Friday, August 31, 2012


A thought came to me during the filming of the wedding ( not another wedding video entry!!!)  I had a few things pop into my head even while filming the wedding and even more while editing.. A sort of lampoon type of thing.. Just for S&G's..   Using the sub titles on the program, I almost did it on the video, the rehearsal where I thought I might could get away with it.. But in this case I will do the entire thing.. Kind of a side project.. While I have some ideas and a few more popped in while I was watching the two videos recently.. Lets have fun.. See what happens..

Use my imagination.. OH boy...

Badge Henry

Thursday, August 30, 2012


I think this will be the last entry on the video..  I watched it today a little bit and it is interesting to view. I have seen the full version, and I put the XVID version on and watched some of it.. Then I put the 1080p version on.. The quality is maybe slightly better in 1080 but the way the it is presented on my tv at least is in letterbox form.. Letterbox has a black space at the top and bottom of the screen.. For what that is worth I don't know.. But also while watching the 1080 version (the two videos aren't identical because XVID wouldn't look good up converted) I noticed a scene wasn't there.. Where was it??  Was it moved or did I space out and not see it that way.. Well I backed up the "tape" and watched from where the video should have been.. It was there on the XVID version, why isn't it HERE??  Well a few more scenes later THERE IT WAS.. OK, so there are a few mistakes on this video.. One blaring that I was going to change but then didn't..  And this scene that I was just talking about.. It is from the "pictures session" chapter and  when I was editing the video I split this scene because there was a fair amount of time between one picture shot and another, so I edited it.. When putting the video together I forgot they were related.. When I did put them together I used the simplest of ways to do it.. I used the alphabet.. Trouble was the pictures session had some 35 scenes.. So on the original XVID video I ran out of letters as well (30) and the 1080 was slightly more.. So I took the relative videos and where it made sense I used the relative base letter and the number in sequence after so say H followed by 1, 2 , 3.. You get the idea...  But these two videos got split up for some reason.. I think, unless you are paying attention you won't notice.. It is quickly getting to be a fair amount of time since the big event happened so maybe no one will notice.. Also this part of the video was just extra..

I keep going back and forth on giving them the full video, the one I recorded on the dvd recorder.. It has a lot of test shots especially from the rehearsal.. It was boring for mom to watch and probably wouldn't be all that interesting to watch unless you like how a video goes together.. The pictures session is the full length version with the finished product using only what I wanted.. To explain what that is like imagine someone recording a game for you (football) and they took out not only the commercials but the between the plays part.. That is what the pictures session is like on the final product disc.. The wedding itself had a few seconds here & there removed, not because there was a problem with the video but because the first edit came where the preacher's mic wasn't turned up initially and he went off about that.. The second was where Tabitha's song continued although she was finished singing it.. They forgot to make  a copy like I did when her and Jordan sang it for Donald's wedding..  So that was all the troubled video edits. The reception I as well didn't use all of the video I shot but I did use almost all of it...

Badge (wicked hacker) Henry

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I think definitely about legacy entries there at the PNOP site,, When I say legacy I mean entries that are done up to a year in advance, more than likely not everyday and .. More like once a week beyond setting up a three week period solid.. But even at that I don't want entries set every day.. I'd like to have a every other day situation, that way I can add an entry on a day and not have to jostle entries around.. Such as .. Well today's entry there and here and Youtube with the now completed wedding video, and placing the music video that had parts of scenes from that video in it..  I had today open because it is an even numbered day. I have all odd number days set through September 15th..  But have added entries throughout the past few weeks.. I like being ahead but also like to have a more "live" entry..  But about legacy entries, in my mind I want to do this so that if anything were to happen to me, the entries would still be seen for up to a year later... Not that I'm planning to go anywhere, but it is my idea to try this.. Set up for a single entry every month through to  a year from now.. Or longer.. See if the scheduler goes that far ahead in time.. 

Badge Henry

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


As promised, here is the video, here as well as my PNOP (they are identical so).. And then here as well a throw away picture.. It didn't make the "final credit sequence" not for any reason than the fact that I forgot where the "base" picture was.. Found it while clearing out the graphics that weren't used in the video.. Not sure it would have been better than the one I used..   This was fun to do.. Doctoring pictures, working on graphics, editing music and video.. I would have never guessed how easy it was to do and thankful I got a chance to do this project.. The video was a quick toss together but even a quickie took a few hours to do.. I was going to use the song Sunset Alter by Craig Chaqueco but I had several songs picked out for the video and this was one of them..   It is of course "God Only Knows" by the Beach Boys... It just seemed to fit the mood of the video more than the other song... (I already have a video in mind for that one.. Maybe for Sunday.. 

Badge Henry

Monday, August 27, 2012


I'm calling it.. She died at 10:19 last night.. The project is complete.. The videos are on the dvd's and so... There.. Everyone should have the copy, their copy by Labor day.. I burned four identical copies, I went back and looked at the email Freda sent that asked for three, but for some reason I thought it was four and could swear it was.. But I did four identical copies.. I say that I did four identical copies because I did a fifth so slightly altered (deluxe) copy.. And this copy was going to be changed because I wanted it to contain the "goin' back" video that I did (one of the very first videos I did and very primitive even though it was done just a very few months ago, it looks like it was done years ago) also I included the "Everything" video, again I think that was the very first video I did.. And I included "(Goodbye) Once Upon A Time"  Because that stayed within the theme of the overall disc...  Probably should have done that for all the copies but the thought was the wedding should be all that was on those discs and this one should be fairly special for the main reason that mom doesn't access anyones blog.. She wants her three or four sites and that is all.. I was planning to burn the entire set of videos that I have done since day one some four months ago but there really are five that I think she would like..  Also because she said she wants it and I still have there, the original slightly shorter (by three minutes) XVID AVI  version will be in her set.. I still remember the email I sent to Freda and I was feeling so sure that the video was done, I included some pictures (stills) from the xvid video and .. Thinking she would just gush about the pictures I sent ("OH HOW FANTASTIC THESE ARE).. Quite the opposite response and for two days I thought how dare she be that critical of my videos.. MY VIDEOS ARE HORRIBLE how can she say that??  Well I went back and looked at them objectively and thought "shit, she's right   these are borderline crap" They could pass as good on a gadget but I want them to be viewed on a larger screen.. So I converted to DVD files.. That, as it turns out, is an even smaller file asn therefor worse viewing.. I had some of that burned to disc as well as test video of the 1080p.. The dreaded 1080p, dreaded not because it was horrible but it made converting the whole thing viable but made doing that a long process..  It is better and looks better..  Or it looks as horrible as it did, but on a grander scale.. either way..  and after checking all the settings there is to have the videos set at I think the four I would rather have is : ranging from smallest to largest  ; e-mail,  xvid, 720p, 1080p...  There are some 10 different settings of which this video was converted to three, XVID, DVD,  1080p..   

