Thursday, December 29, 2016

On off switch

The republicans always use drastic measures to describe "well if she wins the United States will end and we will die"... you're getting that wrong, if the republicans win the US will end...  But more than anything every time a republican has won the economy goes to shit... Will it happen again in this next four years?? I'm willing to bet it will be the worse crash ever and that includes the great depression...

Why does Trump try to take credit for anything mostly because it can't be true..  Yes this has happened but wasn't with dumb dumb being in charge...

The biggest question of all is.. Will Trump ever get to where he tells the truth... We all know the big lie about ever seeing his taxes will never happen... But someone is digging, and likely will find the truth and it's not going to be good.. In fact it is going to be outright scary as shit...

Yes we knew about his business dealings but so did Trump and he should have known that he would be the biggest crook in America..  Even worse than Nixon...

The Empire of America .. How the end will occur...  Well just assume everything will be ok.. and ignore a political party that hasn't done anything the past forty years..

More from the lay queen...

Trump will shortly have to actually work to get what he is crediting himself for, taking the credit for what Obama should be getting credit for..

..and yet Trump will claim the unemployment numbers are real once we get into February... The numbers will be real then but of course once the numbers start to go up they won't be real anymore, they will be inflated to show how unpopular he is, which won't be true..  

Badge Henry

For this ... let them eat stake

I think Trump is going to ruin the country..  The best thing he could do is get impeached by the end of March, it would neuter him and his party and it would make the democrats win in the mid terms and likely no matter who the democrats run in 2020 they should be back in the white house with the simplest of slogans "WHAT WERE WE THINKING" ...

The retarded Sarah Palin has an equally retarded daughter...  Basically they don't understand why the worst president in the history of America would get rewarded for winning the white house when in fact this is just America saying, we don't trust you... SIMPLE...

What I don't understand is why get rid of medicare/medicaid and social security, to make people poorer is going to cost more than anything... It could cause a civil war.. I've been saying this for years now.. the republicans taking away even more will make people think hey..  Why don't I get me some.. These shitheads are taking more and more...  When is it my turn???

If these assholes get their way and there is no open view of the congress which the past six plus year there was nothing going on anyway, seemed like a waste of the use of cameras and a network to use it on...  But with turdfuck trump and his cronies yeah, this is completely wrong...

Trump isn't a very bright president... When we get him sworn in on the 19th or 20th... God help us all... Because the idiots who voted for him will start watching the popularity of this clown prince go down...

Trump's labor secretary wants to eliminate break time overtime... Just work til you die then work some more..

Will anyone believe KAC  ever after the swearing in??   Her position is the coveted first person to be fired, let us see how long that lasts..

I'm not a big fan of China but, if they give Trump shit, I'm all for it..

Badge Henry

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

train station nine

Terry really isn't a bad guy, he speaks his mind and that's just pretty alright.. Don't let the fact that he isn't all there stop you from thinking he is alright, or the fact that the elevator doesn't go to the top anymore, in fact the elevator stopped working ten years ago..   The guy is an idiot but don't let that bother you, just because I see very little difference between Terry Bradshaw and Donald Trump...

Should we be afraid of Trump??  Well... Not just Trump but the entire congress and that includes the clueless democrats.. Seriously there isn't a single one that I would trust to not screw over the American people because while they like to govern and make deals, they do so at the expense of have a good idea be passed.. So why do we fear that the medicare medicaid and social security are going bye bye... Because the idiot democrats don't know how to say no... But what they should be saying is FUCK NO... Stand up and shout no... no No NO FUCK  NO!!!

Mike Rowe on Bill Maher...     Speaking about jobs that people need to do..  Dirty jobs?? I'd take one of those.. At least you'll be left alone..

Can all jobs be outsourced???  Well... I would say no, but all the better paying jobs are quickly leaving.. So why not follow the jobs??  Therein is the big shitting on of the worker.. You go from a fairly decent wage to making literally pennies on the dollar, what was a very good living to a dollar a day if you are lucky.. And.. There is nothing we can do about it.. It's just corporate GREED.. Plain and simple.. I know Trump was saying all these regulations are killing American jobs, it's not that.. Even Donald J Trump has moved his jobs out of America.. He talks about adding a terriff for out of country manufacturing jobs and yet he is the biggest violator of this..  What a hypocrite...

Are Trumpists beginning to realize they have been conned??  I watched a story last night that was talking about the Trump promises about the coal industry and how with the black lung situation that a lot of men dies and that Obamacare (the ACA) there was a little bit of money to be had with the widows but with the ACA being repealed that that income will be gone..  So that is what they wanted wasn't it?? THEY DID VOTE FOR THIS TURD DIDN'T THEY??  Yes they did... Buyers remorse.. I seem to remember the Brexit vote having the same outcome...

Trump is going to run the same privatizing of the government that they have been wanting to try for the past four decades..  It has never worked...  Watch this video and realize the republican party is really good and trying failure as their main goal..  if at first you don't succeed fail fail again..

The backwards states of America..   Wish they would start their own country..

