart (when in doubt restart) I tried a new video idea.. Saving the video to 720p takes about five minutes per minute of video.. This video took the better part of an hour to save in 720p, while saving it to the size to load to blogger took a fraction of the time.. The video is part of the 220 volt (Three phase live) by Tangerine Dream and won't be uploaded to the PNOP site.. I've wanted to do a video set of that album since starting the music videos back in September.. Between regular videos (phase 3) and 220 volt and also the underwater twilight which I got the videos for yesterday and messed with a little, with the songs "Song of the Whale parts 1&2"  with the first idea kinda looks promising but because of their sheer size won't qualify for upload on PNOP  with the two songs joined together are nearly twenty minutes in length.. Two of my favorite songs with Edgar playing some of the greatest guitar passages of his long career...

Roku gets a huge thumbs up for two channels I've found recently.. One is channel 8 or 8actave as it is listed on the private channel list... Also Challenge is a really good channel set from the SKY channel from England.. I watched a hard body challenge Sunday afternoon and no it isn't about sexy women.. It is about guys who do a sort of ninja challenge thing, or that other show like on ESPN where they lift cars & shit.. This show had guys breaking down doors and then another was bending the rebar that they use in reinforcing concrete... Last night I switched over and they had Wheel of Fortune on.. Not seeing Vanna and Pat was odd, but it was different.. Watch a little here & there..  Channel 8 has a lot of free and government run stuff..  also stuff that people do on public access channels.. Different for sure..   

Badge Henry

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