Why didn't I check on a bigger tv screen to make sure everything was fine?? For reasons beyond my control (actually I could have controlled it but.... Like I said shortly after I sent the one line to her I knew I just removed a bridge via nuke, not just burned)..   I thought this is a video and for better or worser it is done.. Done she be, and if nobody gets them by next Monday guess what you're getting for X-mas.. That's right a lump of coal... 

After a day of laying on a heating pad and ice pack I went to bed and thought I would wake up this morning and I would feel nothing but shame and regret and no pain in the back.. I instead woke up with the stiffest back I have ever had, with both legs feeling like they weren't mine.. Walk like a cowboy.. This was nasty  (or Gnasty with a capitol G   Gu nasty.. ) But.. Yeah I can joke about that now but at the time.. When this happened I knew  it was different.. I layed (lain) on the heat pad through a two hour flick and when I got up took two steps and was about on the floor.. This was definitely different. and as it got to be noon I thought if this is this way tomorrow (Monday) I won't be able to go get Ian, won't be able to strap him in the car. I think of all the things that are involved with taking care of  the little guy not just the general thing.. If we would have gone to the house I might have needed help getting up from the couch.. I .. Here I am thinking of me first again..  Here I go off on a rant again..  naw.. not here.. not AGAIN.. 

They have him in daycare this week.. She is without a doubt telling them at work what a no good piece of shit asshole I am for leaving them in the lurch (in the larch??  why I spell things that way.. not.. )  forget that we bent over backwards for them  ...   nope not going there here .. Not gonna happen..  But what I told her was just giving you a heads up, I messed up my back and might  MIGHT  not be in to pick Ian up, that I would call to let her know as soon as I got up.. She begged me just one more week.. I told her it was just Monday more than likely and I was just warning her I might not be down.. Then she went off and I retaliated.. I should never IM her  EVER  again and won't..   I've disabled that part of FB.. I really want out of facebook, I obviously can't communicate..  Or I try too hard..  Anyway, now they will pay for DC and see.. I didn't mind watching the little guy but mom was wearing out.. By Wednesday she was shot..  completely spent and I knew it.. It is what it is I guess.. Hopefully they won't hold Ian hostage but I'm willing to bet they do..  

Mom called Donald last night because of that idiotic line on her FB site about does anyone know a good baby sitter and mom came unglued .. You're not going to let a total stranger watch her baby are you?!?!?.. He said they will get Day care to watch him this week then her brother will be here next week as well he took the first week of September off..   I was ready to watch him today but my back might take a week to get back to normal..   Then by October we'll see how pissed off Lucy is after paying for DC for that week and take that times four.. She would work for tips t the CC there (Coffee corner, I'm getting as bad as NASA in abreviations)...  Mom has wanted to back off a bit , so she says, from seeing him as much and even said she would rather see the twins anyway..  We can do that.. at least if I say no to them they won't give me lip back.. Or maybe they will who can tell..

Badge (wrecked back) Henry

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Todays music entry on PNOP was finally set yesterday morning but wasn't set time wise as I did part of the entry Thursday and Friday while at my little brothers house watching his son.. The last bit I  needed to do on the "beast" here.. And I set the day but not the time.. Tis rectified..

Yesterdays entry here was a two parter that wasn't entered until last night.. The video I've been working on pretty much nonstop for nearly two weeks is now done.. Hopefully, I mean while I'm sure it is done there is still the test view on a bigger screen to make sure it doesn't become a postage stamp sized on a bigger screen.. Sorry I bent over to pick up a pen our cat put on the floor and when I stood back up my back grabbed and now my thoughts are on getting this back into place.. Very little thought beyond that.. Short entry.. Good back relief to you and the world.. Take it easy..

Badge Henry  (Back later)

Saturday, August 25, 2012


              IT'S DONE!!! 
This part supersedes this underneath because it was written before now and I had so many doubts.. The stats show it, the frames are huge on this fucker and I am glad, it should be good to be run on a I-MAX theatre ... Well maybe not that huge, but I think it is big.. There is a redo that will be done shortly with a small change in the pictures in that they were fairly dark so I will try to lighten them up a little... But finally, I think it is done..   Now read below, written earlier.. 

"Well it is done.. Burning a test video right now and hopefully it will be fine ... BUT!!   ...  This must be what it feels like to feel like it will never be as good as you wanted it to be.. After I got the final credit sequence completed and put it into place I did a second one in XVID AVI format and clipped it to the end of the original video.. I have to say the original version was better. All around the video was better, quality aside, I put more time into it and felt better about it, and as mom said "I wouldn't change a thing"..  This past week was a blur between watching the nephew every day and staying up late to first convert the files to the 1080p file format..  Three separate conversions and so many test video attempts.. Then after yesterday "mastering" (putting all the files in running order, into a single file) and today getting the final chapter completed I set to burn the first disc, which is a test disc, I viewed the files and the original set were better, and bigger.. Over ten GB compared to the just over 6GB that are being burned and my thinking is I might have to edit this as a whole.. Take the original files and edit them in the editor and then set the files as one rather than edit set them as files individually and ...   ERRR    remember I was talking about buying a gun???   If this test burn ends up the way I think it is I will be spending next week doing the last of the editing.. This will be done by next Monday...  It just will be... That was my original date to be done and it WILL BE DONE!!

During the editing process the third time around I was able to cut more excess out, making it more concise, or what I think is more concise..  However I did feel some was too much.. I watch the extras on dvd's and listen to the commentary track and most of the time they talk about having to cut scenes to make the story move along, and in my case I cut  the majority of the rehearsal out mostly because there were mostly test shots on there.. Test shots for determining where the best place would be to get the best shots, and initially the floor where I was at first was the best place to be and I was sure that would be where the video would be shot.. Then when I moved behind the piano player it was confirmed that was the best place.. Then the preacher suggested the balcony areas... I tried one then the other and where the video was shot was the better of all the places.. However the best place would be the floor shot.. But after the video was shot on the wedding day and I saw all the people rise for the grand entry of the bride I was assured where I was was the best place to be.. Another angle would have been by the second piano (the acoustic), if I had a second camera that is where I would have placed it.. A third would be an unmanned camera behind the preacher somewhere...  There is something to be said for scouting a shoot before doing it, but lacking that which most of the time the rehearsal should be enough time to find the best location.. I would have rather had a better location at the reception as well but, for not getting to see the room anymore than two minutes before the wedding, I did alright.. The wedding was the most important, everything else was just frosting on the cake.. "

Just a little more from now, after watching the final video I went back and watched the uncut version (that which is on DVD from the recorder) and man what a difference.. A good lot of the rehearsal wasn't used and the reason is that it was a lot  of test shot for determining where I would shot it (point in the church).. Transitional shots as well a shit load of boring ass shit for the regular person.. I really like looking at the building process when I get a movie I will watch the scenes where they are extended.. But ib this case it is really overkill the sheer number and amount seems just way too much.. Then there is the piecing together of the video.. Some shots were rearranged and unless you were there or saw the original video you would be hard pressed to tell which came first scene 5 or 25..    This was the most interesting video I've ever done and would love to do more like this..