I don't believe anything Trump says.. not a fucking thing.. absolute zero.. bugger all... not a sausage.. nothing..

Have a happy new year... But first..

Badge Henry

Get the tire fixed

This is exactly what I had said earlier when Trump used Twitter to tell the airline company that we would not be building airforce one, that it was too expensive.. well alright then watch the stock price go down then announce the plane will be built..  He is a horrible president and he still hasn't taken the oath yet.. And speaking of the oath, will that mean anything at all??  Has he read the constitution yet???  Does he know how to read??    Oh well the honeymoon is about to be over.. I figure about the time Trumps first el numero uno lie comes back to haunt him, repealing Obamacare and leaving it in the dead issue lane just like a lot of things.. Trump is going to help Americans to more jobs than ever before but they won't pay anything.. But they will be working more than ever...

Badge Henry

Monday, December 26, 2016

The Gibbs problem

Trump will skate on the issue of conflict of interest... No doubt in my mind.. Unless dumb shit wants to prove a point somehow..

Donald Trump will negotiate the debt down.. This should be lots of fun to watch because Trump will negotiate the debt and time will march on and if an interest payment is ignored there won't be a problem, we will just default... And then the fun will begin.. And out tard president will just keep trying everyone's patients..

What if this were any of it real???

Episode 50... A christian nation no more??  Were we ever a true christian nation??  They say they are but how hard is that to believe when the fact is had a Jesus type of figure would have been questioned and ridiculed even as far back as the infancy of the USA...

Badge Henry

Christmas crisis

When I linked to this kind of an entry everyone said  That was a little drastic, just because the democrat lost... Yeah I guess, and yet the build up of nukes seems more than too much.. And yet they say he is intelligent... If you say so.. 

When this guy was talking about this subject I thought, besides being right all the time he does talk truth.. In the case of Jesus return if he were to return it would take beyond a miracle for anyone to believe it was him..  Why???   Simple...  Just think about it..

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Who do you trust

Trump leading with fear will be his game plan from day one..   Who will dare try to screw him over first??

Kellyanne Conway, the greatest poker player ever I reckon...Would you dare try to play against a fantastic liar like her??  She is a winner and likely got her new position on Trumps dipshit line more from possibly threatening to expose all those skeletons in Trumps closet.. There wouldn't be that many from when she joined the campaign but still Enough to jump start impeachment hearings and derail the Trump agenda..

What does this really mean??? Kellyanne seems extremely happy to have this position and what it might really mean is she is really in charge of the twitter account.. Possibly but more than anything, she will be the first in line to take the blame and be fired..  Just so she knows, her job is the most fragile of all of them.. Plus she is a woman, Trump hates women... She will break the glass ceiling as she will be the first woman to hear "Your FIRED" ... Not to worry, he will utter those words to a lot of people as he boots people out of the life raft to save his chunky ass..

I liked Bernie and everything he stood for.. That being said one of the things most people didn't like about him was his age.. And in four years he will be four years older than he was this year.. Hard to believe but yes it is true..  So Michelle Obama is being talked about as well.. I feel like if she were to run I would be stunned, she comes off as not wanting to deal with the dipshits in congress and they will still be there in four years.. And in four years if Trump  remains the tyrant scoundrel that he is and hasn't been reeled in then ....  Well I've said what I think is going to happen and it's not good...

Drain the swamp was only something he started to say in the last weeks before the election.. Right next to the statement that the election would be rigged..

Why take an oil executive as a member of your cabinet??    Why Trump is building his cabinet out of money makers and not people who are more for that which he is appointing them...  Guess we'll see shortly.. I have an idea.. And it's not good..

Every now and then a group like this comes along and turns my ear.. Check them out.. Amadeus Electric Quartet..

Badge Henry

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Exit the warrior, today's Tom Sawyer..

