Monday, March 30, 2015

What could go wrong

Well as I have mentioned here that last fall the lawn mower crapped out on me and we'll have to get a new one sometime around April.. Our grass is already green it's March 30th and ... THE GRASS IS ALREADY GREEN.. The leaves are out on the hedge, the trees are leafing out.. Last year we had the same thing happen and everything got zapped by a cold snap, likely the same thing might happen again this year.. But what grass that didn't get reseeded last year is getting green, and what that tells me is I should have reseeded the entire lawn.. But.. I've never mowed the lawn in March although I have an uncle that does, he starts mowing around the end of February and the first of March.. He lives in a warm area of the country where he could mow almost year round..  So I've been looking at lawn mowers for the last few weeks (months) And  over the last few days have found .. maybe the ultimate futuristic mowers.. The dare to dream versions of mowers.. Fist the ones that make you think, but how does that work?? 

I will only consider an electric mower, as I get older pulling the start rope of gas mowers becomes more and more of a nightmare thing to do.. I've had both of my shoulders pop out of the socket, although they didn't stay there, I didn't want to see  how long it would take to have that happen.. Electric is for me in other reasons as well.. My dad started getting electric way back in the early seventies, and the brand he bought was Black and Decker.. The video above shows a style of mower (if style is the right way to describe it) that glides across the lawn, there are no wheels on it..  That would be nice to have..

The robotic lawn mower.. This is the ultimate in mowing.. ultimately it would need to be set the track for the mower to follow, or boundary for the mower to stay within.. Sure sounds like a good idea but in a realistic lawn setup with hills, walls and dead body here and there (mostly from the great white hunter Skootr)..

Ultimately I want a lawn mower that mows.. Mostly that is what I am after.. This year unlike nine or however many years ago I got the last mower, they have mostly models (styles as it were) that have grass catchers on them..  And the more expensive one doesn't have a grass catcher.. I was not after one with a grass catcher, I really don't care for grass catchers they seem more hassle than they are worth.. But then I got to thinking about the three times last season where I mowed one of the sections of the lawn short for the grass clippings for the mulch pit thing.. and thought a grass catcher could be used once a month for either the garden or the compost tumbler thing and thought yeah, that would work..

This model above uses the weed whacker (weed eater) as the mower.. My overall feeling about this is it would work for small yards.. Think a ten by twenty maybe area.. Flat yard, with nearly nothing to get in the way such as trees, or shrubs.. 

The sun Jo Mow Jo model is nice, compact and really fairly eager to go at it.. My biggest problem with this is it is a name I haven't heard of before.. And they are  fairly new on the job market but that isn't a bad thing.  The string mower above this is Black and Decker, and that is a very good name but they even admit that that mower idea is for very small yards..  The sun Jo mower is as well for small yards.. When they show the grass catchers on mowers like this they are saying that the size yard should fill this bag.. And only need dumping at the end of the project.. So that tells me they are serious about what size they want your mower to cut..

This was the winner of the contest.. I fell absolutely in like with this mower.. Everything about this screams taking me home and use me.. Black and Decker with edge max.. Yes baby hop in the car lets go mow a lawn.. The grass catcher is a tricky plastic model where you have to line up the holes just right, snap them in place and away you go.. Now in the case of these mowers with bigger catchers like this they are assuming you will be doing multiple grass catcher dumps through the project.. My idea is to use the catcher for the entire yard maybe once a month or up to five to seven times per season.. The last two or three at the end of the season with the leaves being done maybe three times in a row.. But the using the mower as a mulcher.. A mulch mower  this ISN'T... That bummed me out.. Reading the reviews on this mower I found it isn't designed to be a mulch mower, other mowers of this kind have a three in one mower system, the crass catcher, side discharge or a mulch plug placed in the grass catcher chute.. That set me back a bit and made me think so what would be so bad about using a grass catcher all season.. Well because I really want to use grass clippings as a way to feed the lawn.. It's worked for the past thirty or more years, why stop now..
The Green works mower above is the ultimate machine then, three in one discharge .. this would be perfect and became my number one mower for .. A little while.. Actually with all the reviews I've read and this (or a mower very much like this one) gets the number one seller on Amazon and it is with that knowledge that it was number one on my want list.. Number one A.. Or a very close second to ....:

The Black and Decker mower shown here.. The grass catcher (mulcher) is the right size for the mower.. Unlike the B&D mower shown above this one is able to be a mulch mower.. It has a plug that goes on the grass catcher chute.. Although any mower can mulch if it is forced to with getting the grass thrower chute clogged, but I wouldn't recommend it.. This mower gets my vote as the one to get, the price was slashed and hopefully it will be the one we get in the next few days.. 