Badge Henry

Thursday, August 23, 2012

24 48 72 HIKE

24 hours from now the videos should all be in their final view running order, then set to be made into one single file..times four chapters..

48 hours from now; set the four chapters up into the burning program.. burn the first test disc..

72 hours from now; after watching the test video, any changes will be made hopefully this time everything is spot on (highly unlikely)  then if everything is a go.. burn the copies for everyone who initially wanted one.. 

Three weeks later everyone watched the video, shelved it, burned it and buried it...

Badge Henry


This is how you will know the video is nearing completion ... I am working on a video set to music, a... what do you call it.... a   music video.. I'll trademark that one someday...  anyway I am gonna clip some videos and pictures and put a music track to it and then put it on all my sites.. All five of them, the most  exposed video I can do..  The disc is very near completion as I write this.. Today I will piece together the wedding and the reception and the final credit sequence will be set today.. get the video chapters set tomorrow .. burn a "quick" test video Saturday morning, have the "review board" watch it and then make any little adjustments Saturday night   or Sunday morning and then...  do it all over again because  I find something that just isn't right with it.. 

I burned a test video last night to view on my little brothers tv.. I couldn't see any big difference in the lowest setting (XVID AVI)  and any of the other three test shots...  The DVD video showed  a rectangle within the screen.. I knew that would be the case.. 720p and 1080p were nearly identical..  I',m not sure which would be better but because I did the whole editing in 1080p, that is where it will be... No turning back now..  I think that the 1080 shows the limitation of the original video.. Not shot in HD it is a little laxed however I like it because it does fine with what I need it for.. And no it isn't "broadcast quality"  but it works for me...  After working on the video for the past week or so I got to learn more about the program that I am using to edit it and think about the project I was wanting to attempt and it suddenly has become easier.. After doing all this & that and watching the tuts and everything...  Some things the tuts said to try  and they showed how and then I tried it and then found a nuch easier way to do it... this program is limited but it does a great job.. And for the casul user it is perfect.. I dare say anyone could use it and master it..  As with every program there is agreat amount of frustration but it seems the more I used it, the more comfortable I got with it, the more I figured it out, most of the figuring out was by trial and error although most of the errors I liked and wished I could do it that way everytime.. Now after messing with the program all this time I am getting it..  I was afraid I would get close to the end of this project and not want it to be completed but now I am ready...  By Monday it will be done.. And that will be that...

Badge (long winded doink) Henry

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Finally.. Well it has to be done now, there is no higher setting.. The video was converted in a quick twelve hour marathon (yes I have no life)..    I think there has to be a time line to complete this.. So I was going to say Friday I would be done with conversion/editing  but it was a grueling session.. Figured out a quicker way to edit some of the files.. Worked quite well...  Anyway the new timeline will be this, I intend to piece the video together today* and then get the credits final set tomorrow with or without any extra information.. I'll make stuff up, it's what I'm good at... I want credit to go to who ever deserves it, the cake baker, transportation.. Flowers girls, ring bearer , best man..   All the little things but I will make stuff up, I already have names in mind and might use them even if I do get the info..  But Thursday (tomorrow) get the credit sequence set, and placed in order.. and then the long grueling task of getting each chapter set on Friday or Saturday.. Burn a test disc on Saturday/Sunday.. Have one more screening of the final product by the review board on Sunday.. Call it good, do any final edits on Sunday Monday Tuesday   and then .. Burn the cow and call it a goggle and let the chips fall where they may   I EM DONE!!

*What does piece the video together mean??  Isn't it easy to do??  You would think the  video would be in order off the card, but it isn't.. When I run the camera to record the program from the camera to the recorder it is in order (chronological as it was recorded) but in reality it is all over the place on the card and that is just the way it is on every video I shoot.. So when I take the video and edit it I have to name every file.. Sometimes the name gives description as to where the video might fit, most the time it just a name like toss the bride when the groomsmen were in the photo shoot picking up Jordan..   Piecing the video together can be tricky, the photo shoot on this video might just be willy nilly I don't know how important that being in order will be.. The last shot of Bob giving the "stink eye" to Adam being a case in point.. It is my favorite way to end that session but it wasn't the last pictures to be taken.. That would be Adams family shot.. so it can be tricky to piece it all together..

Badge Henry

(P.S.  Final test disc is burned.. Why one more test disc??  I want to check the four formats to see how they stack up when watched on a bigger screen tv..  See if the 720p could be used as a good substitution.. The dvd file format is actually a smaller file and I wondered that much.. Then as I was on the producers thrown last night I was thinking even though this 1080p version is done, it will be close to 12GB when it is all said and done (including the credit sequence and other video) so the question hit me... A dvd disc will hold just over 4GB of music and files of this type, will it hold the finished video???   And that question will be answered shortly as the credit sequence will be set up and converted to 1080p and the final video chapter will also be converted to this file type.. I have to end this, and there has to be  a final date and that will hopefully be Sunday..  getting the finished chapters will take the longest time to get in 1080 files even though they are already there..  Hoping this test disc proves??  well I just need to make sure this is the "IT"  format.. I think it will be but if 720p proves better then there could be a problem.. To convert or not to convert.. But it would have to be extreme difference be seen in there...  )

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Which is closer the moon or the video to being done??   That's trick question I'm afraid, they are equal distance I'm afraid. On my FB page I scribbled "this must be what it is like to lose your mind..  I did the test videos and ...  read the previous entries to get caught up.. Go ahead, I'll wait....

You're back.. Well here is where we stand.. The dvd format version might have been better but ... I'm the type who like to check and recheck.. Last night because I knew I was going to be watching the nephew (Lucy's "mini me") I brought the disc down to watch on Donald's tele  and what I saw made me literally gasp..  Like I was thinking this could be good to watch on a small screen, but a larger screen...  AW SHIT...  The screen was small within his larger field of vision.. so I pushed the zoom button and the result was.... well let's just say "let the pixilation begin".....  I was going to take it to my other brother and have him look at it because he has the largest screen of us all.. No need to now.. God that would have been embarrassing to say this was the best I can do.. I tried the 1080p  and since that is the best it can be, I will start the convert process today.. I don't think I am chasing perfection but rather chasing the best it can be.. I want to be proud of the final product...  Then I saw that this program can do 720p as well which most people can't distinguish between these two HD formats.. 720  and 1080  p   are relatively close and the best video person is hard pressed to give an explanation as to which is better, however I will do it  in 1080p because that is the best there is.. and I would likely find fault with 720p..  Now you can call that behaviour obsessive...

By the way if you read an entry and come back and read it again and it looks longer, I have a tendency to do that,add to an entry, rather than make another entry, I  will add to one that is relative to this..  did that make sense??