I think I've become more cynical than I was in the past 8 years or so, I was hoping that the impossible might happen.. Not so much that the electoral college would grow a set and vote not to elect Trump.. Anyone but Trump.. Anyone short of Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann ... I know Hillary was way over qualified for the  position..  so please elect Trumps gardener.. I would feel better if someone who doesn't know what they are doing politically but has held a job where he has gotten calluses on his hands, because then he knows what the working class is about... Trump is going to do what the republican congress wants him to do... I don't trust his cabinet nor his republican lead congress as well as the democrats who will (maybe) try o look out for the minority sect.. That would be the unlucky as shit democrats... What will likely be changed?? Well the ACA is gone and no matter what they say (well it will get repealed but it will be replaced by something better, which makes sense since the republicans could have presented with something the fifty or sixty odd times they repealed it knowing full well they had fuck all to replace it with..   This congress that we have been lucky enough to watch the past six years at least will now say let's all work together for the betterment of the American people.. Which is English for we fucked your democrat president over but we should now work together because it's more important now..  What else is gone??  Well anything that starts with the word social... Or has that for the people stupid ass shit, we can't have that.. A government that sounds like it cares for the people in the country... Fuck that.. The government is supposed to make money, I had it all wrong before..  I mean that is what duck fuck face Paul Ryan has been saying since the election.. He sounds like he knows that the social security fund will be depleted  in twenty or thirty years.. NO IT'S NOT.. I mean the way it is right now yes it will be but if you put the money back that you "borrowed" from it it would be fine.. Same with the postal fund.. Same with everything you stole from while GWB was in the white house... Gotta pay for a war somehow..   How realistic do I feel that we will make it though a Trump presidency?? You see comments on Facebook and everything saying well we made it though 8 horrific years with Obama as president, we'll make it through Trump... DON'T BET ON IT... The last time we had a business man as the president it took almost the next president to see it get better.. There was a site on FB today that said it seems like every republican president/congress ruins the economy and every democrat fixes it... So the same thing will happen here with this one.. I said don't bet on it, the likelihood could be true but the only thing is when it comes to raising the debt ceiling don't bet it will get done.. If he instructs them not to raise the debt ceiling he will not only destroy our economy but it will be a domino effect and ruin the worlds economy hence ending any chance of a quick fix by the next democrat president.. In fact as the warning was spoken about on more than one occasion this is likely the last president we will ever see.. Because the United States is in the final days of it's existence... But one thing about defaulting, it will give the USA a chance to start over with the debt.. But then so will every other country and that means there will be no way to hold any financial crisis over countries that we can't get along with.. That's ok, Trump and Putin are best of buddies.. I wonder how long that will last.. and how long will congress feel the love with Putin...

If you can't laugh with us... Feel free to laugh at us.. In fact .. Laugh all you want, we will be as well at least until Trumpy changes the free speech or the will to live..

My feeling about any action with Russia is there should be nothing our current sitting president should do as far as a start of any armed conflict of any kind.. Simply put Obama has one foot out the door and the other on a skateboard.. Just let whatever might happen be on dipshit Trump..

The end of the beginning and then the end..

Sorry it's been a day or two since I've hand an entry... I'm working of a project for another blog, a video project and I want a few videos done so it looks like I will be there longer than just a short go.. What's happened lately???  Not much I know..

Listen, we all knew it was a long shot that the electoral college would grow a set and prevent the ending of the USA as we have known it.. Truth is the country has been living with a certain amount of corruption as far back as Nixon... Maybe even to a certain extant corruption has been the back bone of our political system from DAY ONE.. So how could we honestly say we were surprised by this election..

So now we have to keep a vigilant eye on what could easily be a very corrupt administration, mostly because they have this feeling that they could do anything they want.. and truth be told the democrats that will be lead by a dimwitted Chuck Schumer who has cast votes against president  Obama in the past.. I highly doubt that we will see much resistance from the democrats mostly because the republicans will want to give every aspect of for the people a toss.. They won't know what hit them.. Try to explain why you shit on the people you  represent.. You think the job could be done at the mid term elections but if you don't stand up for the people then you will lose ground.. And the Democrats are the closest thing to useless as there is right now.. Fight for the people and you never know those numbers could grow at midterms... Highly unlikely..

So you here that that crappy insurance law will be repealed... You know I liked it, I wanted it but the governments hands being all over it made me not only leery about bothering to even try to get it (oh ver that's illegal to not have any... )  Here's the problem with getting it, I felt like if Clinton would have won the election that four more years and having here change it here and there would have made it that much better, would have had enough more people get on it that the dipshit republicans couldn't shit and shaft the Americans who were forced o get it, I might have gotten on it by '18 or '19.. But because Trump won, and will repeal and replace it  there really is no need to bother getting on the ACA...  So Trump will repeal the ACA, get rid of the medicare, medicaid, and severely gut social security  (and that's just his first 48 hours of fuckery) and then you happy people who voted for him, will see a brand new America...  The one where a civil war is very posible because the haves and have nots will be very visible...

I remember reading this.. I guess it's not accurate anymore, he actually won.. in a manner of speaking but..  The questions I had on election night were for the ACA as well as other medicine issues as well as what the internet will be like.... Flush the equal internet...  Oh well I've been thinking satellite receiver again anyway..

Wow the duck dynasty guys are relevant again.. And the KKK, oh good, they can show all the shit that was close to getting their own show on their own channels before dumb ass GWB left office..  (Only joking)

Everybody needs to stop this popular vote whining, yes if we had the popular vote Hillary would have won.. Or might have won if you read dipshit Donald trumps rants recently on Twitter he actually won the popular vote as well as the electoral college.. You wonder what living in Russia would be like?? THERE YOU GO.. If you wonder why Trump is lying this is not him lying (to him)  this is how he is, make shit up and not just from the campaign trail but long before that..     Back to the election.. Now everyone here is the truth about the election assuming we would switch to the popular vote, how long would it take to count all the votes??  You figure that might be why most people who don't bother voting now would suddenly give a rats ass  suddenly because the old saying one person = one vote.. Get rid of the farce that is the electoral and suddenly the less than fifty percent turns into closer to about the upper eighty percentile turn out... That would mean.. one person equals one vote equals it taking a week or two to count because right now they don't count all the votes... If you thought they did.. YOU LIVE IN A FANTASY LAND... Why do I say that??  When Jill Stein wanted a recount in just three states they said it would never be done in time for the electoral college... Three states would take too long... Our democratic electoral system is a grand load of shit at best...  And the electoral body the people who live here are dick brained...   Oh well there you go my first return to business ends in a curse..