But there was one more model I would really like to get..

Fully self propelled, and more reliable than the robotic mower.. But the biggest drawback is.. Well.. I can't really see one.. It would mow and fertilize at the same time.. What could go wrong..

Badge  Henry

Saturday, March 28, 2015

That's the point I have been trying to make... All this time..

Water..   Yep, seems simple enough to understand that in all of NASA exploring of any planet or anything like that, water has been the key element to weather that planet can support life.. Not air (oxygen primarily) but water.. We know there is no air on the moon, but recently they have discovered water there.. Life.. Water equals life..  So when they start talking about dumping fracking water, some of the most contaminated water there is on this planet short of the water used to keep nuclear piles under control.. So what could possibly go wrong, I mean they say it is safe, why shouldn't we believe them??  Well yes, I mean they wouldn't LIE to us would they??  They had a discussion recently and had a public hearing  about it to allow people to voice their opinion about it and this video was one of the results.. :

Would you drink that sludge??  I wouldn't but we might eventually have to because once the Koch brothers set their minds to polluting an area they go all in until that area is uninhabitable..

So where is this aquifer???  Here from wikipedia :

The Ogallala Aquifer is a shallow water table aquifer located beneath the Great Plains in the United States. One of the world's largest aquifers, it underlies an area of approximately 174,000 mi² (450,000 km²) in portions of eight states: (South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas). It was named in 1898 by N.H. Darton from its type locality near the town of Ogallala, Nebraska. The aquifer is part of the High Plains Aquifer System, and rests on the Ogallala Formation, which is the principal geologic unit underlying 80% of the High Plains.   

About 27 percent of the irrigated land in the United States overlies the aquifer, which yields about 30 percent of the ground water used for irrigation in the United States. Since 1950, agricultural irrigation has reduced the saturated volume of the aquifer by an estimated 9%. Depletion is accelerating, with 2% lost between 2001 and 2009[2][not in citation given] alone. Once depleted, the aquifer will take over 6,000 years to replenish naturally through rainfall. 

There are other aquifers in the country but none are as vital to the area that sits on it like the Ogalalla aquifer.. Supplying drinking water as well as water for crops that supply food to the entire world.. If the water can't be drinkable then likely it won't be a good idea to use on crops either..

When the XL pipeline was being discussed being put in the ground through the aquifer I think it was the main reason such a stink was made.. Yes it was set to go through the sand hills region, and that was bad enough ecology being screwed up, but a leak of that crappy crude oil sludge would contaminate the drinking water as well..

So when they end up allowing this sludge to be dumped in this well it is of the same feeling to me to have the pipeline allowed to go through the state.. Might as well let it all be dumped here.. Nebraska is a fly over state, meaning no one really even considers people to live there and yet there are people here and they aren't any different from those who fly over the state every day..   But in this case they work the ground and are more in the farming business.. And you can't do that everywhere.. If you starve the soil or pollute the crops will cease to grow.. The Kochs will starve and die just like everyone else.. There will be no running to the nearest habitable planet because we can't even leave the planet we are polluting..  We are over a hundred years fro just leaving to go to a planet that barely supports life in Mars... Let alone going to another planet out of our solar system.. And yet we pollute it like we have a life raft planet somewhere.. WE DON'T.. Hopefully they won't be allowed to dump their sludge here.. But I bet they will..

Badge Henry

(P.S. The brilliance of the video presentation where the guy pours the "sludge" into the cups there, and at the end picks up his cup and the bottle water and makes the statement "I don't have enough hands to carry the other cups".. That to me is brilliant because they will truck all this crap in and leave it all behind, just like he did..  Only thing is that is easily cleaned up, whereas the shit the will be doing to our water supply will be closer to permanent...)

