Friday, June 29, 2012


One of the pluses to watering the grass as much as I have had to do and as late as I have is that for the first time in a long time I saw a couple of fireflies..  There in the lillac bush in the corner part of the house.. Also I am noticing the butterflies are more abundant suddenly and more dragonflies, but not nearly in the same quantity that we had in the past few years..

Speaking of quantity; something I don't like to do and never have is watering the grass with such amounts that I have this year.. ($21.70 for May, over $29 for June)... Incredible amount of watering this year, and through June I dumped it on the lawn and tried to water only when the temperature was under ninety.. But this past week I had to make an exception.. It was still over ninety when I started watering in the evenings, and there is just no end to the drought.. I water the back in the evenings and it takes from six until eleven to get the whole back watered.. The front starts at seven-thirty in the mornings and is done around nine-thirty most days..  I've been playing catchup and June was in fact that.. When June ends I will start watering alternating days front and back with Monday Wednesday and Friday being the back, and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday being the front.. Sunday will be spot watering, not the entire lawn.. And like I have said if it comes to a choice between drinking the water or putting it on the lawn, I will win.. Grass can burn up..

I said I could smell smoke pretty heavy this morning on my Facebook.. Not sure where it is coming from or if it is just a single fire since there are so many burning across the area, from Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Wyoming, South Dakota and Montana.. Just an incredible amount of fire burning, I can't fathom the amount of fires burning square miles.. The saddest summer ever more than likely..

Badge Henry

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


What the hell does that mean???  My thad chiz wick, what the hell is that supposed to mean?  Well I'll tell you, it means exactly what the dictionary says it means.. My    then two words that don't exist in the English language   then wick.. My   wick.. But truthfully. if I were to say what it means I guess it would be something like my fucked up life..  But that would be like complaining and I'm not a complainer .. much..  It was actually just the name of one of my latest entries on my other blog (Phudge Nuts On Parade) which itself is a site named after some entry somewhere else.. What it really means is .. Whatever..

 I have another blog that has evolved from what was a sort of extra to the family blog that was too tame for my liking and the second blog was too tame as well so I evolved it to be like what I was wanting.. But in doing that I evolved myself out of wanting it to be a secondary family blog externent  (externant isn't really a word but if I were to have it be in the dictionary it would meant a sort of relative third nut removed..  Third nut being non existent since most "normal" men have two nutses and not three..

So what will this site be about??  My other site is about the funny crap on the internet.. The interesting stuff I find on the internet and I used to find so many cool things on the internet and then email them to everybody but that stopped because for one thing my emails would arrive in code form making me wonder if I had a virus on this computer.. The second reason was that I did email everything and that meant at times that people might get twenty emails a DAY!! from me.. Too many when I realized how many I was getting because I would send them to myself as a way to see what everyone was getting..  So I announced to my emailing list that if they wanted to see what I would be emailing them, here's a blog (my blog) to see what I would have been emailing to you and also that would stop the massive email amount the got from me, if you are interested in what I am sending you....   There you go...   So what will really be here??  Some story ideas I am kicking around that I used to put on my Myspace but I haven't been on that site in so long I'm not even sure I can access it anymore.. Writing little short stories about different things, I have had ideas start to flicker again and so maybe I will write them down here.. I wanted to do that on my other site but I am not sure that is the right direction for that site...  Shortly I will make this site fantastic, or at least tolerable for me to look at.. I like to design and make it stand out, who knows maybe even make it a destination someone wants to go to to be taken away for a little while.. I hope I can entertain..  This will be my third blog, two on Blogger, so I hope this works out.. If not you just wasted three minutes reading this short dead blog site.. ..

My name..  Good question..  Maybe for now I will sign out by way of my online alias    Badge Henry