Badge Henry

Sunday, December 18, 2016

The USA had a pretty good run... Time to watch it implode ..

Someone said the USA empire would fold by 2024...  Then they updated that saying because of the tax cuts Trump will give everyone that it will likely be sooner... I hate to say this but.. I hope that  Trump is in the white house when we become new Russia... The asshole deserves that on his tombstone, "Here lies the Don, the last president of the United States of America"  As predicted...

Badge Henry

Saturday, December 17, 2016

BS.. to you maybe...

There is nothing wrong with having a batshit crazy president...

I mean seriously...

If you are rich...

I had heard with the gutting of the medicare and medicaid as well as social security that the new tax system that Trump will deploy... The rich keep getting richer.. The poor will remain getting poorer and Donald and dickhead Paul Ryan will just keep getting richer...  Why?? Because you just don't know how fun it is to shit on a country until you've actually done it...

Badge Henry

Friday, December 16, 2016

Shady political shenanigans

I believe...  Nothing... I don't trust the government AT ALL... Why?? The FBI is corrupt at best, the CIA is equal to the task the FBI does..  Do I trust any form of the government???  Not really.. I won't trust Trump or the monkey they vote in his place... It just is who do you want to place in there with an R at the end of their name...

That being said without a true mandate from the election and Trump loading his cabinet with the worst people he can find, America should be  set for the next election (if there is another election, I'm willing to bet there will never be another election again) that it will be an impeached Trump, or not, he should be out by the first of June at the very latest.. His replacement will also be impeached (Pence, the joke of the idiot elite).. And so that will leave  who exactly??   Paul Ryan?.. I could see a recall election on him... The republican party will be called something else....

Russia with their president who doesn't mind cheating his people.. Here in America hopefully Trump will be serving his first few months of his first term  in jail... And hopefully with fingers crossed the electorate will just say no to electing a very impeachable president...

When they said Schumer would be the leader of the democrat party I thought awe shit.. WE'RE FUCKED.. He wasn't in favor of a few things Obama needed him to help get votes for... What a ...  for the lack of a better word... PUTZ... He will help Trump fuck America right over..

Having someone describe Trump as being unhinged.. at a victory rally... Just what you want to hear to describe a president elect..  Knowing twitter is how he likes to deliver his bomb shell idiocy, he will get us in a lot of trouble really fast..

Cum crops Conway...  What a weird thing to say woman.. Time to go back to walking the streets.. A half priced hooker is still a hooker...

Lets make it real...

If trump is praising the Russians then he needs to not be voted in.. That likely won't happen but he is inviting to be under suspicion the entire time he will be in the oval office..   They already know how to impeach him and how it will work, hell Trump himself knows how he will lose his job...  we just have to hope Schumer the biggest wuss in the democrat party won't be that fearful little girl he seems to be...

The one thing is for sure, Donald Trump DID NOT win the popular vote, and that could be the one thing the electorate point to to NOT  vote for Cheeto hitler...

Badge Henry

awe... SHIT..

Does Ivanka read the reviews for the shit she sells on Amazon??  Does her Dad???  I read the twitter attacks on Amazon now.. " Amazon is the worst way to sell your second rate trash, er rather the best shit you make.. Ivanka don't worry your shoes are great, I wear them all the time... Makes me think of you... "

Badge Henry

Good bye yellow brick road

We went though this with a local lake during a severe drought where we were able to walk through the town that was there.. It is all back to full capacity water this past summer, so it can happen, but in the case of lake Mead, it might take many years...

The new confinement building was moved into place  around the end of November..

When the new republican lead congress with whoever clod they get as their leader (president) they will completely eliminate the FDR new deal.. What that means??  That means the money you pay into social security and medicare and medicaid will be GONE.. Replaced by absolutely fuck all...

Putin wants to use nukes.. He's just itching to do so.. But the sad part is... SO ARE THE USA...  Someone told these jackoffs that you can not only control a nuclear war (fallacy) But that you can survive one as well.. And you can survive... potentially survive a nuclear war, assuming you have a very sturdy fallout shelter, five to seven years of  food and water and a way to scrub the air..  What you will come up from this is.....  


Hell they should just rent a copy of a dvd in concert of whoever they want, it's likely as close as they are going to get to getting  big name artist..

He's not sneaky.. Well no shit, he's too stupid to pull of much of a lie.. HE'S BEEN MARRIED THREE TIMES...

With all this shit going on with the hacking I still think Trump gets elected, takes the oath of office.. Destroys his presidency via twitter and gets impeached no later than March.. or at the very least they find enough to impeach him before he takes the oath and he is fully disgraced and exits before Memorial day..  What a putz..