Thursday, March 26, 2015

To Thursday..

What did that entry on my Facebook mean yesterday ??  You know, the one about my youtube videos.. Well simply put.. I broke the rules at YouTube, the copyright infringement rules.. I had some twenty or even more videos that were television studio produced.. They have a warning at youtube about uploading copyrighted material, and one of the things they can do is shut the channel down.. And that wouldn't be a big deal except I had videos there that are memorable type.. Family videos and the like.. Well yesterday I was trying to access my youtube channel and it had this warning page and there was no skirting it.. I was potentially in trouble.. I agreed to jump through the hoops and got to my page.. More than anything else I was to blame and yes those videos were up there for two years and in some cases more.. But they were taking anything that was in violation down.. And they said they have a three strikes rule and so I am looking at my email and there are each of these emails stating this equals one strike.. So I count them and there are like 11 of these emails.. That makes.. eleven strikes.. What does this mean?   Well I go about the task of downloading ALL of my videos, or at least the ones that I am pretty sure aren't on dvd disc.. And as well the family ones with my dad and a few others.. These will all be edited and reuploaded to my secondary youtube site.. As well  as downloading all my videos I deleted all of my videos.. All but the JAFO video.. It has copyrighted  material too but hasn't been flagged yet.. I'm sure that is coming.. The last video I uploaded to that channel was loaded over a year ago, I have been using the secondary site as the main family video site, with the other being reserved for shows from Canada like Seeds and Cracked that both are no longer on tv.. Both are really good shows but seem to be cancelled.. Also I had the Apprentice U.K. on there as well as a few other shows... None of them seemed to be bad to have up.. Until Monday.. But in the process of getting all of my videos off the site there were several that were flagged as copyrighted material infringement, those included the song happy birthday (you know the one you sing before the person blows out the candles..)   And there was one of a tornado out by Peetz that got flagged for We're An  American Band by Grand Funk that was turned way the fuck down but was audible enough in that thirty seconds to cause a flagging..  There was another that I swore was because of rhythmic breathing.. You know, where you can be heard breathing in and out.. So rather than take a chance on that channel I am all but closing it down.. By the end of March there will be no original videos there... It will only contain my subscriptions and play lists.. I will remain linked to it as my YouTube channel on the Roku as well.. I am currently linked to both YouTube channels on the roku, one directly the other with the subscriptions..   So. The videos I took off will be re edited and uploaded to my secondary channel shortly, and it will take over being  my primary  channel..

So that's what that meant.. in other news...

Badge Henry

Monday, March 23, 2015

Movies night..

The movies this weekend were slim and pickins' but the two I got to watch were very good..  First was The Ref

With Dennis Leary and Kevin Spacey and the question I had after watching this comedy was how did they get it done.. Such a great cast that had to be fun to go to work on every day.. It reminded me of the movie House Arrest where kids took their parents hostage to try to keep them from getting a divorce.. Really that was a cute movie...

Then there is this movie: Out of The Clear Blue Sky

The movie about Cantor Fitzgerald that was almost completely lost on September 11, 2001 at the world trade center.. The events of that day transforming the company over night..  I had seen bits of the movie as a preview type of thing.. I fast forwarded through it to see if all it was about was everyone that was lost that day.. It isn't, it is however about everything having to do with the days and years following that event.. I was prepared to be pissed off at the company that promised so much but while previewing didn't look like they would deliver.. Well watching the movie I knew the guy who made those promises had to be able to make them happen, because he was in the movie to start and through the entire movie.. Turns out this was a really great movie to show how he made every promise he made be true.. That almost seems so unAmerican.. In this day and age of money first and foremost..  I rated it quite high.. A very good feel good movie..

