Sorry it's been a day or two since I've hand an entry... I'm working of a project for another blog, a video project and I want a few videos done so it looks like I will be there longer than just a short go.. What's happened lately??? Not much I know..
Listen, we all knew it was a long shot that the electoral college would grow a set and prevent the ending of the USA as we have known it.. Truth is the country has been living with a certain amount of corruption as far back as Nixon... Maybe even to a certain extant corruption has been the back bone of our political system from DAY ONE.. So how could we honestly say we were surprised by this election..
So now we have to keep a vigilant eye on what could easily be a very corrupt administration, mostly because they have this feeling that they could do anything they want.. and truth be told the democrats that will be lead by a dimwitted Chuck Schumer who has cast votes against president Obama in the past.. I highly doubt that we will see much resistance from the democrats mostly because the republicans will want to give every aspect of for the people a toss.. They won't know what hit them.. Try to explain why you shit on the people you represent.. You think the job could be done at the mid term elections but if you don't stand up for the people then you will lose ground.. And the Democrats are the closest thing to useless as there is right now.. Fight for the people and you never know those numbers could grow at midterms... Highly unlikely..
So you here that that crappy insurance law will be repealed... You know I liked it, I wanted it but the governments hands being all over it made me not only leery about bothering to even try to get it (oh ver that's illegal to not have any... ) Here's the problem with getting it, I felt like if Clinton would have won the election that four more years and having here change it here and there would have made it that much better, would have had enough more people get on it that the dipshit republicans couldn't shit and shaft the Americans who were forced o get it, I might have gotten on it by '18 or '19.. But because Trump won, and will repeal
and replace it there really is no need to bother getting on the ACA... So Trump will repeal the ACA, get rid of the medicare, medicaid, and severely gut social security (and that's just his first 48 hours of fuckery) and then you happy people who voted for him, will see a brand new America... The one where a civil war is very posible because the haves and have nots will be very visible...
I remember reading this.. I guess it's not accurate anymore, he actually won.. in a manner of speaking but.. The questions I had on election night were for the ACA as well as other medicine issues as well as what the internet will be like.... Flush the equal internet... Oh well I've been thinking satellite receiver again anyway..
Wow the duck dynasty guys are relevant again.. And the KKK, oh good, they can show all the shit that was close to getting their own show on their own channels before dumb ass GWB left office.. (Only joking)
Everybody needs to stop this popular vote whining, yes if we had the popular vote Hillary would have won.. Or might have won if you read dipshit Donald trumps rants recently on Twitter he actually won the popular vote as well as the electoral college.. You wonder what living in Russia would be like?? THERE YOU GO.. If you wonder why Trump is lying this is not him lying (to him) this is how he is, make shit up and not just from the campaign trail but long before that.. Back to the election.. Now everyone here is the truth about the election assuming we would switch to the popular vote, how long would it take to count all the votes?? You figure that might be why most people who don't bother voting now would suddenly give a rats ass suddenly because the old saying one person = one vote.. Get rid of the farce that is the electoral and suddenly the less than fifty percent turns into closer to about the upper eighty percentile turn out... That would mean.. one person equals one vote equals it taking a week or two to count because right now they don't count all the votes... If you thought they did.. YOU LIVE IN A FANTASY LAND... Why do I say that?? When Jill Stein wanted a recount in just three states they said it would never be done in time for the electoral college... Three states would take too long... Our democratic electoral system is a grand load of shit at best... And the electoral body the people who live here are dick brained... Oh well there you go my first return to business ends in a curse..
Badge Henry