So this woman that Bernie is explaining the situation to about how the new incoming congress is planing to do all these cuts to to "save" these social programs, are actually just planing to gut them..  And after he explains all this to her and she agrees he should have turned to her and said, with all this that I told you, you have to tell me you voted for???   Hillary..   So you voted against your own beliefs... Oh well There you go.. The picture of the idiot elite.. Some of them don't even know who or what they were voting for, they get caught up in the excitement that a fascist pig got them.. They don't even hear what Trump is saying.. I remember one of his rally's where Trump said we need to change the first amendment, and they cheered.. He said the first amendment, freedom of speech...   That's what I mean...

How do you like your water???  Chunky style or able to start a fire..

I don't mind some regulations being relaxed but... I barely trust the food I eat as it is...

Badge Henry

The possible.. impossible... Can't be done..

Yeah, seeing this done by day one of whoever is the next president... Might happen but likely won't be ... Have you ever seen Rudolph the Red honker reindeer???  Remember the island of misfit toys??  Well here they are, they've all found a home, but they are still misfits..

Why not not vote for Trump, save his being impeached anyway because likely they will be looking to impeach him the same way they were going to try to impeach Hillary on the same time frame... Why not just not vote him in.. It would take balls the likes we have never seen by the electorate EVER...    

I've always wondered if the republican party as a whole deny global warming then they can't believe the Earth is round.. They just can't..

This is the religious right.. My older brother is a member of this thinking, I was talking to him this past summer and he truly believes this.. Even though it can not be..  He first said it was just over two thousand years old he then changed and said it is 5500 years old.. hard to believe he knows there can be no way it is this young... You have to count the years the earth was without true solid form.. A big cloud of  gaseous astro fun...  It took a long time for all the planets to get it together..

I was willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt after the election.. I even said so on one of my weenie assed entries about that time..  But the more Trump acts the part that Hillary warned us about (being set off by a tweet, remember that??)  the more I am for the resistance..  Because all the stupid (idiot elite) that elected him keep saying we are sore losers the more I want the electoral college to save us from going through the eventual impeachment.. You know the democrats want to do to Trump what the republicans wanted to do to Hillary.. Prepare impeachment articles.. Articles for impeachment and before anyone says that wasn't ever going to happen go take a look at the news of Paul Ryan the days before the election.. He was so sure his man was going to win  that he was getting everything set to impeach Hillary ... What's that tell you.. Welcome to your office there Hillary and oh by the way... GOOD BYE...

Badge Henry

Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Resistance

This is no joke and it could save us a lot of heartache and embarrassment when we knew we could have stopped it and then have to impeach him in February... I honestly think we should have a minimum amount a prospective president should know and have a prospective candidate take a certified class before they even enter a race.. it would at least insure that someone like Trump or Kanye West or any other idiot elite would know the very least we expect of them... namely DON'T GET US NUKED in your first week in office..

So Santa is to blame for Trump getting elected...

A lot of people are going to disagree  with this statement.. But I feel like Obama should as his last act as president... PARDON SNOWDEN...

There's no safe amount of radiation.. And that is true but if you wear enough clothing you can be out in the sun.. What does that tell you??  A nuclear war is the stupidest thing that could happen..  Just say no to nuke..

There's a lot of people who think Trump won't do these things.. Listen he said he will repeal the ACA (Obamacare)  on his first day in office and replace it with something even more gooder (Idiot elite speak) BUT.. Guess what??  They have nothing to replace it with and likely won't ever have anything remotely better ANYTIME SOON...  It's just not that important to help Americans, that's never what the GOP is about, never was, never will be... EVER...

When the levee breaks...  How many Trump idiot elite will ever admit they fucked up voting for a "billionaire" that is in touch with the common worker.. How in touch is a man who's biggest blister or callus on his hands comes from wiping his own ass... Seriously, how in touch can the guy be??

A favorite obscure Alice Cooper song...

Badge Henry

Buy my cat

Is Trump this thin skinned that he can take no criticism whatsoever???   Um... YES...

Bribing artists to perform at his inauguration ball.. He should ask someone like Miley Cirrus and tell her she can perform NUDE.. That might get her on board...

Gee the republicans love them some Russian everything.. What a surprise, I mean they all love everything about the Russians, and they better, once Trump/Putin get into office here that's all we will see...

I remember this douchebag O'Reilly telling president Obama that all of America hated him during one of the superbowl pregame interviews...   And now he thinks the media hatred of Trump is out of control??? Talk about the pot calling the kettle!!!

Trump grill getting bad reviews.. So what if the fish tastes like dirty underwear...

Conflict of interest... What conflict of interest??

Badge Henry

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Canada here we come...

White privilege doesn't exist.. Just ask anyone on FNC..    If you wonder what white privilege is, just watch any video where a driver is stopped...

A white guy   versus

A darker person (black)  now had this guy not had a camera I have very little doubt that the officer would have started the conversation and ended it with a gun and shot this guy..