Badge Henry

Monday, August 20, 2012


I think what happened yesterday was what I knew would, as the project reaches the end point I find ways to extend getting it done.. I realized last night or early this morning that I am chasing perfection.. That as I said can't be achieved. As much as I want this to be perfect I have to live with the reality that it is as good as it is going to be.. Why am I so worried about how great this video video looks, I mean the likelihood that it will be watched more than once by anyone is minimal at best.. I could have posted it online and seen just how popular the video would be.. I've posted old "vintage" video of family doings from back a  ways and the most of those videos sit with a goose egg on their views..  The big nun for views..  This is just important to me.. So I need a hard end date, and I think it will be labor day and it will be with or without the added final credit sequence.. Like I said I could live with the credit sequence the way it is right now there are a few ideas left for that but without the names of who did what I will just put a picture of what it was without any names on it, like the rough cut has and that would be fine.. I have Donald's sound thing on there, and my faux company you know the important things.. Got the names of the groomsmen and bridesmaids...  Would like a deeper list but I know the person I asked for this is extremely busy... But just the same I want this done in two weeks and it will be like I said I'm happy with it the way it is.. I'm gonna take the next few days completely away from it.. Maybe work on some of the graphics here & there with different ideas but leave the video alone.. Chase perfection and end up a babbling idiot...

 Here's what I mean by chasing perfection, as an example, I did one scene yesterday,  a thirty second or so clip and did the main four settings windows live moviemaker gives (there are actually eight or nine maybe for all the gadget people)  the main four are e-mail (really small file) computer (a xvid avi type which is what the first rough cut was mastered in) DVD (which is what I settled on, a wide screen video file leaving black bars at the top and bottom, a cinema look to it) and the final is 1080P which is "high definition".. The source file format is .MOD, and my feeling is an up conversion seemed a waist of all resources  after I watched the test disc.. When I watched the scene the strangest thing happened, I couldn't tell the difference between any of the formats.. They ALL  looked the same.. Why couldn't I tell the difference??   I thought it was best format to worst or worst to best but absolutely could not tell.. This was the definitive  to determine which file format I would use and I decided of DVD but after completing the conversion I honestly couldn't see that big of a difference..  So SHIT!!  what to do??   I went to bed got woken up by the thought that I should do the whole fucking thing in 1080p..  So will I??  I can't see doing it, the "chasing perfection" thing came to mind this morning after I finally got back to sleep.. Mom was extremely happy with what I did, the entire production  EVERYTHING.. So why try to ruin it??  I will keep away from it until Friday (sure) and see if with a fresh perspective I see anything worth trying.. either up convert to 1080 or just keep what I have.. Google the benefits of doing that or is it worth even trying.. Research, I need to check around.. It has been trial and error with the program and then yesterday I got the wild hair to check tuts on youtube and see what different things do.. An instruction .pdf would have been nice for the program but experimenting is also fun.. The hands on, which is what I've done for the past however long I've been working with this program..

 Badge (not perfext) Henry

(P.S. This has got to be what losing your mind feels like.. I did a yet another test video (on day one of "not gonna look at it") and did a test disc in comparison the three formats and 1080P looked good (damit) and so shit...  Well the words escape me.. Was this a waste of time to do this yesterday in dvd form??  The test disc was set to show just which does what.  1080P looked ok.. dvd looked like it was fully detatched from the top and the bottom of the frame.. A full box within the screen rectangle yet...  And then there was the xvid test video and it showed a square within the screen.. Where the original video was full screen.. Just what the hell was that test set about.. Why did it... ??  last test shot burning right now what will be the verdict??  ===.. I watch it and it was good, but I will spend the next day or two trying the last and what might be best.. 1080p.. And there is no up from there. Not on this program..  )

Sunday, August 19, 2012


They say that artists are the hardest person to please, and I believe that.. Saddest part about the video project is I was two to three days away from signing off on it.. AND THEN... I tried something I shouldn't have, I tried another idea for making the video a higher quality.. When I converted the original video files, I converted them to XVID (avi) file format and in doing so lost some quality in the process.. Well then I worked with the video from there to an even lesser quality video format wmv which is good but not great.. then when I went to burn the disc it was up converted to dvd file.. There was a lot lost in all this conversion.. Today I tried to take the original files and convert to dvd and skip the first step.. Why did I convert that way the first step? Because I didn't think the program could handle the videos in the original file format they were in, turns out I was wrong.. It can handle the videos individually but not the whole thing.. So I burned another quick test disc with comparison video and really liked but hated what I saw.. The video was noticeably better than the test video I did yesterday (the rough cut)..  So long story short, I am scrapping that that was done and starting all over again from square one..  This might take  few days again but it will be worth it.. I noticed the difference, and if I want to start to build a reputation, I have to start NOW !!   so that is what we will do.. Starting from the very first video, the rehearsal..  And who knows maybe I'll see something I didn't before.. Hope it will remain the video I had mom watch, she raved about it by the way, but she would even if it was in the lowest quality.. This is for me.. And this is for Adam and Jordan and a reputation as the family video person.. Is that very important??   Yes it is..

Badge Henry

(*P.S.  Spent the better part of the day doing test videos and converting the videos from the original .MOD files to edited dvd files.. Skipping the two steps of 1: converting to XVID AVI and 2: editing to an avi file then changing to the dvd file form via the burning program.. Would it burn quicker this way??  I don't think that is how it will work.. After spending some time watching the test disc I decided to try to do the entire set this way, re doing the entire set again to see if it will be better.. The video has gained seven minutes which wasn't a surprise I tried not to hack the video up like the first attempt.. But I will do editing of the video, I know there are bits that aren't needed. So why redo the entire video?? Good question, part of me feels like  if I don't complete it then the disappointment won't start.. Disappointment by me and everyone else who wanted more.. I wish I had more, I wish there was more video shot but this is alls I gots..  So it is all I can use.. Why the video looks so odd on this computer I will never know.. I know the monitor is nearly crap.. But beyond that.. The aspect ratio shows only slightly on the computer, I have no idea why the video won't go full screen..  Tomorrow I will piece it together.. Add the bits needed to make it whole, set it to be burned to a second disc for test disc reasons then..  figure out which will be definitive..   Toss them both up in the air and whichever god keeps, that's the one we will call the all being said thisss one!!)

Saturday, August 18, 2012


I finally did a full final production disc, a rough cut as it were, of the wedding.. To see where we stand on the video.  There were issues with various things, scenes that might need trimmed..  The opening, very start of the disc will get tweaked a little..  Aspect ratio for whatever the reason I didn't try it when I put it together.. The credit sequence, because I don't yet have everything and I screwed up so many things, will be changed a lot..   Overall I was happy with the four chapters as set right now.. Very little will change on the videos as they are right now.. I would say the credit sequence is the only thing holding it up from being completed, but overall I would say the project is around 95% completed.. I will do a true full on disc, hopefully this week some time..  The person I'm waiting to get certain credit things from is busy with life issues so I can't prod for this, it will just be done when she gets around to it, I would say this project is number twenty on her list of important things to worry about and that is as it should be really..   Certain things are starting to show themselves with this program.. One is the credits on the graphics which I really didn't understand how it worked before and suddenly I am getting more control over this aspect of the program..  Another idea is the picture session, I am going to try to place a musical soundtrack low in the background, not very loud at all..  There are dark passages in the reception part of the video that I am planning to try to doctor.. Started the final "rough cut" putting together yesterday at about six in the evening and after getting all the parts put together I put the final burn program together and set it to burn at just before midnight.. I don't know how long it took to complete, I went to bed and let it finish on it's own.. 

