Sunday, August 19, 2012


They say that artists are the hardest person to please, and I believe that.. Saddest part about the video project is I was two to three days away from signing off on it.. AND THEN... I tried something I shouldn't have, I tried another idea for making the video a higher quality.. When I converted the original video files, I converted them to XVID (avi) file format and in doing so lost some quality in the process.. Well then I worked with the video from there to an even lesser quality video format wmv which is good but not great.. then when I went to burn the disc it was up converted to dvd file.. There was a lot lost in all this conversion.. Today I tried to take the original files and convert to dvd and skip the first step.. Why did I convert that way the first step? Because I didn't think the program could handle the videos in the original file format they were in, turns out I was wrong.. It can handle the videos individually but not the whole thing.. So I burned another quick test disc with comparison video and really liked but hated what I saw.. The video was noticeably better than the test video I did yesterday (the rough cut)..  So long story short, I am scrapping that that was done and starting all over again from square one..  This might take  few days again but it will be worth it.. I noticed the difference, and if I want to start to build a reputation, I have to start NOW !!   so that is what we will do.. Starting from the very first video, the rehearsal..  And who knows maybe I'll see something I didn't before.. Hope it will remain the video I had mom watch, she raved about it by the way, but she would even if it was in the lowest quality.. This is for me.. And this is for Adam and Jordan and a reputation as the family video person.. Is that very important??   Yes it is..

Badge Henry

(*P.S.  Spent the better part of the day doing test videos and converting the videos from the original .MOD files to edited dvd files.. Skipping the two steps of 1: converting to XVID AVI and 2: editing to an avi file then changing to the dvd file form via the burning program.. Would it burn quicker this way??  I don't think that is how it will work.. After spending some time watching the test disc I decided to try to do the entire set this way, re doing the entire set again to see if it will be better.. The video has gained seven minutes which wasn't a surprise I tried not to hack the video up like the first attempt.. But I will do editing of the video, I know there are bits that aren't needed. So why redo the entire video?? Good question, part of me feels like  if I don't complete it then the disappointment won't start.. Disappointment by me and everyone else who wanted more.. I wish I had more, I wish there was more video shot but this is alls I gots..  So it is all I can use.. Why the video looks so odd on this computer I will never know.. I know the monitor is nearly crap.. But beyond that.. The aspect ratio shows only slightly on the computer, I have no idea why the video won't go full screen..  Tomorrow I will piece it together.. Add the bits needed to make it whole, set it to be burned to a second disc for test disc reasons then..  figure out which will be definitive..   Toss them both up in the air and whichever god keeps, that's the one we will call the all being said thisss one!!)

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