Friday night seems to be music night and this past Friday night was a replay of the very first ever concert by my favorite band (right now anyway) :

Schiller the Klangweiten show, was a four member version of the band.. This is the first video I ever saw of them, and the first time I ever heard them.. The first song sounds like the start of Echoes by Pink Floyd but turns out to be their own song as with the entirety of this concert..   When I first got into them a couple years ago, or how I should say.. The way was simple, i was looking for the latest music by either Kraftwerk or Weiten or Klangweiten.. .  Both bands from the German experimental music scene..  The Klangweiten being the reason Schiller popped up in the search.. So I checked their music via i-tunes and youtube and youtube yielded the show above.. They remind me musically of Kraftwerk, yes they do but they don't.. From the onset of the show above it looked like a two member band, the two keyboard players, but then they had two drumset players, one playing more rhythm and the other playing percussion parts..  With Kraftwerk the live video I have they have four members, of which none of them seem to actually be playing the keyboard but rather "doing their taxes" as some one once remarked.. And it really looks that way (check their Minimum Maximum show available on youtube I think).. Schiller also reminds me of Tangerine Dream, a very little because as with Kraftwerk, Tangerine Dream looks like none of them are actually playing.. The latest shows I have seen the three keyboard players look to be playing the identical same thing. They can have as many as seven people on stage at the same time all looking board out of their minds.. Except for when Zlatko plays guitar..  Schiller reminds me of Pink Floyd, they play some of their new music live before finalizing it on records (compact disc) like the Floyd did from Dark Side of the Moon through the early parts of the Wall... And Schiller reminds me of King Crimson when they play live they can change the songs araingment making their songs always sound different live, from the studio version and really they should sound different live.. King Crimson have so many live albums out and I could pick and choose which is my definitive live version of any song.. The Circus (the young persons guide to live Crimson) is my definitive to pretty much every song I care about by the Crims...

This live Schiller is only music, instrumentals.. They had vocals by this time but for whatever the reason they didn't include any here.. For the best of the entire of what they have to offer, check this one out :

Sonne.. This is the ultimate of Schiller.. and at just under two and a half hours is like being there.. This band I would love to see here in the states, like at Red Rocks.. Trouble is they aren't really even known here in the states.. Everywhere else they are HUGE. Here they aren't even on the radio, anywhere.. Very sad.. Oh well.. Friday night music night returns..

Badge Henry

Friday, March 20, 2015

sticked to it

The end of the show Weeds is worth watching the entire series for.. Or is it.. Truth is the entire series is good, I would say a rating of four stars is very deserving.. Some episodes get five others might be three and even two stars but isn't that the way it is.. The final two episodes were seven years in the future, and by then marijuana is legal nation wide, and so the cash cow that was the family business before was now a legal cash cow.. All the family is in the business except Shane, he stayed in law enforcement and hated his choice.. When Nancy gets approached by her lawyer with an offer from Starbucks to buy the family business she turns it down, but as the final act of humanity, she sells.. the entire family will retire millionaires multiple time over..   Was it really that good of a show?? It was worth watching.. I think I started watching in January somewhere and ended Tuesday night with a double double (two early and two late night episodes)..  I don't usually do binge watching, but when a series is about to end I will watch the final two or three episodes usually because they bring it all to an end like that.. Which was better in the drug stories, Breaking Bad or Weeds??  Breaking bad was a completely different show than Weeds and a completely different show, where Breaking Bad was more drama, and an hour long per episode, Weeds was a dark humour show and half an hour.. I enjoyed both equally, but liked Breaking Bad more.. 

Walking Dead:  I'm watching this series again, the latest episodes that everyone else is watching, I am two behind right now.. They are in Alexandria right now.. Being paranoid because it wasn't that long ago they were in terminous, (spoiler alert) where they were much welcomed as .. the main course for the celebration ... Yum..  So understood that they are a little nervous about their new hosts..

Here's something about the zombies.. They are walking dead and not very fast, are malnourished, and seem to be extremely week, how are they able to eat the brains??  The cranium is really hard to cut through, how can zombies cut through the cranium bones??  They are week and for the most part seems like getting through that thick of bone would be next to impossible.. I'm over thinking it I guess..

Fringe continues as I am watching the show to it's conclusion unlike the time it was on.. There are episodes I remember and others I don't..  One of the more interesting shows, however I did get the reason I stopped watching it originally..