Badge Henry

(P.S. Why did I spell my name wrong on the last entry?? Well I was writing it and just about every word was a spelling error involved.. I was constantly back spacing on some of the easiest words.. Yes I was using the netbook laptop and the keyboard is different to use, but still...  That is why I misspelt my namen)

Friday, August 17, 2012


Final production on the video started yesterday..  I had all but talked myself out of any final credit  sequence but then decided to do that and will use pictures that Freda took for those that will be in that part of the video.  I'm gonna do a quick burn of the final video on a dvd-rw and see wat needs to be changed and then see where and what changes, if any, need to be changed..   The video won't be broadcast quality by any imagination, But I like it... Took a couple days away from the video, or actually I should say I tried to take a couple days away (that was the plan) but found that I worked on bits here & there  through the two days "away".. Then yesterday I got the wild hare to burn the rough cut to disc and see how it looks.. But I wanted the credit sequence so I worked on it for a couple of hours or until my creative juices were exhausted..  Pretty close to the end of the project...

I was thinking about the shots I missed from Saturday, one of which was when they came out of the church..  The cruising around town a bit.. Arrival at the Holiday Inn  and before that the after the wedding photo shoot.. I really didn't know how much time I had but had other things to worry about.. Had it been up to me I would have liked to have been able to do all the shots I wanted the way I wanted, but sometimes getting less means more.. Get what you can and make it count..

This project, as it gets closer to being final, I seriously thought about having it be in the XVID file format and loading it to a flash/zip drive... or SD card even as these media are getting less expensive all the time.. I'll see the final size of everything prior to burning the disc and might do the SD idea as well..  I will keep the final files on a specially purchased flashdrive for me to have just in case someone wants a copy on a later date..

Badge Hendry 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Well it's started.. It was supposed to start Monday but I got a reprieve from watching the nephew again until today.. He is such a strange little guy..  But he was watching the Fresh Beat Band on Netflix streaming.. And he watched it and watched it and  and and... How many episodes??   I made the comment on Facebook that the fresh beat band was now streaming on netflix and shortly after the millionth episode I put another entry on FB stating this : Fresh Beat OMG HFS WTF KMN!!!    the OMG part is obvious for everyone who knows computer short cut speak shit, The HFS is Holy Fucking Shit. WTF  what the fuck  and the KMN is KILL ME NOW!!!   It is a cute show but man...  What a change from listening to Opie & Anthony just a little over an hour earlier..

So after being there for about half an hour he needs a bowl of ice cream  and I say no it is too early.. He then says well because mom & dad aren't there that he can have it.. And that's when I tell him he let the bag out of the cat.. Which is reverse of the way it is supposed to be, but he is an Am-Lock so it sort of makes sense..

They have indoor sparklers and I really don't even want to bother with them but he was sure his grandma would let him light them.. So that was the only thing we brought to grandmas house when we came and by complete surprise she did light a few of them..   He is such a strange little guy, he wants to play with some things but not hands on.. Like lincoln logs, or legos.. He wants to play with them but wants an adult to play with them.. Build the building so he can tear it down.. A tornado came through..

Taking a break from the video work today.. I think it is  a good idea to do, rather than rush through it.. I would hate to make a mistake on it.. I got the four chapters pretty much set.. Then watch the rough cut maybe Friday and then hopefully get the files converted  to dvd format and then burn the disc on Saturday.. And I was sure it would take a few weeks minimum to three months maximum to complete...

Badge Henry 

Monday, August 13, 2012


Started the editing process on the videos today.. Surprised me that I got through the wedding by three this afternoon.. So by just short of four I had the entire project set to be pieced together..  The wedding was the quickest and the easiest to finish because I just edited the mistakes during the wedding although I at one point thought I should leave them in.. I decided to edit those out because the full video is already on a dvd so I decided to do the edit. Watched my handy work and I was happy..  Everything all told came out just shy of the two hour cut off, however there are some scenes that will be cut out..   I think I will leave the project to be completed Saturday.. Seems odd to be ahead on it, but something that was supposed to happen today didn't so I worked the whole day on it.. I sent an email to Bob & Freda to get any pictures they might want to put on the disc.. So I have an outside contributor on the project but I was mostly thinking it would be a nice way to finish the disc..  

I couldn't help myself, I just had to doctor a picture from the wedding, in this case the one on the left of the screen with a picture not of the cake being cut but rather a picture of part of my "Speed of Light" video, presumably being watched on youtube..  Way to go who ever you are..

Badge Henry

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Today was decompress day for everyone involved no doubt.. The push push push feeling being replaced with a little less stress as well.. Yesterday morning I played the video onto the dvd recorder and set it up, the first little bit of the project.. I messed with it a little on the computer but didn't get any true idea what to do with it.. Then last night after getting back from the wedding I loaded to the computer all the video files and stills.. Total amount of space taken 8.92GB translating into just under three hours of video.. I set up the deck again to put to dvd that that was recorded yesterday.. Mom came in to watch the video as it was playing and told me she didn't see most of the wedding yesterday because she was keeping Ian occupied..  I wasn't sure how happy I would be with the video, the quality.. Although shot in the highest resolution possible I was sure it wouldn't be very good.. The reception part was some disappointment because as the wedding party walked in the battery wore out.. So a quick change gave me the ability to get the bride and groom .. Which was very important.. And the rest of the night went off without a problem. However there were a few times the camera went out of focus, the lighting was very dark and the camera was struggling at times to get the right setting.. For not knowing how it was supposed to be I thought everything worked out quite well..

The disc that was burned in the recorder will have every bit of everything that I video taped, no editing was done.. For the computer and the video I will edit down to what I call the final cut of the wedding, in the four parts presented, four chapters if you will;  1: Rehearsal 2: Picture (photo session) 3: the wedding itself 4 : The reception..  Right now there are several scenes that will be edited down with others being dropped completely in the rehearsal because they were shot as test shots.. 

Now the time frame for completing this project: With a little luck I am hoping to get it completed by Labor day.. But with things that have just popped up I figure it could be November or as late as December before the project is done.. Also I have a tendency to derail one project in favor of another.. Priority  as this might be sometimes I see something else that looks cool to do.  And also in the middle of the "battle" as it were I like to take a step back and let the project "breathe" a little.. Not let it consume me and yet other times I like to get on a role and stay up until I get it done and if that means two in the morning then that is what it means..   Gonna try a little now, start at the beginning and go through sequence  to the end.    And now the fun begin..

