I'm calling it.. She died at 10:19 last night.. The project is complete.. The videos are on the dvd's and so... There.. Everyone should have the copy, their copy by Labor day.. I burned four identical copies, I went back and looked at the email Freda sent that asked for three, but for some reason I thought it was four and could swear it was.. But I did four identical copies.. I say that I did four identical copies because I did a fifth so slightly altered (deluxe) copy.. And this copy was going to be changed because I wanted it to contain the "goin' back" video that I did (one of the very first videos I did and very primitive even though it was done just a very few months ago, it looks like it was done years ago) also I included the "Everything" video, again I think that was the very first video I did.. And I included "(Goodbye) Once Upon A Time" Because that stayed within the theme of the overall disc... Probably should have done that for all the copies but the thought was the wedding should be all that was on those discs and this one should be fairly special for the main reason that mom doesn't access anyones blog.. She wants her three or four sites and that is all.. I was planning to burn the entire set of videos that I have done since day one some four months ago but there really are five that I think she would like.. Also because she said she wants it and I still have there, the original slightly shorter (by three minutes) XVID AVI version will be in her set.. I still remember the email I sent to Freda and I was feeling so sure that the video was done, I included some pictures (stills) from the xvid video and .. Thinking she would just gush about the pictures I sent ("OH HOW FANTASTIC THESE ARE).. Quite the opposite response and for two days I thought how dare she be that critical of my videos.. MY VIDEOS ARE HORRIBLE how can she say that?? Well I went back and looked at them objectively and thought "shit, she's right these are borderline crap" They could pass as good on a gadget but I want them to be viewed on a larger screen.. So I converted to DVD files.. That, as it turns out, is an even smaller file asn therefor worse viewing.. I had some of that burned to disc as well as test video of the 1080p.. The dreaded 1080p, dreaded not because it was horrible but it made converting the whole thing viable but made doing that a long process.. It is better and looks better.. Or it looks as horrible as it did, but on a grander scale.. either way.. and after checking all the settings there is to have the videos set at I think the four I would rather have is : ranging from smallest to largest ; e-mail, xvid, 720p, 1080p... There are some 10 different settings of which this video was converted to three, XVID, DVD, 1080p..
Why didn't I check on a bigger tv screen to make sure everything was fine?? For reasons beyond my control (actually I could have controlled it but.... Like I said shortly after I sent the one line to her I knew I just removed a bridge via nuke, not just burned).. I thought this is a video and for better or worser it is done.. Done she be, and if nobody gets them by next Monday guess what you're getting for X-mas.. That's right a lump of coal...
After a day of laying on a heating pad and ice pack I went to bed and thought I would wake up this morning and I would feel nothing but shame and regret and no pain in the back.. I instead woke up with the stiffest back I have ever had, with both legs feeling like they weren't mine.. Walk like a cowboy.. This was nasty (or Gnasty with a capitol G Gu nasty.. ) But.. Yeah I can joke about that now but at the time.. When this happened I knew it was different.. I layed (lain) on the heat pad through a two hour flick and when I got up took two steps and was about on the floor.. This was definitely different. and as it got to be noon I thought if this is this way tomorrow (Monday) I won't be able to go get Ian, won't be able to strap him in the car. I think of all the things that are involved with taking care of the little guy not just the general thing.. If we would have gone to the house I might have needed help getting up from the couch.. I .. Here I am thinking of me first again.. Here I go off on a rant again.. naw.. not here.. not AGAIN..
They have him in daycare this week.. She is without a doubt telling them at work what a no good piece of shit asshole I am for leaving them in the lurch (in the larch?? why I spell things that way.. not.. ) forget that we bent over backwards for them ... nope not going there here .. Not gonna happen.. But what I told her was just giving you a heads up, I messed up my back and might MIGHT not be in to pick Ian up, that I would call to let her know as soon as I got up.. She begged me just one more week.. I told her it was just Monday more than likely and I was just warning her I might not be down.. Then she went off and I retaliated.. I should never IM her EVER again and won't.. I've disabled that part of FB.. I really want out of facebook, I obviously can't communicate.. Or I try too hard.. Anyway, now they will pay for DC and see.. I didn't mind watching the little guy but mom was wearing out.. By Wednesday she was shot.. completely spent and I knew it.. It is what it is I guess.. Hopefully they won't hold Ian hostage but I'm willing to bet they do..
Mom called Donald last night because of that idiotic line on her FB site about does anyone know a good baby sitter and mom came unglued .. You're not going to let a total stranger watch her baby are you?!?!?.. He said they will get Day care to watch him this week then her brother will be here next week as well he took the first week of September off.. I was ready to watch him today but my back might take a week to get back to normal.. Then by October we'll see how pissed off Lucy is after paying for DC for that week and take that times four.. She would work for tips t the CC there (Coffee corner, I'm getting as bad as NASA in abreviations)... Mom has wanted to back off a bit , so she says, from seeing him as much and even said she would rather see the twins anyway.. We can do that.. at least if I say no to them they won't give me lip back.. Or maybe they will who can tell..
Badge (wrecked back) Henry