About that recount.. How about counting... Get the count done right the first time AND... Count ALL the ballots.. How can you say one person, one vote.. What is everyone were to vote?? Why do we have to have a result by that night.. Why not get the result when all the ballots are counted??  I doubt that the American electorate would be disappointed if the results were announced the next day or even two or three days later..   Get real, this isn't America anymore..

Went back a bit in this guys videos not for any reason except this was one of the videos that was there and I watched it and.. Yea, the republicans and the way they were talking before the election was god, if Hillary wins the world will end, we might as well admit that it will be the worst.. And anything that we felt about Trump they felt ten times worse if Hillary would win..   The day after the election this year my mom says to me "I feel like moving to Canada"..  No joke.. and we are seeing it now .. AND THE GUY ISN'T EVEN IN OFFICE YET...

Badge Henry

Against the grain

Conflict of interest??  What me??   Well he is going to co produce the new season of celebrity apprentice.. If he can do that in his "spare time"  he must have more time to run the country than any other president since.. GWB and we all saw what him ignoring intelligence briefings did for us... 

I would say this is enough of a reason for the electoral college to NOT elect Trump.. He has done this more than once, and this would be to me manipulating the stock market, he could call one of his sons and tell them to look at a certain sock tomorrow, take to twitter and make the stock bottom out then his son buys that stock and then manipulate it again and make a killing...  Yep, no conflict of interest there.. 

Trump thinking a 45% tariff is a good idea.. And it is, really good for us.. Until you realize they will retaliate and charge the same if not more.. A Trading war will be just as bad as a real military war.. and might come to that.. 

Why would the country as a whole NOT want a recount??  Why not look at any hacking.. Now I saw where they were talking about a portion of a state that wasn't influenced by the russians at all.. The russians didn't talk to these voters at all.  First off that is NOT HACKING... Hacking is done electronically.. Changing the vote count along the way.. Some people are extremely off base with how hacking is done.. It's not talking to anyone about it, hacking has very little to do with people in general... 

Not a single school to march in the inauguration of DJT... Well there could be a bigger reason for this.. Terror level will be extremely high that day as we have heard, likely Trump hasn't but then.. He ignores the briefings and let's face it he knows more than anyone else does so.. Good luck with that Donnie boy.. 

The effects of repealing the ACA...  Ripple effect as with everything Trump wants to do.. 

Badge Henry 

I don't mind being wrong if it means America...

I watched a story on the local news that talked about the "electors" who are "legally" bound to vote for who they are set to vote for... Now I have heard the electoral college are like a second line of defense to keep things like checking to make sure that they make sure that it won't be a mistake later on if a certain candidate that got the electoral college vote, make sure he seems qualified and isn't too much of an idiot to not be trusted with the keys to the empire.. My overall feelings is that this is a farce.. They don't have enough electorates with a conscience of their own to try to make history.. Don't vote for a tyrant twelve year old..  However over all I would love to see history be made..  The one thing I was against four years ago was having Willard Romney be elected, now I see he would be better than Trump, but then ... I almost said Sarah Palin would be better.. NO... NOT THAT RETARD...    I said I ALMOST said that...

So could it really be true??  Like I said I'd love to believe that they could put a halt to this mistake but I highly doubt it will happen, because they could go ahead and elect him, and then start the impeachment process before day one so that the smooth transition of power will take place from President Obama to president Trump, to President Pence and then hopefully whoever next by the end of 2017... Maybe the next election the GOP will run on the past five republican mistakes and that will be enough for them to say we're bowing out for the next generation, at least until the sour taste in everyones mouth from the Trump mistake is GONE..  I predict the electoral college will lose their balls and elect Trump anyway dragging the country through a political pile of pig shit, the worst smelling of all the barnyard aromas...  I think Trump will get the election by 271... Just get it..

An explanation about the oddness of his highness, the out of touch Trump..

Trump using the "lock her up" slogan like "Where's the beef"  from another load of shit campaign.. So sad that Trump is turning his cabinet into a bunch of misfits..  You just have this feeling it's just not going to happen.. He isn't even making it look like he is going to give a shit about the American people.. That would be fine for Paul Ryan, he could give lesser of a fuck about the people, he is here for the money... And that is all..

Trump and ethics.. "Ethics shmethics I've never seen an ethic that I wouldn't shoot and grill.."  Some confusion there I think...

Badge Henry

How to start a recall election

The bad news you can't recall the president.. The good news impeaching the president can happen and might be underway before he gets sworn in..

Rick Perry for department of Energy...  Scary to think this guy could head anything in the white house or that he was the governor of Texas..

Trump must sell his Washinton D.C. hotel..  Or turn it into a slumlords dream.. oops, wait.. Already there..

Trump threatening electorate if they don't follow through with their vote for him..  I would do the opposite and vote for anyone but Trump..  He is so impeachable now, and that likely won't change anytime soon.. if ever..

There is nothing wrong with Kanye loving him some Trump action.. Maybe they can both go on a failures tour after Trump is not elected by the electoral college..

Vote for Trump is a vote for a government that will be distracted with impeachment proceedings because it is quite obvious nobody wants a president with little boy mentalities...

