Thursday, September 13, 2012


I was in a waiting room yesterday and picked up a paper that had a local writer talking about the "block"  (a.k.a. writers block) and I didn't read the whole article because I go through that and have recently gone through what I can only call creativity block in which I couldn't do video, graphics  the whole lot.. Not sure why, I did get the wedding video completed but after that saw nothing of any new ideas come along.. Until Monday when I came across a new video program that was supposed to be better than the Windows version.. And it was FREE!!!  well to a certain extent it was free.. Certain bits were pay to unlock, and when I tried to get the basics to work it wouldn't so rather than force the issue and try to learn another program, I decided to delete the program.. But it was while I was messing with that other program that I saw a potential video idea and started back up in the creativity mode and now the ideas are coming more regularly, some of which were started before labor day.. Some ideas seem too far out there and might be too much to even bother with... But I'm not going to slam the door shut on any new ideas without even trying them first..

The new grass section seems like it looks like it might be starting to grow.. Yesterday I was gone all day and what a perfect day to be gone, it rained and or was cloudy all day and cool temperatures as well.  Perfect, I didn't water that section all day.. I think I see grass starting to stick up through the soil.. Makes me feel good.. I hope it stays relatively nice for the next six weeks.. I don't want summer to last forever but a few more weeks of nice weather would help out.. Like I've said, planting anything this late is all new to me.. But it was too hot to plant any other time this past July and August..

As mentioned above, we were in a doctors office yesterday and it is always an adventure when we go to a new doctor but... It was fine.. Always a little apprehensive but that is the way it usually is..

Badge Henry

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