I came across this thing here :  As they are reviewing the album Destroyer, which they are saying some of it just sounds silly.. They talked about Bob Ezrin as the producer of the album and that he would work on the Pink Floyd classic album The Wall.. They talk about it as if he was the most important cog in that machine building that album. Bob Ezrin was brought in to settle disputes between Dave and Roger, more than anything else otherwise the album might still be being made.. They were self producing their albums from Dark Side Of The Moon through Animals.. But the Wall was a massive project that by  the time they called Mr. Ezrin in was hung up on several songs and was well over three sides in length.. He was brought in to shape the project and set on the two egos going off in all directions.. It was after all The wall, and not everything to everyone.. Great concept that needed to be focused on the narrative and less on fifty ideas.. Bob did his job and got the album in over budget but done just the same.. The album Destroyer by KISS was done in '76 and would be the follow up to a live album that was still finding the charts to be a very friendly place.. To me, the entire album was something better at least audio wise it was a grand departure from the first three studio albums, although Dressed To Kill is still my favorite of the first three, and Rock and Roll over is my favorite from the second three studio efforts..

Badge Henry

Thursday, March 19, 2015


I never knew this girl but it sure sounds like the type of person who left an incredible memory.. 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Return to.. normal

Alright, I did something on Friday that I shouldn't have.. I was watching 12 monkeys, that tv show on syfy... Yechhh.. The show.. First episode got my attention.. I really liked it, enough to get the entire season. Boy what a turn on.. I go a hold of my older brother a science fiction fan and asked him if he was watching or recording this show and he said he had it on DVR and was planning to watch it.. I told him I thought it was worth watching.. I watched episode two, same feeling, I'm following with great anticipation because this show is GREAT.. Episode three, well it started to be like some shows where the new wares off, but still fantastic show, see episode four.. Then Friday I start episode four and instantly from the get go it lost me.. Not lost me as in the plot line but rather caring to watch it.. I wanted to watch the show but every time I tried to watch it was like getting my eyes poked out.. This show suddenly hit the "this show sucks" wall..  What happened??  I have no idea, some shows do that, I'm flowing along and suddenly it just isn't what I thought it was..

This weekend saw a somewhat return to normal as far as movies were concerned.. Saturday morning saw the much anticipated Kill Bill vol 2 which is the sequel to Kill Bill movie.. The first was better than the second mostly because it had a lot more far fetched actin in it.. Farfetched but still quite entertaining even though it was beyond real..

In my case I had several interuptions in the movie but still got the gist.. Quinten Tarantino makes some of the more interesting and truly entertaining  movies in this day in age.. I give it four stars..

The next was Saturday night movie night and with it a great movie I've been putting off  and putting off.

Three Days of the Condor.. What a great movie.. Great period piece that is relevant today as it was back in 1975.. I had never seen this picture.. Great movie all the way around.. During the early scenes when it is raining out there is a single thunder clap that with surround sound seemed like I was right there.. It's strange how I can pick such an odd thing out during a movie like that.. Over all with Robert Redford (the Condor) and Faye Dunaway, it's the perfect pairing.. Great story..  Robert Redford hitting his stride as the master at movie making as an actor..  Some of the other things to notice in this movie.. Rotary telephones in phone booths.. Phone booths, yea they were pretty much everywhere back then.. Filmed in New York City and so the grand twin towers were in there as well..  And, of course everyone seemed to smoke cigarettes..   

Then this morning was another first time viewing of a magnum opus movie (read  LONG)  We have the great Blackhawk Down..

This was one of those you gotta see it movies.. Not a war movie, but rather a rescue mission in the middle of a policing state type of movies.. There was a point during the movie where one of the soldiers said why aren't you shooting back, and the guy said because they aren't shooting at us.. The guy was right however having rules in situations like that.. who else does that??  The enemy wasn't engaging this soldier at that exact moment, but he was obviously engaging with a fellow soldier and suddenly with the change of the barrel three degrees and suddenly he is shooting at YOU.. This movie is great and shows what our guys are capable of.. It's why if you give our guys a goal they will meet it.. It's one of the things I hated about them being in Iraq, They were constantly being given a goal.. our guys would reach that goal.. Given another impossible goal, no problem they reached that goal.. Then one day the press asked the guy in charge when will our troops be coming home and the answer was they will NEVER BE  coming home.. Meaning there is no goal now.. Saddam had been captured as well as his sons.. Tough shit guys we are eliminating the goal line.. That pissed me off because how are you supposed to feel now with no goal to achieve.. I wasn't even over there and I know how I felt.. This movie is based on a  real life situation that happened in 1993.. A police state that showed how things would go early on..

