Ultimately I want a lawn mower that mows.. Mostly that is what I am after.. This year unlike nine or however many years ago I got the last mower, they have mostly models (styles as it were) that have grass catchers on them.. And the more expensive one doesn't have a grass catcher.. I was not after one with a grass catcher, I really don't care for grass catchers they seem more hassle than they are worth.. But then I got to thinking about the three times last season where I mowed one of the sections of the lawn short for the grass clippings for the mulch pit thing.. and thought a grass catcher could be used once a month for either the garden or the compost tumbler thing and thought yeah, that would work..
This model above uses the weed whacker (weed eater) as the mower.. My overall feeling about this is it would work for small yards.. Think a ten by twenty maybe area.. Flat yard, with nearly nothing to get in the way such as trees, or shrubs..
The sun Jo Mow Jo model is nice, compact and really fairly eager to go at it.. My biggest problem with this is it is a name I haven't heard of before.. And they are fairly new on the job market but that isn't a bad thing. The string mower above this is Black and Decker, and that is a very good name but they even admit that that mower idea is for very small yards.. The sun Jo mower is as well for small yards.. When they show the grass catchers on mowers like this they are saying that the size yard should fill this bag.. And only need dumping at the end of the project.. So that tells me they are serious about what size they want your mower to cut..
This was the winner of the contest.. I fell absolutely in like with this mower.. Everything about this screams taking me home and use me.. Black and Decker with edge max.. Yes baby hop in the car lets go mow a lawn.. The grass catcher is a tricky plastic model where you have to line up the holes just right, snap them in place and away you go.. Now in the case of these mowers with bigger catchers like this they are assuming you will be doing multiple grass catcher dumps through the project.. My idea is to use the catcher for the entire yard maybe once a month or up to five to seven times per season.. The last two or three at the end of the season with the leaves being done maybe three times in a row.. But the using the mower as a mulcher.. A mulch mower this ISN'T... That bummed me out.. Reading the reviews on this mower I found it isn't designed to be a mulch mower, other mowers of this kind have a three in one mower system, the crass catcher, side discharge or a mulch plug placed in the grass catcher chute.. That set me back a bit and made me think so what would be so bad about using a grass catcher all season.. Well because I really want to use grass clippings as a way to feed the lawn.. It's worked for the past thirty or more years, why stop now..
The Green works mower above is the ultimate machine then, three in one discharge .. this would be perfect and became my number one mower for .. A little while.. Actually with all the reviews I've read and this (or a mower very much like this one) gets the number one seller on Amazon and it is with that knowledge that it was number one on my want list.. Number one A.. Or a very close second to ....:
The Black and Decker mower shown here.. The grass catcher (mulcher) is the right size for the mower.. Unlike the B&D mower shown above this one is able to be a mulch mower.. It has a plug that goes on the grass catcher chute.. Although any mower can mulch if it is forced to with getting the grass thrower chute clogged, but I wouldn't recommend it.. This mower gets my vote as the one to get, the price was slashed and hopefully it will be the one we get in the next few days..
But there was one more model I would really like to get..
Fully self propelled, and more reliable than the robotic mower.. But the biggest drawback is.. Well.. I can't really see one.. It would mow and fertilize at the same time.. What could go wrong..
Badge Henry