Everything about Trump and his cabinet have a certain Nixon feel...

Can we just admit this was a huge colossal mistake and head it off at the pass and NOT elect this guy... I mean I would say anyone would be a better choice but..  Not a wanna be "billionaire"...  Just say no fuck no...

Forty million people follow Trump on Twitter.. Hard to believe but I think most of the people who follow him now are wanting to see a train wreck..  Be on board the train wreck that will shortly be the grandest EVER.. watch the train wreck as it happens and also witness the after effects..

Yeah.. well...  there you go..

Badge Henry

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Too much of anything is...

Trying to understand what the Don is trying to accomplish with some of the worst appointees to cabinet positions... It baffles everyone except that it would appear that he is trying to ruin the republican party forever.. I mean as if his campaign weren't bad enough, getting people who have no reasonable right to be where they are is beyond us...

This is an opposing view.. For those who wonder do I give the other side views.. Close enough..

I kinda understand why Trump doesn't take the daily intelligence reports, but he really should get into the habit of doing so.. Drop your gadget and pay attention unless of course they would rather he NOT take the daily briefings just in case he can't keep his big yap shut..

It's true.. The reds won the cold war.. All they had to do was outlast us...

I wonder if they would even recognize the democracy as it is pretended to be here in this day in age..  We never have been a true democracy, by the people   for the people.. That's just a line of bull shit we spout to kids in school so they at least think we are..  We are more for the ultra rich and always have been..  Case in point.. Look no further than this past election.. And every year the price for liberty keeps going up... It's a joke to say this is a democracy.. And after this next four years under Trump rule and at least the first two directly under Republican rule, it will take the democrats at least eight more years to clean up the mess again that a republican president and congress has made..   Wouldn't it be better if the Democrats asserted some form of resistance rather than waiting until the republicans ruined the country again.. Come on Schummer, bring the hammer down.. Make sure the democrats know how important it is that they are in there.. Seriously I understand having to stump for money to run again, but if you do your jobs and keep the weasel republicans from shitting on America the word will get out and you all should get reelected that way, rather than cowering in your corners too afraid to show your faces.. Save Medicare.. Save Medicaid... SAVE SOCIAL SECURITY...   Jesus save democracy.. Prove us wrong, prove that you care about the people you represent.. you may not make a ton of money, but you will have saved the country...

Touring a missile base...  I've said I can drive by about twenty of these sites in about an hours time.. That isn't true.. It takes half that amount of time..

Badge Henry

The clock continues to count down

Democrats need to talk about jobs to get elected.. Well that is fine for next election but don't worry about jobs now that Orange Hitler is about to take office.. What they need to talk about is salvaging what little they can from a republican lead congress that wants the government to not fulfill their obligations to the public that they rob from.. er rather collect taxes from every month..

I'm pretty sure Trump didn't think it would be the actual army versus the actual navy... But you never know.. Trump seems easily confused..

If it sounds like I am for Trump not being the president I am so for anyone short of Donnie's bestest buddy Putin being elected in anyway possible.. That being said, it was the "will of the people"  that wanted Trump as president.. As I have said how could the polls be that far off??  Up to ten points I could see (maybe)  but sixty points??  Has that ever happened before??  

If there were any feelings that Russia had interfered with an election back in the fifties.. It would have been reason for war... But now... The republicans love the Russians, and have been for the past six years at least..

People don't realize how serious this is.. ""Trump has just proved he has no earthly clue what the f--- he is doing." Olbermann continues to say Trump's ego "could get us all killed." 

Badge Henry 

The illiterate elite have voted.. Smell their stench... It's Twitter Boy Trump Their hero

Nothing smells worse than a cheating PIG...  And yeah so what if Trump has been married three. or four times, who's counting.. who cares.. He cheats he lies the illiterate elite love him... And so does Russia.. Tells you they love an IDIOT....

Is the illiterate elite this openly stupid???  Why yes.. YES THEY ARE...

Are Russians this boobish??  Not bright??  Actually I had said before the election when everyone was saying that nobody wanted Trump in the white house especially the Russians.. And I said why not have Trump in the white house especially the Russians.. Trump is an imbecile, he is as stupid as anyone.. My feeling was if you want to beat someone at chess you don't play and equal or smarter person, you plat someone who has NEVER PLAYED.. While world diplomacy is not chess, it's the same type of thing..

Have we reached the tipping point on democracy??    I guess we'll see...

 "Trump's Labor Sec. Andrew Puzder Opposes Raising Min. Wage. His Base Salary Was $1 Million in 2012."      Full on bull shit...  So you're going to look out for the american labor force by giving them absolutely NO HOPE... Way to go Puzder, you PUTZ..

Imagine if the shoe were on the other foot?? If we meddled in their election and got.. ANYONE ELSE ELECTED  would prove we meddled because Putin has the election rigged to where he can't lose..