Badge Henry

(P.S. As an example of a tv show that I had happen to me what happened to 12 Monkeys, that show Marvels Agents of Shield, that show was on the verge of losing me last year but I hung with it to the very end and I was glad I did.. However the show lost me before the holiday break of part one of the season and the just resently restarted part two.. It lost me after just a few episodes of this season.. I might pick it up on Netflix streaming but I might not also.. There was a (is) a show called How To Get Away With Murder, I started watching this show this season and on the very first show of the season the oddness of hearing a Christmas song on the radio as they were sitting at a gas station and you knew we were watching the show as it would pertain to December.. The show is really good except for one thing.. the gay sex.. I have no problem with people being gay, seeing a man kiss another or women kissing, but when the grinding begins is where I turn away.. We get it, they have sex.. If these people are straight they can't show that, why do we get gay grinding scenes??  I stopped watching it because of that.. Sorry, I thing the creator of this show needs to get a gay show on a premium  channel and then go porn on these shows.. Have a How to get away with murder, the steamy sex scenes in their entirety.. Good for you.. But like I said the networks aren't allowed to show straight people grind like that, there shouldn't be two standards.. Just my opinion and I decided to not watch the show anymore, rather than get on my soap box and preach to everyone "HEY, DON'T WATCH THIS OR THAT SHOW.." Or use these products that advertise on this show.. Hey, if you want to waste your time watching low grade gay porn, GO FOR IT.. )

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Nothing more

Currently working on being over two months ahead on the PNOP blog.. Some of the material I am working with is very timely.. For now but when you see some of the memes that have to do with the super bowl, they were set three weeks ago, but are in the April/May timing.. Which means they will be reminders.. Right now I am at the end of May with entries.. I want to go through summer but having more to do with winter memes it will really be out of time.. So I think I will stop being way ahead and move to late september and on to November.. Then fill in the empty spaces there after.. 

In television news, I currently am on the downswing of Fringe, episode 54.. Olivia is back, as well as the Olivia from the parallel universe is back where she belongs.. There was a point from watching this show when it was originally on that I wasn't sure I saw every episode to stay in the loop.. This was a show you had to see every episode and stay on it, or I thought you did. They do have previous episode snipits to show "previously on Fringe"  type of thing, and some of them are more important than others but at the time it seemed like you had to see every episode like it was a religion or something.. I did that with Lost, I didn't want to do the same thing with Fringe only to be as disappointed as I was with Lost.. I stopped watching at about this time when Fringe was on originally because I had heard the show was being cancelled..  It was struggling in the ratings and I hated to watch and have it be cancelled.. To my surprise the show was on long enough to conclude..  With that in mind is why I decided to watch the entire series.. 

The show Weeds is starting to get to the wrap up stages now as we hit the upper 80's in episodes.. This isn't the greatest show ever but it is quite good.. A humourous side that equals Breaking Bad serious take on drug manufacture and dealing.. What was weird to see Nancy go from secretly dealing so her sons wouldn't find out to the now the kids are involved, one is dealing and growing it, the other is into the law enforcement part of it.. Or the law enforcement manipulation aspect.. And Nancy who spent three years in jail for killing her second and third husband.. Actually never killed any of them.. Shane, the son in the law enforcement part, bashed the sister of her third husband.. Nancy went to jail for him.. Really taught him a lesson.. Anyway the show is wrapping up with all sorts of comedy of errors going on..

One tree hill is predictable.. It's like if you've seen one teen drama you've seen them all with every quirk that goes with it.. Why am i watching it?? Good question.. But I keep watching it.. Such weird drama.. I think the only reason I am watching it is because of Sophia Bush..

Burn Notice is in the wrap up stages too.. I wasn't sure if the show was still on making new episodes but it is over and that makes watching it really interesting.. Strangely all the shows I am watching will all end within a week of each other.. Fringe is the one show I have watched one of every day since starting it.. All shows will wrap up at the end of April..