Badge Henry

Saturday, August 11, 2012


So what did we learn from yesterdays ordeal??  Well the site that I decided to do the main shoot is the second best place but because I can't trust the battery to last the entire wedding, I will be up high in a balcony setting.. If the people will "speak UP"   there should be no problem with hearing them on video.. Through all the test video the biggest problem was the audio..   I think for the most part everything should work out fine..

Loaded the video to computer last night/this morning.. We got home rather late (about midnight).. We just had to do that bachelor party thing you know.. anyway got the video loaded to the computer, converted to XVID files and did a short look see before going to bed at two this morning..  Setting everything up for todays shoot I will set up the house current to power for the wedding itself.. I am now reduced to two batteries for the video camera as watching the second lose juice in record time wasn't a fluke, a one time deal, that battery is shit now.. However the two remaining should be more than enough to do all the extras, plus I will use the Kodak camera for still shots as was the plan in the first place..

Got some more song ideas from last night's deal   (rehearsal)  should be good, for this part I feel a little fun can be had as far as the music is concerned.. Video + music on the video on final production.. The rehearsal clocked in at a whopping 50 minutes.. But there was a lot of test shot video that won't make the final video..  This will be an interesting day no doubt about it...

Badge (left hook) Henry

Friday, August 10, 2012


There might be a question of why I use so much Tangerine Dream music in my videos.. My answer is because___  well just look at them, it fits so perfectly.. I tried other groups, Jan Hammer was close, Vangellis has such a vast catalog that I still haven't listened to completely yet.. I go with what I know, and yes Pink Floyd was considered especially songs like Astronomy Domine (the Ummagumma version of course)..  As well as Interstellar Overdrive..  But I like the synthi without any driving beat.. It fits my chill feel and mood most of the time..

Woke up this morning and Czabe was on the radio and he was discussing the injuries from last nights preseason football games and he has a simple plan for fixing injuries that occur that way, he would sit his starters through THE ENTIRE preseason.. And my thinking is that this would be a good idea if they ditched the preseason all together and added two regular season games.. Start the season the last Sunday of August and play through the second Sunday in January..  That way there is no more "but this game doesn't count, why play it" feeling anymore..  Injuries are a major part of the game.. Just the way it is..

I did a little more music for the video, some segment transitioning music.. After messing with the video program this past month or so I feel more confident than ever the ability to work the video the way I want to.. Now the only question, how will the video turn out.. A few things I hope to scout, the wedding rehearsal will yield how the camera will be set (all the video settings) the time will be an hour removed from the start time of the actual wedding.. On Donald's wedding all the settings would have been set because he got married at the exact same time that the rehearsal took place (two days earlier)..  The reception is a wildcard but I am pretty positive it won't be difficult at all..

Badge Henry

(P.S. The speed of light video  has gotten thirteen hits in less than twelve hours, making it the most watched video I have ever uploaded.. Could potentially be the most viewed video on my site..  Somebody might say "why don't you have your video site or blog on your Facebook or Twitter" and I say that I nearly did self promote my blog (PNOP) but took it off (Twitter) because of the possibility that I could have the site get ginormous, which some might view as being great but  I think would bring unwanted events such as hackers.. So I'll stay the size I have.. Viewership  is growing gradually on all my sites..  I can't complain.. MUCH)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I uploaded a video to the new site that will (maybe) host my extensive videos (that set of test videos I was talking about in an earlier entry) and could be where all the videos will be uploaded to and then linked to here.. But as with Blogger, I will have to down convert the videos to a smaller than 100MB size which means some of the videos could look like a colour speck in a mass of pixels in a blown up picture.. Not what I am after.. I set the "Childhoods End" video to youtube but it got the old "copyright" shitcheese thing they do.. I will leave it up for a while but.. I was disappointed in the quality again.. This wasn't the down converted version I sent to the 'tube, it is the full (?) version.. I burn these to disc and they look alright on my tv, why they look like crap on the 'tube is beyond me.. I guess I want it to look better than they do..  Oh well...

So a day later and I checked the video at the new site and I am not sure the video is good or better or what.. But the one thing that is better is I am getting a lot more hits there.. How many more?  I got four hits in a 24 hour period which may not sound like much but you have to understand.. That is 4 hits in 24 hours, THE  only amount of time that the new site has been active with an entry.. I had to wait six weeks to get four hits on PNOP when I first started it three years ago..  Of course now I laugh at those days but still the new site is showing that much promise, and so all my videos will be uploaded there shortly..

TIME MACHINE: (the video not the story)  I started a video concept for yet another "trip" type of video when in the middle of the idea another popped into my head but to get that I would need extra footage that I didn't have and wasn't edited.. so I went in search of the video sequence which in this case was the space time warp or speed of light sequence from 2001 A Space Odyssey  to help with what was then just the second part of the Rubycon song..  Then it exploded into a very long sequence that included the single pictures (ala the childhoods end video) and the newly edited 2001 bits.. and that made things more complex and added quite a bit to the video.. So much so that I tried to add part one of Rubycon to it and so both parts were now in there.. Trouble is I was hearing a completely different song for this video sequence and so I quickly ripped the songs I thought were needed.. So then I had pictures, video and now THE song.. "Valley of The Sun", a fifteen minute opus was now the song.. And that is the video/song sequence and it is called "ripped out your shorts"... Just joking, the video is in fact called Time Machine but it won't be uploaded anywhere it is just way too big to try.. And I doubt a piece will work from this video like the shine on video that will be seen on the Sunday music entry..

The DSOTM concept video is really starting to take shape however I can see this idea taking quite some time to get done, and really if it is to be that important then it should take a while to finish.. Working towards that end I will be looking through the internet quite extensively to find not only stills but video as well.. The thought that it will only be that album might be less of a good idea.. More to the point I like the idea of a Syd Barrett storyline.. The concept of how those albums all interconnect (Dark Side Of The Moon, Wish You Were Here and The Wall)..  Might try to connect the concept together somehow.. I've always felt like those three albums were a trilogy of sorts, a little.. Some of The Wall is an ode of sorts to Rogers father, and some to Syd.. I'll try to get the songs in sequence then try to get the video.. Bits are already starting to come together..  Should be an interesting go of it here...  

From the Sidney pamphlet..  When dad took the scouts to the AFA 50 years ago..  I remember when he took the scouts to Jamboree way back when.. Could they do those trips now?? Probably not..

Badge Henry  

(P.S.  I did a video after all these were completed and it was going to be called Time Machine version ___  (fill in the blank) and.. But it wasn't called that, it is called (To The Edge) Speed Of Light and this one is what I was after all along.. The full descriptive is on the entry Sunday but it was almost entirely the 2001 space odessey video clipped together (the black hole section).. The music is fitting as well..  This video is going to be the first to be at all three sites, Youtube, PNOP,  and B.H. e VIDEO WERX @ posterous spaces..  I'll link to that site when there is enough reason to later..)