This stuns me that Tubby er rather Mitch would even speak out.. Just blows me away.. You GO TUBBY.. GIVE IT YOUR BEST SHOT..   We knew this election was dodgy, now we have proof.. Tubby is getting on board.. Maybe it's because he can't stand the stench of Bannon in the white house.. Seriously Steve, don't keep that attitude of never meeting a shower you couldn't ignore.. That or get a better cologne ... AND USE IT..

Who would benefit from having the Russians hacking?? Seriously anyone thinking why not let the Russians help run our country needs to see just how they run things there.. Umm... Let's just say Chernobyl was under Russian rule at the time it went shitfuck and they want to influence our government???  Just say no to Vlad..

Badge Henry

Monday, December 12, 2016

Ahwww... shit... no end in sight..

There are those who might in fact say might as well let Trump be the president..  Seriously he likely is and will be.. I hate everything about the guy and am more afraid that sleeping after January 19th will be little and far between..  Fear of what that idiot will tweet at three in the morning, between hits of cocaine...

So Willard Romney gets the electoral college vote.. As Obama said that when he ran against McCain and then Willard that he felt if he lost that at least they could still be presidential.. I wouldn't care for romney much more than trump BUT... At least as I felt as well Willard could run the country, at least he knows of the "one China" rule.. I think..

Listen to Thom..  When he says the electors are to elect someone who is capable and is the person that Trump is too close to ... (Russia)...  maybe he shouldn't be our president...  

Should there be a recount of all of our elections??  My feeling is HELL YES..  Because like I said they supposedly get the count right before they call it about midnight eastern?? I find it hard to believe a blurry eyes lot of ballot counters would get it right on election night..  Why not spend the whole of election week counting them AND GETTING IT RIGHT...

Welcome to America Sarah...  I can't stand her but..

Here's one for you.. Stop me if you've heard this one before.. It goes something like this.. If Trumps talking  HE'S FUCKING LYING...  I've heard that one too..

Walter White as the new DEA...  Oh boy..

Badge Henry

Funky fun..

Does it feel like Christmas yet??  I don't think it will feel like Christmas this year.. Or ever again...

How can we trust that Trump is the will of the people with hacking by Russia weather it is real or not.. This could be the start of four years of living dangerously..  Remember about a year ago...

Trump "why can't we use nukes if we have them..." There really is nothing wrong with using nukes and when we did no one could retaliate in kind... NOW THEY CAN.. And now annihilation is what will happen.. Having Trump in charge is in fact like letting a drunk drive a race car on the freeway..

Rex Tillerson the new secretary of state.. until tomorrow when Trump changes his mind...AGAIN..

Hillary would have won if the KGB  or rather the FBI wouldn't have interfered.. No shit.. I would never have guessed that..

Sarah Palin, back to being the northern most southern hick hillbilly redneck Inbred ... She just has to prove what an idiot she really is.. And this is proof that she didn't pen that crony capitalism letter last week when she was talking about Trump and that Carrier deal..   Like I've said she had to have signed her name to that but then, even a MONKEY can do that..

The last three (four if you count Nixon) Republican presidents DIDN'T have the best interest of America in mind when they were in the white house (Nixon, Reagan, and the Bush all stars GHWB and GWB) and neither will the twit that just got elected by the retard elite of the USA..

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Hey! Where'd my straight jacket go??

This would be great if it were true... I wish this were true but likely...  a bit of fake news...

Too bad Joe Walsh is as corrupt a politician as the FBI or CIA.. That's ok.. The greatest country in the world will be alright without you.. Not the USA, that boat sailed with the election..

If the Trump university settlement people got their money, good for you.. Hopefully numb nuts Trump will be busier than a barrel full of monkeys with all the lawsuits still pending against him.. 

Will this mean anything??  Highly unlikely, I mean this could launch a civil war with the Trump supporter tards thinking it is THAT important that they fight for someone who could care less for them..  He is the grandest fake there has ever been..

I think Obama was waiting to see if the GOP would wake up to the fact that WE are not Russia and We are not supposed to accept that russia has our best interest at heart.. They DON'T ...  Trump is not it... Never was... Never will be..

Let's just admit.. Putin will likely be visiting Trump in his new digs the white house to see what part of the USA will be his..

My answer would be..   straight jacket or potato peeler..  Oh goody..

Badge Henry ..

Such a lather

Here's what scares me the most besides Trump failing dramatically and sinking America in the process.. Trump being successful...  Because of the way he is going about filling his cabinet with what seams like the worst there is, filling it with the opposite of who you would think are the better choices, what happens if putting the fox in charge of the hen house actually works??  I just can't imagine that mentality working because it goes against the grain of everything we have ever been told..

Alex Jones looks like he fights like hell to take a shit.. and the shit wins...  There you go, rip him a new asshole...

Donald Trump fans and batshit crazy.. Yeah, that sounds about right. I saw where a new meme going around states that they are for their man instead of the wimpy president we have now.. Hope they are ready for a serious failure..

NBC  dumped trump, really burned their bridges with him... So why is he EP of the new celebrity apprentice??  Someone lost a bet I'm thinking...

Badge Henry