Badge Henry

Monday, March 9, 2015

On to never

I can remember school day just about as well as anything.. Which is to say I remember hating it for reasons other kids wouldn't understand, beyond being given a fare amount of shit for having a dad being a teacher.. They must have figured I would get a lot of good grades and special attention because dad was friends with the teachers or some horse shit.. Quite the opposite was true actually, my dad made sure we got absolutely NO special treatment at all.. I never saw certain perks that other kids got.. But where learning was concerned I think we all got the education we were after.. My nephew was a math wizz..  Was being the operative word.. They use the Saxon math system which I read about.. It is being adapted to public school from home school which I guess is good but  I have a little problem.. If Saxon math is homeschool system math teaching then basically you are adapting a system that takes it's cue from people who are teaching it that have no credentials as a teacher.. So the teachers might be the problem with teaching it.. From what I read and researched (a bit) the gal I saw was saying it is quite repetitive which in the school system, that is what school really is.. it's going over the same thing over and over again..  It's why kids either get bored or bogged down.. How many days were you out with a cold this week??  Three??  How far behind are you?? Three math problems, not to worry they'll do it all again next Monday..   I've seen Louis C K Talk about the same thing of tv shows, he has kids in school that are just stumped by the rediculousness that is school..   I don't know how I learned math back then, I think we were all dumbfounded by the new medium that we were learning from .. Paper books, as opposed to the old stone ones our parents had to use..

I got into a short debate here on Facebook about the new Sling Tv channel/app on the Roku and I said without getting at least a centralized feed for the network tv channels that it won't be an option for us who can't get networks via antenna and never really could.. If you live within a hundred miles or so of a major city you can get these channels and cutting the cord is very easy to do.. The "new" digital tv system is set to where you either have the channels or you don't, there's no more fuzzy vision like what we used to squint through..  I remember the three channels, well two actually in the very early days of tv, and watching those channels with a lot of imagination because how snowy the picture was.. There were people with the fanciest of rotors and antenna that when moved into place could get.. nothing nearly as good as what we had with a small cheap antenna that was literally held together with bailing wire and chewing gum..   If we could get three channels it was a fluke.. The day has come now where if we could get those channels by way of an antenna I would be for it.. Get the networks, then use the roku to get the sling tv and with it the ability to get any of the other cable tv channels activated on the roku.. There are quite a few and more will likely be added..  Then there is Pluto Tv.. I just found this yesterday while looking for something unrelated to anything, it was just a massive fluke.. And as I was adding it's Facebook page to my likes or whatever and looked at what is on there I realized it is like three channels on the roku, nowhere tv, YouTube and Vevo..  Very interesting.. Things continue to evolve quickly with streaming tv services.. It's an exciting time to be on the cord cutter front lines...

Badge Henry

Friday, March 6, 2015

On hut

Why I made the announcement that I am trying out a new browser.. Well I used to use the Chrome browser until it shit the bed.. Then I used...  Chrome again, I'm a gluten for punishment.. But while using Chrome I also had Firefox and would use it when I wanted a more stable browser, mostly for weather radar and web cams on sights that have weather chasers, it seemed like Firefox was the better of the two.. And soon I would migrate entirely to Firefox and not only stopped using the Chrome browser, I deleted it, although that happened just after this past Christmas season.. Before the end of 2014.. I also deleted Oprah or Opra .. Whatever it was called.. Oprah was an ok browser, and for what little time I used the tablet computer it was the go to browser on the tablet.. Some seem to work better on the tablet and not at all on the computer.. So now after the past month of continuous troubles with Firefox I decided getting a new browser or two is in order.. Let's just get... Well get what you know.. I loaded up Avante, Maxthon, as well as a few I was not wanting to try which included Chromium, the developer version of Chrome, which I have had but wasn't happy with EITHER version.. then there was a new browser, Pale Moon.. Hu, what's this pale moon browser about??  Well it works along the same lines as Firefox, so that runs up a red flag, or at the very least a yellow one.. CAUTION-this is the third version of the Firefox browser (having Firefox and Firefox developer, was Aurora)  And so with that came the awe shit no feeling..  But as I was downloading Pale Moon I read the reviews on it and one of them said he uses a browser called Mantra.. I had never heard of Mantra.. Alright I'll give it a go.. Downloaded it and ran the setup and started it.. Very impressive.. For starters it has the more important apps in a new speed dial setup.. Impressive there and I kicked the tires for a while, then went back to the old Firefox browser to do my early browsing then after this session I will try to evaluate the browser even more.. I'd just like a browser that will stop stopping.. The early day browsing seems to include up to twenty or so shut downs.. the browser locks up and I shut it down with the task manager.. Firefox now has a plugin container which I guess means it has everything that needs to be kickstarted to make the browser work but what it really seems to do is slow the browser down and even crash it..  Lets say the browser is using around 500,000k there are times when the plugin container can equal or even be higher in usage..  This has just been the way Firefox has been going the past week or two.. What  I thought was  a new better way to go about it is now even worse than before.. Don't get me wrong, I don't want a second browser to use when Firefox isn't working, I want a full replacement.. And so I will be working on that over the coming weeks...