The latest video to be uploaded here* and (maybe) youtube  is called Childhoods End.. It is an experimental video, an attempt to start working towards the idea of the concept video I am thinking about doing for Dark Side Of The Moon, the Pink Floyd classic..  This was a working that started a few days ago after doing some test videos.. This was quite a lot of fun(?)..  Interesting idea as yesterday I thought of this all day and then got to work on it..  Took several run throughs and.. Well the descriptive is on the entry which will be Sundays music entry but was almost today's entry here.. I might do a couple more music videos for Sundays entry or I might try to find something on equal to what I did..

Was at the local walmart today and the streaming video player that I was looking at has vanished from the shelf.. Not vanished as in TA DA .. But rather I watched as it went from five to two to one then none over the six week period..  Somebody else sees the greatness of this product..   I was glad I had a second choice but still would rather have that one and truth be told I was still going to wait until December or November to try to get it.. Or not.. Maybe something better will come along.. We'll see..

Badge Henri with an I instead of a Y.. Why??  Why not.. 

(* Ok, I wrote this entry late last night/early this morning.. The video wasn't uploaded to this site it was uploaded of course to the PNOP site as part of the music entry.. However it loses so much in down conversion that it just looks horrible as all the videos do.. So I will upload to either youtube or my new video site and link to it)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


So I now have some seven videos in demo form for the video of the wedding (with nary a second yet to be filmed) and last night got a dvd burned to test everything out and it seems good.. Today I put the final test video in the can as it were and will hope to check it shortly.. Last night I'm thinking how perfect am I shooting for and then it hit me.. The harder I try for perfection the more it will be out of my grasp so rather than try hard just let it come to me.  All the best videos I have ever shot were near accidental.. Just happened to be at the right place at the right time..

 A few rules I have always lived by when shooting video of anything : ONE: don't be in the moment be of the moment, which is to say show what is happening, don't be part of it.. Two: Don't do any fancy shit with the camera, that's what the studio (computer) is for and while the analog camera was just type graphic on the dvd burner, the digital camera does afford me the ability to do much more as far as effects, a great number of which I just discovered while messing with the latest test videos,,  (will these be uploaded here??   No, simple they are the same video with new music and test sequences that I think would be extremely boring to watch, unless you like to see the evolution of a project coming together, look for the box set...)  I try to get the best video I can, and try to be as a witness to anything I shoot.. Try to get the event as if someone who wasn't there feels like after watching the video it was the next best thing to being there..

 I'm gonna try to shoot the first little bit of the rehearsal as documentary  style kinda the way Donald and Lucy's wedding rehearsal was shot (which wasn't the way I was planning to shoot it, that just happened by complete accident), but unlike theirs I plan to shoot the run through from one of the places I plan to shoot the wedding at.. Test shot for sound and video angle.. I wasn't happy with where the camera was for Donald's wedding.. I originally thought it was a good place but then watching the video and the sound was more than horrible. My camera has a zoom mic which the analog camera doesn't, so that should help no matter where the camera is placed.. Also the digital camera has 70x (optical) to 100x (digital) zoom which means I could possibly be in the catholic church across the street and get good video.. Actually the camera has 3500x digital zoom which means if the Earth was flat and this was an outdoors wedding I wouldn't even have to leave home to get the video.. Just joking, actually digital zoom isn't that great.. It degrades quite quickly.. Pixilates really bad..  Thinking about maybe using the analog camera for a front of the house shot maybe.. I'm gonna see how it goes Friday with the placement of the digital cam.. I have a few tuts on the 'tube to watch and get ideas from there...

I did those final two test videos in the settings I thought might make everything work.. First off instead of setting the videos to avi I set them to dvd files and then burn to dvd disc and watched them that way.. There really isn't much lost in doing to avi first then to dvd but it just makes more sense to go to the format that will be burned to disc.. Then I had  an aspect ratio that I tried and that has completed the way things will be done at least on the final production..  

School starts next week???   Where did the summer go??  I know where it went, I could hardly wait to get to this point.. Too hot, I have never really like summer except for the vacation from school...  Ready for football to start.. Stop running the fans on high.. Smell the pine trees that have that smell when school starts.. The leaves changing colour.. My pumpkin patch that will yield a whopping  NO pumpkins this year.. What happened there I don't know.. The Earth box seems to be working quite well, the Roma tomato is no longer taller than I am, the fruits are weighing   it down.. The Roma tomato plant grew well from seed but the fruits are small..  I talked to my uncle before the season started and he said he tried to from from seed but the fruits were always really small.. I think I am seeing what he means.. I will evaluate how I feel about next year at the end of this season..

Earlier I thought of starting the alternate site (Infinite Improbability) and was all set to have that be a video only site (where all the test videos would be) but I have found another site and might do that there.. Make a video exclusively site.. Saw another guys "shitty video phone" video site.. I think it might be better there but I am still in the looking phase, although I would like it going before too long..

Badge Henry  (rare with a white whine sauce)

Monday, August 6, 2012


I tried to upload this video to my youtube site and it got flagged instantly so I deleted it right of way.. It got red flagged world wide kinda freaked me out when that happened.. Anyway this is just a quick clip and one of the reasons I like this show, a sense of just odd humor..  I deleted it instantly from Youtube because I really don't want to redo all the videos that I have there.. It would be a greater pain in the ass than is worth, so rather than take a chance I hopefully caught it in time.. I do admit I have some copyright infringing videos up there but most of them you would be hard pressed to get any plot from watching those short clips.. I'm sure the copyright holders wouldn't see it that way..  anyway this little clip is from this past season of Justified..   Something about this show and this clip proves what I mean by the slight sense of humor they have

Badge Henry

Sunday, August 5, 2012

WHY l'entrée de musique ??

Why is the entry on PNOP  in French??  I don't know why I did that.. I started just as a farce type of thing, opened Google translate and was messing with how certain words looked while written in different languages and decided why not do part of an entry that way.. And then before I knew it, I had the whole entry done that way.. All the videos are on Youtube, none are mine.. Not that I don't have any ideas, these were more supposed to be full length concerts except for the David Gilmour doing Comfortably Numb on Roger Waters show at the O2 arena this past winter early spring, whenever it was done.. And they all seem to be a Pink Floydian type of show of some sort.. 

Was that a hint of fall in the air these past two nights??  I was telling mom I think I can handle the heat now more because the end is in sight.. My favorite season is fall, mostly because of football, but also because you start getting out of the heat.. Get away from the heat.. It seems to cool off earlier than two in the morning now.. Last night I covered in several blankets (like winter) but left my fan on to bring in the nice cool air..