YAWN.. interesting way to be woken (waked.. er awakened) up today... Just before six I hear something on the scanner.. Roll over accident out south of Chappell and they send the fire department and rescue and all that.. And then I hear the coms for Wheatbelt, live powerlines involved, the call for flight for life.. I hear all of this, and that might seem like..Well so what.. This is the first time in three years (or more) that I could hear all of the action, everything from the trucks going out and communicating with Ogalalla to .. on site and everything, flight for life come enroute to the crash site.. you know, the whole kitten caboodle and.. Usually I hear the page for rescue and FD and maybe the call for FFL but this was the whole thing.. So what happened for me to hear it all?? They switched to full on analog... That's right they all have switched from the bestest there is in tech com (digital) to the old analog.. Suddenly my scanner is relevant again.. When I bought the scanner I only looked at like three models and the digital one was only slightly interesting mostly because I thought living in the sticks here in Nebraska I thought we would never see digital out here, mostly because.. Well it's such a vast area.. But sure enough within that very first year I started losing channels left and right to digital encoding making hearing them with the scanner I got impossible.. What a stupid idiot I felt like, but I also thought I would eventually end the hobby of listening to this radio which my older brother started me on way back.. Way way back when radios were still made of stone.. Well not quite that far back.. I had a radio he got from a garage sale or something, gave me it, I listened to it, then got another that was a 16 channel beast.. Then a few years later got a 50 channel one.. The fifty channel one had  a lockout mode as well the 16 channel one did as well, but to lock anything out was really not very smart unless it chirped.. Then lock out and check again in a few hours and unlock it.. The fifty channel one might have a channel or two locked out for a while, but could be controlled easily.. The latest scanner has a thousand channels, so when they started to develop chirps or that digital garble I would hunt the channel down and lock it out.. With over a thousand channels on the scanner losing one here and there wasn't a big deal, and I wouldn't check to see if it was back on.. But now with the local fire department getting analog I might check some channels I lost during the digital revolution as it were..  Might be worth a look see.. Also this scanner has a full readout, which is to say the older radios had just the frequency numbers on them, then I would write the frequency and what that corresponded to.. This radio I have had for the past five or so years has all that on the screen on the radio.. So the number shows and what it corresponds to..  And because of the sheer size of the number of channels, it can be programmed by computer.. Another huge plus.. 

Badge Henry

(P,S. the guy who they rescued from the rollover accident was under the pickup.. They got him out and he had difficulty moving his extremedies but that might have been more caused by the cooler weather, and having a truck on top of you for a little while.. But that was the most interesting listen as I heard every little detain including the electric company seeming to be reluctant to get their asses out there.. Thankfully we aren't on their delivery..)

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Onward and upward as they say

I just got done watching the latest of the CSI shows CSI cyber.  (Don't ask how I got it before it was on tonight just know it was worth getting early)...

Episode 10 f the final season of the Mentalist was a bummer.. The death of Agent Vega was not entirely a surprise the way she was interacting with Agent Cho.. He is such a dry delivery.. This has been one of the best shows that has been on recently, but I should understand why they were ending it, and I'm glad they ended it on their terms.. The thing to do will be to re watch the entire series for the red john discovery..  Might have to do that if it ever cones on Netflix...

Badge Henry

Monday, March 2, 2015

Ski joring and other fun snow events

 Speed is of the essence... 

 Steel horse ski joring and the girl who wears nearly nothing doing it.. They build them tough in the high country..

Badge Henry