I watched that move Act of Valor and it was as good as I thought it would be and the soundtrack (the action scenes) were great.. Bullets flying all over the place I was afraid to move for fear of  a stray bullet popping me.. (That's all I need to get shot in my own room)...  But I hadn't had a movie with that kind of action soundtrack since that one foreign flick a few years back.. I wish they would do that with all the movies regardless of format (blueray or regular dvd)  They can, but they just concentrate on the latest technology when truth be told the difference between the two is so miniscule..   I've read where a lot of tech sites have reviewed the latest blue ray shit and say exactly that.. There is so little difference between the two formats.. Regular dvd can hold six hours of video and even more with the right compression... And they playback fine..   Oh well  let them eat cheese I guess...

Badge (Blue B***) Henry

Saturday, August 4, 2012


I have been working on parts of the wedding video.. Trying to decide what does or goes where and how and I don't even have a second shot yet..  The end credit sequence was worked on over the last few days with a final preview set to be seen here and was set as "live" here for a few hours yesterday.. Then I looked at the two ideas a second or third (hundredth, felt like) time and decided that just didn't feel right.. I used a few pictures from here & there and some graphics from my Google (images) search and everything came right together when all the editing was completed and the music selection(s) were made for the video when after a few hours I changed my mind.. Took that entry down because something just didn't feel right.. Trying another song but unless the credits are shrunk way down, it will be too short.. I want the final credits to be under three minutes, so a reworking is in order.. The song I want is in the time frame.. And right now it fits my mood to the letter.. So I tossed that into the heap and now there are five or six tracks to choose from..

Todays entry at the PNOP site was done today.. The first entry I have done at that site on the same day in nearly  a month.. The other entries are set through to the end of August and I haven't even been thinking about going beyond, trying to preset through September or October.. But that might happen..

By the way the wedding video will be a dvd, with just clips going on my Youtube site, I figure if there are any portions of the video I'd like to have on my site I could edit it to that..might do a short clip and I might not.. Might enter a clip here on MTCW (sounds like a Canadian or Russian television station call letters)..   Had a oh shit moment the other day when I was shooting video of Ian at his swimming lesson and the camera went through a battery in three minutes.. All I could think was this better not happen next week.. I think the battery just hadn't been used in quite a while and so it's "full" charge was questionable at best..

Watched a little Olympic coverage this morning and they had grunt ball on.. What is grunt ball??  It was the sport known as tennis.. The women were playing, and they might have even been giving birth as well..  Not sure..  Why the grunting??  I mean what is the big deal??

I converted (translated?) all the videos I have done so far and then watched them and started to think of a video I am going to try to do next.. A concept type (of course)  for Dark Side Of The Moon...  I did a Shine On You Crazy Diamond video and am very happy not only with the video but I kinda remixed the music.. I Took all the vocals out, edited them out.. So it has in essence become an instrumental track.. However because of it's length it is too long to put anywhere..  Youtube would likely flag it for CRI .. Sending it to this site is where I would rather send it but it might take forever to get it up here.. Not sure of their length restrictions..  Might try sometime later.. Took a while to get that video done.. The DSOTM is an idea that came to me while viewing the SHINE ON video.. Some of that was just so freakishly how the sequence changes just right.. This I will try to do but more than likely it won't time out the way I will want it.. Have to try it..  Do each song individually then put it all together for the long form video...

Two days this past week were record setters for me in scrabble.. Tuesday saw me score 378 points and then turn around and Thursday I scored 396 points on the veteran level.. And yes that is timed both games.. 45 seconds per turn.. Try that out sometime people..   The saddest part is it was on the laptop and not the desktop where all my records are upper three hundreds.. Those are personal bests for me..

Badge  (IKE) Henry

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Ok, if you saw my other site you might have guessed the "new" thing I'm doing is cutting back a bit.. Not a lot, but rather trying a new strategy as far as doing entries..  I'm watching my stats there and here and a strange thing is happening.. This site is starting to get more viewers..  Strange that my original material is out drawing crap from around the web..

Yesterday I did a few more test videos and they were the "They Grow Up So Fast" redo.. The videos were changed and rearranged a little with two different music tracks on each video.. But mostly they were done to try different things where just changing the entire sound track (music track) was what I did without starting the project over from scratch and that worked quite well... The videos weren't uploaded anywhere but will be part of the "box set" in hard copy form (dvd in other words)..

Also I went in search of and found what I think will be the wedding video graphics..  I found several sites that gave a great number of ideas and that should help greatly on the video production..  I'm kinda looking forward to this as more ideas pop into and through my small RAM head..  Hopefully there won't be an overload.. BERZERK...

Found a video review on the 'tube yesterday on the streaming player I am wanting to try.. It was a nearly half an hour video coupled with a couple other reviews and I am convinced more than ever to try this thing.. There is so much material being offered by Netflix streaming that I feel like we are being cheated by not watching but a very slight amount on the computer.. Watching some two hours per month, and if I could watch during the evenings I could see hours of shows.. Plus the one I am after has Youtube available and that is a gigantic selling point..  Hoping to see how much I view on the cable over the next three months and then making my decision..  Still will have cable but no more movie channels..  That works for me..

Badge  (the) Henry

(P.S. A short addition (add on as it were).. I was thinking and the e in B.H. e VIDEO WERX on the final title screen of every video was for  enterprises which is a laugher stretch so I thought instead it would be for this... Ready??    B.H. (obvious is for well you know, my fake name Badge Henry) the "e" is for eNTERTAINMENT (Written out that way with the e being small at the start of NTERTAINMENT)   video werx  werks   et. al. spelled wrong because..  And so now you know  Badge Henry eNTERTAINMENT VIDEO WERX (WERKS) Either way is spelt wrong and means absolutely the same thing.. Trade marked I guess.. I should register that except nobody views my videos anyway.. )

(P.P.S. They didn't ask how much I would charge to do this video.. I would have told them I will charge the same amount as I did Donald and Lucy, a GAZILLION  dollars so bring your checkbook..)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


PHYSICAL ABUSE: Not sure why I named this video that, I guess the way this works brought some sort of odd idea.. Anyway today I did some video test shot footage to see what might happen in doing so.. This video is rather  a strange one, if you don't mind wasting a bit of time to see what happens, the plot line was simple.. I said action and the cast did the rest.  This is unscripted, what happens is either funny or not depends on the eye of the beholder really.. The music track is Cinnamon Road by the great Tangerine Dream.. From the album Hyperboria the band by this time was well established as a group that could sell out massive cathedrals around Europe.. That's right you heard me correct, they played some of the largest "church" type venues around Europe which would hold fairly large crowds and when they played there the hall would be torn to pieces mostly because they played at such high volumes sound wise.. but enough about the band, what about the video??  A quick toss together of the short version and only slightly more involved for the long version.. These are more about the text part at the start and end and getting the different font as well as colour for the background.. Trying different things.. The short video was the use of the digital zoom, a slight pixilation when I get close in an the "star" of the show, keeping him (it) in frame as the movement was slight but at the closest zoom it is tricky no matter who is moving that way.. "Hold still dude!!"  They don't listen to directions.. Guess that's why I like unscripted action, like a ball game, you just never know what is going to happen..  

Badge Henry